TEACHERS’ STRIKE – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Wed, 02 Mar 2022 03:04:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Government Strikes A Deal With KUPPET to Avert Strike During National Exams Period https://elimupedia.com/government-strikes-deal-with-kuppet-to-avert-strike-during-national-exams-period.html Wed, 02 Mar 2022 03:02:12 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5680 Government Strikes Deal With KUPPET to avert strike during national exams period

The government, through the education ministry, has striked a deal with the Kenya Union of post primary education teachers (KUPPET), which has led to the latter calling off a nationwide strike that it had planned next for week.

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has said that the administration of national examinations that will start next week will be smooth.

Prof Magoha said the government has reached an agreement with Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) to avert a looming strike that would have paralysed the tests.

The union had threatened to call a strike after Teachers Service Commission (TSC) declined to start talks on the renegotiation of the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The details of the deal between the government and KUPPET are yet to be revealed though.

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Magoha however said that its all systems go for the examinations.

“As the head of the education sector and as the father and the grandfather of all the children, I already reached out to Kuppet to call off that strike and I can assure you that exams will take place,” Magoha said at Karibaribi Secondary School in Kiambu.

Magoha said the tests will start next week as planned.

Some 2.1 million candidates will sit the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) chief executive David Njengere said 1,225,507-odd candidates will sit KCPE in 28,316 centres.

And for KCSE, he said 831,015 candidates were registered and will write the tests in 10,413 centres.

Relief As KUPPET Calls Off Planned Nationwide Teachers’ Strike https://elimupedia.com/relief-as-kuppet-calls-off-planned-nationwide-teachers-strike.html Mon, 28 Feb 2022 04:15:21 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5674 Relief As KUPPET Calls Off Planned Nationwide Teachers’ Strike

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) yesterday called off planned national strike ahead of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination, which kicks off next week.

Union’s Secretary General Akello Misori said they had called off the strike to enable the examination proceed smoothly, he, however, asked the government to guarantee security of teachers during the supervision of the examination.

“What we want is the security of teachers who will supervise national examination in conflict areas like Mandera, parts of Rift Valley, especially West Pokot,” said Misori. He further asked the government to beef up security in the Northern frontier counties ahead of the exams.

Addressing the press in Kisumu at the weekend, Misori said it was up to the government to beef up security to address fears raised by some teachers, who have been tasked to invigilate the examination in conflict-prone counties.

The Teachers Service Commission had written to the union’s officials, warning that the planed strike would disrupt the national examinations.

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TSC lawyer Calvin Anyuor told the union to rescind the decision, adding that all stakeholders needed to focus on the national exams set to commence next week.

Anyuor said to enable what he termed as a”seamless transition,”Kuppet ought to focus on overseeing smooth conduct of the national exams rather than stoking chaos.He also asked the union to recon-sider its plans to down tools over the failure by the commission to review the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Anyuor said the commission is currently consulting with the relevant Government agencies to review the union’s CBA demands.

He said the 2022 academic year is delicate with two national examinations slated for April and November hence the need for a peaceful atmosphere.

Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha had appealed to the union last week to withdraw its strike notice. Magoha said time was wrong for the union to call for a strike since national examinations were about to commence. Even as Magoha said it was their democratic right to down tools to press for their demands, the CS pleaded with the teachers to suspend the strike notice until the examinations have been done and marked.

Speaking in Ainamoi sub-county, Kericho county when he commissioned a Competency-Based Curriculum class-room last week, the CS said the government is out to ensure examinations are done in conducive environment without any disruption.

“Our children are not like chess pieces to be played around with. So we are pleading with Kuppet officials to withdraw the strike notice immediately and let our candidates do examinations in a conducive environment without any disruption,” Magoha stated. He,however,urged TSC chiefexecutive Nancy Macharia to engage the union with a view to ironing their issues amicably.

Kuppet had written to TSC last week urging it to review the CBA given that the economy was on a recovery path.”As the commission is well aware, the consequences of the remaining options may be dire.”Misori said in a letter dated February 22.

Yesterday, the union called off the strike, with Misori saying they have consulted widely with the Government and that there was no cause for alarm at the moment.

“We have been assured that the issues ralsed are under consideration and we are giving the State ample time to address our issues before we talk again, “he said.

The union wants TSC to revise the 2021-25 CBA with a view to effecting a 30 to 70 percent salary increment.

This, if done, will see the basic salary for the lowest-paid teacher increase from Sh34,955 to Sh59,425 and the highest commuter allowance to Sh 8,500 and Sh 20,800 for the lowest and highest paid teachers, from Sh5,000 and Sh16,000.

Other payments that the union seeks TSC to review are hardship and house allowances, especially for those deployed in conflict prone zones.

They propose a 50 per cent increment of hardship allowance, which will see the lowest-paid teacher earn Sh16,350 and the highest-paid get Sh57,150 from Sh10,900. And speaking in Kiambu yesterday, Magoha told the union to engage TSC in talks over the labour dispute.

“I have already pronounced my position on the issue and I do not think teachers will heed the strike notice.  The union should hold talks with TSC which has unfettered independent powers, “said the CS said while inspecting ongoing construction of Competency-Based Curriculum classrooms at Thika Girls Karibaribi Secondary School in Kiambu.

TSC Warns Teachers over Planned CBA Strike https://elimupedia.com/tsc-warns-teachers-over-planned-cba-strike.html Sun, 27 Feb 2022 03:07:35 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5660 TSC Warns Teachers over Planned CBA Strike

The teacher’s Service Commission (TSC) has asked the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers’ (Kuppet) to focus on upcoming national examinations and to avoid strike threats over salary.

TSC chief executive Nancy Macharia termed threats by Kuppet as “premature” and “unwarranted.” Macharia, in a letter dated February 23, told union secretary general Akelo Misori to focus on national examinations and not to engage in any disruptive activities.

“The 2022 academic year is very delicate given the two national exams scheduled for April and November and the various assessments for grades 3 to 6. We ought to focus on this national exercise to ensure seamless transition. Any activity that will disrupt learning should be avoided at all costs,” Macharia said.

The teachers’ employer, warned teachers against any activity that will attempt to disrupt the smooth running of the national exams and the intensive school calendar, saying that teachers who fail to report on duty will fail disciplinary action.

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The union had on Wednesday threatened to take industrial action if TSC failed to meet their salary increment demands.

Misori gave the government seven days to effect the pay rise failure to which the union will take unspecified action.

The union had pitched a salary increment of between 30 and 70 percent for the highest paid and lowest paid teacher respectively, in the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

If given, the pay rise will see the salary of the lowest-paid Kuppet member move from Sh34,955 to ss 59,425 while that of the highest paid member will rise from ksh 118,242 to ksh. 153,715.

Macharia however said that TSC is carrying out consultations with relevant government agencies and will revert to the union with its clear position to allow for bipartisan negotiations.

Misori said their decision to issue demands followed an unsatisfying response by the TSC to their request for the entity to reopen talks on their CBA.

He further said TSC is yet to state whether their members will get salary reviews this year. He said Kuppet members were expected to get the review during the Third Public Sector Remuneration and Benefits Review cycle.

“Our members deserved salary increments under the new CBA as provided for in the Constitution, the Labour Institutions Act section 44(5) and international legal instruments,”Misori said in a press

TSC has said it does not have money to effect the pay rise, a claim Misori dismissed. The commission said the situation had been compounded by effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The excuse that there was no money was not convincing since other sectors have already received pay hikes. In the last quarter of 2020, some of the sectors increased the salaries of staff. Many companies in the private sector have recently concluded CBAs and effected raises,” Misori said.

TSC urges Kuppet to suspend planned strike, Promises To Respond To Their Demands https://elimupedia.com/tsc-urges-kuppet-to-suspend-planned-strike-promises-to-respond-to-their-demands.html Fri, 25 Feb 2022 03:11:52 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5647 TSC urges Kuppet to suspend planned strike, Promises To Respond To Their Demands

Teachers have been asked to suspend plans to hold a strike until national examinations are completed.

The Teachers Service Commission, through their lawyer, wrote to the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers on February Wednesday.

Kuppet had given TSC a seven-day ultimatum to reopen salary negotiations, failure to which they would take the next step.

Commission lawyer Calvin Anyuor said this year’s tight school calendar should not be subjected to any distraction.

“Any activity which may disrupt learning must be avoided at all costs,” Anyuor said.

However, the commission promised to engage with relevant stakeholders in government to respond to the demands made by Kuppet.

“The commission is currently consulting with the relevant government agencies before reverting to the union with its clear position to pave way for bipartite negotiations” he said.

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Education CS George Magoha also asked the teachers to be patient until learners finish the national exams.The exams are set to kick off on March 7, 2022.

Magoha said children should not be subjected to any distractions during their exams.

“Our children are not like chess to be played with, they belong to everybody,” Magoha said.

He also added that it is the teachers’ democratic right to take industrial action.

“I want to plead with them to suspend that strike or they can issue it immediately after exams, it will be fair to the children,” he said.

Kuppet Secretary general Akello Misori said teachers have been yearning to receive better pay.

“The union is left with no option but to convene our organs to explore all avenues open to us and guide our members in their quest for a salary increment,” Misori said.

A number of demands were made to the commission to be fulfilled for the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The teachers want a salary increment of between 30 to 70 per cent for the highest-paid and lowest-paid teachers respectively.

“The lowest-paid teacher’s salary should rise from Sh34,995 to Sh59,425 while the highest should rise from Sh118,242 to Sh153,715,” he said.

Commuter allowance is expected to be raised by between thirty to seventy per cent.

“From Sh5,000 to Sh8,500 and from Sh16,000 to Sh20,800 for the lowest and highest paid teachers respectively,” he said.

The union also requested for leave allowance to be equivalent to one month’s salary for every grade.

They further called for harmonised house allowance across all grades with a township allowance awarded to teachers in urban areas.

Stop Targeting Candidates To Win Wars With TSC, Magoha Tells KUPPET https://elimupedia.com/stop-targeting-candidates-to-win-wars-with-tsc-magoha-tells-kuppet.html Fri, 25 Feb 2022 02:54:41 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5644 Stop Targeting Candidates In your Wars With TSC, Magoha Tells KUPPET

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has demanded that the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) withdraw its strike notice and reschedule on a later date if it has to be there.

According to Magoha, the looming teachers’ strike will disrupt the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and the kenya certificate of primary education (KCPE) examinations.

Speaking in Kericho, Magoha argued that strike notice issued by KUPPET was ill-timed and that Kuppet should not use the candidates as pawns in its wars with the government.

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“Though teachers, through the union, have a democratic right to issue a strike notice, it should not use candidates as chess pieces. We plead with Kuppet to withdraw the strike notice,” he said.

Magoha added: “If it wishes, the union can issue a strike notice after the candidates sit their national examination. It will then be fair game for learners.”

Even then, the Education CS maintained that the KCSE examination will go on as scheduled.

The CS, nonetheless, asked the TSC board led by CEO Nancy Macharia to continue engaging the teachers’ union over their demands.

Kuppet Secretary-General Akello Misori on February 23 issued a 21-day strike notice after the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) declined to reopen talks on the 2021-2025 Collective Bargain Agreement (CBA)

Speaking after opening a Competency-Based Curriculum classroom at Poiywek Secondary School in Ainanmoi constituency, Magoha expressed confidence that the construction of 10,000 CBC classrooms across the country will be complete by July.

KUPPET Gives TSC A 7-Day Strike Notice, Sets New Demands https://elimupedia.com/kuppet-gives-tsc-a-7-day-strike-notice-sets-new-demands.html https://elimupedia.com/kuppet-gives-tsc-a-7-day-strike-notice-sets-new-demands.html#comments Thu, 24 Feb 2022 03:10:59 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5635 KUPPET Gives TSC A 7-Day Strike Notice, Sets New Demands

The Kenya Union Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has threatened that all teachers will down tools within seven days if the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) declines to honour the unions’ demands.

KUPPET has re-negotiation demands and proposals of the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) which it wants the teacher’s employer to meet prior to the national examinations set to begin next week.

They are demanding that the Commission increases pay for teachers with higher education qualifications, ultimately improving the quality of education in schools across the country.

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“When you go to some schools, there are teachers with more than three Ph.D. qualifications. There are even more senior members with higher qualifications than some education directors and yet their pay continues to be general pay…” KUPPET Secretary General Akello Misori noted.

According to KUPPPET, TSC is an unkind employer, who doesn’t enhance teachers’ capacity nor their contribution to education in the country.

They are also demanding that post-graduate allowance be included in the negotiations, besides basic pay, leave and house allowances, for teachers with higher qualifications.

Additionally, KUPPET wants commuter allowance raised from Sh5,000 to Sh8,500 and from Sh16,000 to Sh20,800 for the lowest and highest paid teachers respectively, translating to a rise of between 30 per cent and 70 per cent.

Misori confirmed that the union wrote to TSC on January 17 demanding the re-opening of the CBA within 21 days.

“All the commission has done is to acknowledge our letter and promise to respond at a later stage after ‘interrogating’ the contents.”

The union had asked for a salary raise of between 30 and 70 per cent for the highest-paid and the lowest-earning teachers.

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