TSC TRANSFERS – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 23 Mar 2023 08:43:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 This is Why TSC is Yet to Approve Your Transfer Request https://elimupedia.com/this-is-why-tsc-is-yet-to-approve-your-transfer-request.html Thu, 23 Mar 2023 08:43:50 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=11496 This is Why TSC is Yet to Approve Your Transfer Request

The Teachers Service Commission is yet to effect transfer requests of 21,544 teachers.

This is as it emerged that Nairobi City County is the most preferred region by teachers seeking transfers.

In a document submitted to the Senate Committee on Education by TSC, a total of 36,277 teachers applied for transfers between November 1 last year and January 31 this year.

However, TSC says, of the teachers, 14,733 were matched and approved while 21,544 are pending.

TSC Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia told the committee that the transfer of teachers from one institution to another is based on the need for equitable distribution and optimal utilisation of teachers.

The transfers also depend on the availability of vacancies in the station, the need for replacement, existing staffing norms and medical grounds certified by a registered medical practitioner.

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The document signed on behalf of Macharia by the Director of Legal, Labour and Industrial Relations Cavin Anyuor, explains that not all teachers applied to be transferred to their home counties.

“Some transfer requests are for transfers other than home counties. As an employer, the commission cannot dictate to a teacher to apply to be transferred to a particular county. Similarly, the commission cannot decline a transfer request simply because a teacher hasn’t applied to be taken to his home county,” the document reads in part.

The teachers’ employer also warned against what she termed as the misinterpretation of the reversal of the delocalization policy to mean that teachers must now not only teach in their home counties but also in their villages.

According to TSC, if the commission was to move every teacher to their home counties, regions that have not produced enough of their own as teachers will suffer from under-staffing

“…. Those that have excess teachers would be overstaffed, leading to wastage of resources,” TSC said, adding that Arid and semi-arid areas as well as the hard-to-staff areas would mostly be the victims.

TSC also held that the commission must first ensure that the station a teacher is leaving has a suitable replacement and that there is a vacancy in the preferred station before effecting a transfer request.

TSC is implementing the delocalisation policy following the government’s move to post teachers to their home counties.

Data submitted to the Senate by the commission also revealed that most teachers prefer to work in Nairobi City County.

During the period, 1,885 teachers applied to be transferred to the capital city while 76 requested to be transferred out of Nairobi.

Some 41 requests out of 1,162 to primary schools and four to secondary schools out of 723 were approved by TSC by end of January.


During the same period, 45 primary school teachers left the capital while only one secondary school teacher left.

Bungoma county received the highest number of transfer requests by primary school teachers who wanted to move in at 1,336 teachers.

The number of those who wanted to be transferred out of Bungoma County stood at 1,074 teachers.

Mombasa County is also a favourite among secondary school teachers, with 340 applying to move to the Coastal City against 55 who asked to be moved out.

Kajiado County also emerged as one of the most preferred counties after receiving 237 transfer requests for teachers in secondary schools against 94 who requested to be transferred out of the county.

For primary school teachers, 486 applied to work in the county against 434 who asked to be taken elsewhere.

Fate of +1000 Teachers Who Have Applied for Transfers https://elimupedia.com/fate-of-1000-teachers-who-have-applied-for-transfers.html Thu, 17 Nov 2022 04:05:45 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10395 Fate of +1000 Teachers Who Have Applied for Transfers

More than 540 KNUT members and 600 KUPPET members have already asked to be moved back to their home areas, following a directive by the unions that teachers who are dissatisfied with their stations, especially after delocalization should apply for transfer.

On Tuesday, KNUT confirmed that 547 teachers have applied to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to be transferred back to their preferred areas.

KNUT had earlier confirmed that it had reached an agreement with TSC to reverse delocalisation, and that it had directed the 110 branch secretaries to make available a list of teachers willing to be moved.

However, the fate of Primary and secondary School heads and deputies who were victims of the delocalization policy and have applied for the transfers still hangs on a balance. It has been confirmed that they will have to wait longer for the Teachers Service Commission to approve their transfers.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers has confirmed that TSC will have to find vacancies before approving their transfers. This implies that they will only be transferred subject to availability of vacancies.

Read also:

List Of Headteachers & Principals Set to Retire Next Month Per County

List of KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing Per County

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List of KNUT Executive Secretaries Per Branch and Their Contacts

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According to Knut secretary general Collins Oyuu, consultations made with TSC will bring an end to the ‘unfair’ delocalisation.

The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) said their branches were still compiling the list.

Despite the low numbers, Knut Secretary-General Collins Oyuu said more will be coming forward.

‘‘Several of our members, not many, have already submitted their applications for consideration to have themselves assisted. We still have a data of others who availed the required information and are yet to be re-routed due to logistical issues at personal level,’’ he said.

‘‘We are also cognisant of the fact that several of our other members have submitted applications online. We trust that with close follow-up with TSC, which we shall do, we shall have all of them assisted.’’

Kuppet has given members two months to apply for delocalisation.

The policy mostly affected head teachers and their deputies.

Mr Oyuu said the union expects to have an input in future policies.

‘‘Knut must be given its right place at the table of planning, formation and implementation of policies that affect our members. If we had sat with TSC about delocalisation, it would not have gone to this extent.’’

A Former TSC Staff Who Has Been Working With TSC Employees To swindle unsuspecting teachers Uncovered https://elimupedia.com/a-former-tsc-staff-who-has-been-working-with-tsc-employees-to-swindle-unsuspecting-teachers-uncovered.html Thu, 08 Jul 2021 02:55:30 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=3675 A Former TSC Staff Who Has Been Working With TSC Employees To swindle unsuspecting teachers Uncovered

Ever been swindled your loans over TSC employment, transfers or promotions by a ‘TSC staff’? you need to celebrate since justice has started taking its course.

The DCI has uncovered one of the cartels believed to have been swindling unsuspecting teachers millions of shillings on the pretext that they would be offered employment opportunities, transfers, pensions or promotions.

According to the DCI, the investigations have exposed the shadowy deals involving current and former employees in the Teacher’s Service Commission. The cartel, allegedly led by former TSC employees, has been defrauding Kenyans over promises of promotions and transfers to renowned established schools.

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How to approve Online teacher transfer requests

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The commission had received numerous complaints from teachers, who had been defrauded huge sums of money forcing TSC CEO Nancy Macharia to request an in-depth probe by the DCI.

“In a letter written by the Commission’s CEO on May 21, inviting DCI to conduct detailed investigations into the syndicate, Macharia revealed how fraudsters had opened several fake Facebook accounts in her name, and defrauded unsuspecting teachers millions of shillings, on the promise that she would offer them employment opportunities at a fee,” the DCI said in the statement.

The report of the investigation revealed that hundreds of teachers including the retired were left poor and hopeless after falling into the scam.

“In a well-choreographed syndicate, detectives established that the mastermind of the scheme Japheth Kyalo Kioko, is a former records management employee at the commission, who graduated from the University of Nairobi with a degree in Human Resources,” the DCI said.

Kyalo was dismissed from the commission in 2014 on grounds of alleged questionable integrity.

It is believed that he recruited TSC principal accountant Jeremiah Musyoka Talu in his network making him share teachers’ personal information which he had retrieved discreetly from the Commission’s database.

With the information, Musyoka would use the CEO’s fake accounts to lure unsuspecting applicants.

“In order to convince the applicants that they are actually communicating with the CEO, they share with the applicant their personal information as captured in the database such as the schools where they had applied to teach and the subjects they have applied to cover, the Directorate said.

“Confronted with all these facts, the applicants fall for the trap hook, line, and sinker. They are asked to part with hundreds of thousands of shillings to secure the scarce opportunities, lest they are offered to other deserving applicants.”

After depositing the money, the line goes offline and you will never here from the cartel again. Alternatively, he may lie consistently till you give up.
