KNEC October 2020 Grade 4 and Class Eight Assessment Report Per Subject

KNEC October 2020 Grade 4 and Class Eight Assessment Report Per Subject

A new report by KNEC has revealed learners’ weaknesses across all subjects even as candidates prepare for next KCPE exams next month.

  • KNEC report shows that many learners have weak competency levels and weak skills in various subject areas.
  • Majority of Standard Eight candidates were not able to communicate using correct cohesive features, and most significantly, infer meaning.
  • Over two-thirds of the learners are unable to punctuate correctly.
  • Majority of the learners are not able to analyse and interpret information in a passage, and correctly use grammatical categories such as tense and aspect.
  • More than half (60.87 per cent) of the pupils could not correctly use modals, conjunctions and prepositions among others.
  • Close to half (48.72 per cent) of the learners did not attain minimum requirement in Reading Comprehension. This means majority of these learners are not able to read for meaning. Low acquisition of comprehension skills is worth noting as it has a bearing on understanding of concepts in other subjects or learning areas.

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Mathematics Report
  • In mathematics, report shows about 70 per cent of the learners were not able to work out evaluation of algebraic expressions (substitution), work out mean, mode and median and work out basic operations involving capacity.
  • 66.47 per cent and 63.29 per cent of the learners in Grade Three and Standard Six respectively did not attain minimum competencies.
  • 65 per cent of the candidates were not able to work out word problems on operations on whole numbers, including activities in social life.
  • Most of the learners were unable to work out word problems on operations on whole numbers involving production, complete patterns with shapes or nets, and work out percentage decrease.
  • more than half of pupils met the minimum benchmark in numbers, tables and geometry at 59.53 per cent, 60.91 per cent and 64.65 per cent respectively.
  • Most of the learners attained minimum benchmark in measurement, averages and percentages, proportions and ratios and money. “This indicates that in these content areas, two thirds of learners did not meet the minimum proficiency levels.
Swahili Report
  • Close to three quarters (71.79 per cent) of the learners were unable to analyse character traits in a literary text and interpret meanings of words and passages.
  • The report also found that about half of the candidates were unable to communicate using sentences with correct noun-adjective agreement and locate specific information in the context of the passage.
  • It says a number of learners did not meet minimum proficiency level in reading comprehension (ufahamu) and grammar (sarufi) at 61.01 per cent and 57. 41 per cent respectively.
Science Report
  • More than half of candidates were not able to interpret information from a weather instrument diagram and infer the correct use.
  • Most learners were not able to evaluate the scenario and make the correct judgement on the use of water and evaluate situations to determine the effects of sound pollution in an environment.
  • majority were unable to predict the effects of moving air, explain the traditional and modern methods of preserving food or evaluate the importance of a particular nutrient in the diet. This points to low acquisition of higher order thinking skills
  • A higher percentages of learners did not attain the minimum proficiency level in Soil and Properties of Matter.
  • Pupils should  focus on content such as physical properties of soil, good and poor conductors of heat and their uses, and characteristics of matter.

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