TSC Inhibits KNUT Members From Applying For The Ongoing Promotion Vacancies

TSC Inhibits KNUT Members From Applying For The Ongoing Promotion Vacancies

The Teachers’ Service Commission, TSC, seeks to recruit deputy principals, senior lecturers, senior masters, curriculum support officers, head teachers and deputy head teachers, as per the recently advertised vacancies for promotion.

Senior master IV positions are the majority vacancies with 6,680 of them at the scale of 9(C4). The head teacher vacancies are 2,111, deputy head teacher II 1,765, deputy principal I 1,341, deputy principal II 1,096, deputy principal III 1,590, curriculum support officer II 209, senior master V 350 and senior lecturer IV 45 positions.

However, KNUT members have expressed fear that this could be the last nail to sink the giant teachers union that has opposed the criteria to be used to move tutors to new grades.

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In the advert, Teachers Service Commission (TSC) says the promotions will be based on career progression guidelines (CPG) that has been subject of contention between the employer and Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut).

Knut opposition to the CPG has seen thousands of teachers quit the union to benefit from the ksh. 54 billion collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

This is after TSC maintained that the court ruling on CPG meant that Knut members, who are opposed to the criteria, were not legible to benefit from the CBA.

If the ongoing promotions are based on CPG as it has been written, then members of KNUT are already blocked from participating since KNUT is opposed to CPG.

In 2018, TSC issued a CPG circular to the county directors, sub county directors, principals of national polytechnics, technical training colleges, Institutes of science and technology and diploma teachers training colleges on the guidelines for teachers’ service.

The guidelines provide for the policies and procedure that have standardized teachers’ professional development with the grading structure taking into account the job evaluation report.

The circular outlines basic requirements for career progression, training and promotion of teachers and also define the pathways for teachers and a clear job description at every level.

It effectively replaced the scheme of service for non-graduate, graduate and technical teachers and lecturers, which KNUT has always advocated for.

“Pursuant to its mandate, the Commission is inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the posts shown below in line with the career progression guidelines for teachers,” reads the TSC letter in part.

The move by TSC to peg promotions on CPG is a major blow to Knut and its members who will also not benefit from upwards mobility which most teachers have waited for many years. next

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