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Good news for classroom teachers as the results of the 2021 – 2025 CBA cycle, which will be used to negotiate the next phase of their salaries now captures their true worth and outlines an elaborate job description which will form basis for pay negotiations for the 2021/2025 CBA.

Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary General Wilson Sossion has given job evaluation as a condition for the next CBA talks.

“A job evaluation for all classroom teachers who were not properly compensated in the previous CBA is a strong precondition to any progress in the negotiations,” said Sossion in a letter dated February 23 to TSC.

The new report has also done away with remuneration of head teachers based on categories of schools, noting this has occasioned serious administrative challenges in appointment, deployment and transfer of teachers.

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“TSC’s administrative and contractual mandate to deploy and re-assign institutional administrators has been severely curtailed by the categorization,” reads part of the report.

Under CBC, categorization of schools as national, extra-county, county and sub-county schools, is being phased out in favour of career pathways of social sciences, arts & sports science and Science Technical Engineering and Mathematics.

In the same vein, the new job evaluation recognises their new tasks as supervisors under the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), which gives them supervisory roles.

“Introduction of CBC significantly varied the scope and the job content of teachers’ duties and responsibilities, consequently the TSC has developed and submitted more comprehensive Job descriptions on the same,” says the report.

This means teachers’ job descriptions will capture their added roles under CBC, handing the classroom teachers a major win in the upcoming negotiations for the 2021–2025 CBA cycle.

The report says teachers will have increased supervisory roles which were not initially captured in their present job descriptions. It says classroom teachers will now coordinate learning and teaching activities.

They will also supervise adherence to school rules and routines while on duty,learners’ safety and health during practical lessons and school programmes. Additionally, they will coordinate subjects in their areas of specialisation.

The report says all primary classroom teachers will provide quality education to learners in primary institutions by facilitating acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.

And for secondary classroom teachers, the report says they will provide quality education to learners in post-primary institutions by facilitating acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.

Both positions will also responsible for molding and empowering the learner into an ethical citizen in line with the curriculum and goals of education.

The new job evaluation results also puts teachers at the heart of the next CBA talks, signaling better pay in July and subsequent years. This will now be used by the teachers’ unions to negotiate for higher pay in the new CBA, as the job evaluation report acknowledges teachers have more roles under the CBC.
