KNEC GRADING SYSTEM – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Wed, 20 Sep 2023 02:38:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MOE Finalizes Plans to Replace Old KCSE Grading System With a New One For 2023 Candidates Wed, 20 Sep 2023 02:38:44 +0000 MOE Finalizes Plans to Replace Old KCSE Grading System With a New One For 2023 Candidates

The Ministry of Education has finalised its mission to change the KCSE grading system.

According to Basic Education PS Belio Kipsang, the new system will not work as was the case with the 8-4-4 system where students were graded across subject clusters.

He maintained that the new grading system will grade learners in general and include the best five subjects the student undertook.

Kipsang said the move aims to focus more on the interests and competence of learners.

“A student with the ability and interest in medicine or engineering need not be prevented from qualifying for the courses just because a subject that was used to grade him pulled down his overall mean grade,” he said.

The PS was speaking in Mombasa during a briefing on the status of the implementation of the recommendations of the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER).

He said grading national education system should be for certification and not for placement of students in higher learning institutions.

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“The integration of certification and placement in the KCSE grading structure has disadvantaged many students with different orientations in abilities and interests,” Kipsang said.

He said literacy and numeracy abilities will be the key focus in grading future exams.

However, students who are still under the 8-4-4 system will be graded according to their performance in five subjects in addition to their grades in Mathematics and either English or Kiswahili.

According to the working party, the 8-4-4 system focused largely on academics and rote learning, denying learners opportunities to develop critical skills and values necessary for character formation.

They said the grading system for KCSE exam considers seven subjects. They include English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, two science subjects and two others.

They said the subjects disadvantage some learners whose best performing subject is not considered if not within the cluster.

English and Kiswahili measure the literacy level of a learner, while Mathematics and any science subject evaluate the numeracy aspects of the learner.

Therefore, PWPER proposed the computation of KCSE examination mean score by Knec be based on Mathematics, English or Kiswahili and five other best-performed subjects.

KNEC Reveals Grading System For KCSE 2021 Mon, 10 May 2021 05:21:49 +0000 How the KNEC grading system works

KNEC grades candidates who sit for 7 or more KCSE subjects during the national examinations.

The examinations’ council puts all subjects into five categories. These groups include:

Group I – These are compulsory subjects all students must sit for during exams. They include English (101), Kiswahili (102), and Mathematics (121).

Group II – The group consists of four science subjects. However, a student must sit for at least two subjects during the exams. They include Biology (231), Physics (232), Chemistry (233), and General Science (237).

Group III – The group consists of five humanities subjects. A student must sit for at least one subject during the exams. They include History and Government (311), Geography (312), Christian Religious Education (313), Islamic Religious Education (314), and Hindu Religious Education (315).

Group IV – There are eleven subjects in this group. The subjects include: Home Science (411), Art and Design (442), Agriculture (443), Woodwork (444), Metalwork (445), Building Construction (446), Power Mechanics (447), Electricity (448), Drawing and Design (449), Aviation Technology (450), and Computer Studies (451).
Group V – The groups consists of subjects from languages and business studies. They include French (501), German (502), Arabic (503), Kenya Sign Language (504), Music (511), and Business Studies (565).

A student can choose the seventh subject from Group II or Groups III, IV or V. To get a mean grade based on the KCSE grading system , KNEC averages a student’s score in all the seven (7) subjects.

The table below shows grades and marks and their corresponding points based on the current KCSE grading system.

Here is the most recent KCSE Grading System adopted for the 2020 KCSE exams:

12 80 – 100 A
11 75 – 79 A-
10 70 – 74 B+
9 65- 69 B
8 60 – 64 B-
7 55 – 59 C+
6 50 – 54 C
5 45 – 49 C-
4 40 – 44 D+
3 35 -39 D
2 30 -34 D-
1 0 -29 E

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12 78 – 100 A
11 73 – 77 A-
10 68 – 72 B+
9 63 – 67 B
8 58 – 62 B-
7 53 – 57 C+
6 48 – 52 C
5 43 – 47 C-
4 38 – 42 D+
3 33 – 37 D
2 28 – 32 D-
1 0 – 27 E


12 70 – 100 A
11 65 – 69 A-
10 60 – 64 B+
9 55 – 59 B
8 49 – 54 B-
7 43 – 48 C+
6 37 – 42 C
5 31 – 36 C-
4 25 – 30 D+
3 19  – 24 D
2 12 – 18 D-
1 0 -11 E


12 80 – 100 A
11 75 -79 A-
10 70 – 74 B+
9 65- 69 B
8 60 – 64 B-
7 55 – 59 C+
6 50 – 54 C
5 45 – 49 C-
4 40 – 44 D+
3 35-39 D
2 30-34 D-
1 0 -29 E


12 60 – 100 A
11 55 – 59 A-
10 50 – 54 B+
9 45 – 49 B
8 40 – 44 B-
7 35 – 39 C+
6 30 – 34 C
5 25 – 29 C-
4 20 – 24 D+
3 15 – 19 D
2 10 – 14 D-
1 0 – 9 E


12 65 – 100 A
11 60 – 64 A-
10 55 – 59 B+
9 50 – 54 B
8 45 – 49 B-
7 40 – 44 C+
6 35 – 39 C
5 30 – 34 C-
4 25 – 29 D+
3 20 – 24 D
2 15 – 19 D-
1 0 – 14 E


12 80 – 100 A
11 75 – 79 A-
10 70 – 74 B+
9 65 – 69 B
8 60 – 64 B-
7 55 – 59 C+
6 50 – 54 C
5 45 – 49 C-
4 40 – 44 D+
3 35 – 39 D
2 30 – 34 D-
1 0 -29 E


12 66 – 100 A
11 61 – 65 A-
10 56 – 60 B+
9 51 – 55 B
8 46 – 50 B-
7 41 – 45 C+
6 36 – 40 C
5 31 – 35 C-
4 26 – 30 D+
3 21 – 25 D
2 16 – 20 D-
1 0 – 15 E


12 90 – 100 A
11 85 – 89 A-
10 80 – 84 B+
9 75 – 79 B
8 70 – 74 B-
7 65 – 69 C+
6 60 – 64 C
5 55 – 59 C-
4 50 – 54 D+
3 45 – 49 D
2 40 – 44 D-
1 0 – 39 E


12 88 – 100 A
11 83 – 87 A-
10 78 – 82 B+
9 73 – 77 B
8 68 – 72 B-
7 63 – 67 C+
6 58 – 62 C
5 53 – 57 C-
4 48 – 52 D+
3 43 – 47 D
2 38 – 42 D-
1 0 – 37 E

During the marking of KCSE examinations, KNEC does not give candidates a percentage mark to get a particular grade.

Instead, they publish KCSE grades and points to indicate the general performance of students.

The examinations body sets grades by combining expert judgment and statistics to come on an agreeable grade boundary.

Exam papers are not the same. They vary in difficulty. As such, the experts set grade boundaries to reflect the current performance of all students. The purpose is to ensure candidates do not get lower grades just because they sat for more difficult papers than previous years’. After agreeing on grade boundaries, KNEC applies them to students’ marks to give them a grade.

KCSE examiners are teachers experienced in respective subjects. The examinations body selects them carefully and trains them before they can mark the exams. It is essential that they use the same standards when marking the exams so that KNEC can award students the right grades.

Before schools can receive the results, senior examiners conduct final checks on all the marking. The purpose is to ensure no errors and that the standards were met during the marking of the exams.

The Kenya National Examinations Council does not use percentages in the grading system. They replace them with letter grades to create a mean grade. Kenyan universities do not use percentages from KCSE results when enrolling students too. Instead, they use the mean grade to determine a student’s rank in the concluded exams. This strategy means that the KCSE grading system gives a better measure of a student’s performance than the traditional marking system.

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