TEACHER DELOCALIZATION POLICY – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 20 Dec 2022 04:11:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 TSC Given 4 Weeks to Approve all Transfer Requests, Transfer Delocalized Teachers https://elimupedia.com/tsc-given-4-weeks-to-approve-all-transfer-requests-transfer-delocalized-teachers.html Tue, 20 Dec 2022 04:11:11 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10825 TSC Given 4 Weeks to Approve all Transfer Requests, Transfer Delocalised Teachers

Legislators have granted the Teachers Service Commission upto 15th January 2023 to approve all transfers by teachers.

Further, MPs directed that teachers who had been delocalised must be taken back to their home areas by that time.

The Education committee chairman Julius Melly maintained that they will require data on the transfers by January 15

“By January 31, any teacher who is asking to reverse delocalisation should have been sorted, “ Melly said.

The committee vice chairman Malulu Injendi questioned why TSC chairman Jamleck Muturi seemed unaware that delocalisation had been scrapped.

“I think at this point we now need to work with timelines. We give this commission upto January to finalise all the 14,000 cases,” Injendi said.

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TSC legal officer asked if the transfers could be done on case by case basis but the MPs declined the request.

“You will be recruiting more than 30,000 teachers so you have no excuse for that,” Melly said.

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia last week clarified that teachers who applied for transfers to be taken back to their local areas will not be required to find swaps.

She said TSC will take up the challenge to find a teacher who will replace the transferred teacher.

Last week some MPs raised concern saying some applicants had been requested to find swaps.

“Kindly clarify why some teachers have been asked to look for another teacher to replace them when they leave,” Injendi said.

Macharia said it is the commission’s mandate to find a replacement.

“No teacher will be asked to find their swap. It is up to us TSC to find who will replace them,” Macharia told MPs.

But in the event that a replacement is not found, TSC will still find an alternative way out.

“We will keep the teachers’ details in our data bank until we find a replacement for them,” Macharia said.

“But, school principals and deputy principals will have to wait longer for the TSC to approve their transfers.”

Parliament to Review Teacher Delocalization Policy https://elimupedia.com/parliament-to-review-teacher-delocalization-policy.html Wed, 26 Oct 2022 02:59:21 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10192 Parliament to Review Teacher Delocalization Policy

The National Assembly yesterday October 25,2022 was expected to review the contentious teacher delocalization policy through a motion which was moved by Lurambi Member of Parliament(MP) Hon.Titus Khamala.

The motion which was listed in order of business of the first session of the 13th Parliament of the National Assembly which has just resumed, was expected to reverse the ongoing delocalization of teachers by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

“This House resolves that the Teachers Service Commission immediately reverses the ongoing delocalization of teachers and initiates a comprehensive review of the teacher deployment policy with the involvement of teachers in order to make the policy consistent with International Labour Organization (ILO)and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)laws and practices on teacher management and deployment,”stated Hon. Khamala in the order paper.

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According to the MP,a conducive working environment for teachers enhances performance and that the delocalization of teachers which commenced in 2018 by TSC immensely disrupted teachers’ lives, lowered their morale and caused untold trauma to many teachers countrywide.

“The exercise was not supported with a clear policy framework and was initiated without the participation of teachers or their unions, contrary to Articles 118 and 132 of the Constitution on public participation and involvement of the people in the process of policy making,” he argued.

Hon.Khamala states that delocalization of teachers is inconsistent with the UNESCO teacher deployment practice,which treats education as a culture process conducted within a people’s cultural context at the local level.

Since the introduction of the delocalization policy, teachers’ unions namely: Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT)and Kenya Union of Post Primary Teachers (KUPPET) have criticized the policy and have repeatedly opposed it.

The unions argued that the implementation process of the policy was rushed, ignored issues of spousal proximity,age and health of some of the affected-factors which have informed previous deployment and transfers by the Commission.

The policy resulted in head teachers and principals of secondary schools being moved from schools in their Home Counties to other counties and regions which later targeted deputy principals who had served for long in the same station and those overdue for promotion in order to ensure a fair transition while continuing the programme.
