Training Of Junior High School Teachers Begins On Monday

Junior Secondary training CBC Training Allowances For Master Trainers, Trainers of Trainers and Trainers

The new CBC Training will see close to 120,000 teachers trained in readiness for Junior secondary schools.

The training began on Monday 25th April 2022 and is expected to run till Friday 13th May 2022.

Last week, master trainers were trained in various training centres. The master trainers will in turn, through a cascade model then Train the trainers of trainers (TOTs) as from Tuesday today, 4th may 2022.

Immediately after getting trained, the trainers of trainers will train the trainers from 9th May 2022 at zonal or sub county level.

Thereafter, the trainers, who will be six from each school, will go back to their departments within the school and train the members of their departments on CBC, how to deliver it at Junior secondary level.

Allowances for Master Trainers

The training of master trainers, will be paid ksh. 3000 per day for accommodation since their training will be residential.

In addition, they will be entitled to transport reimbursement of not less than ksh. 1500, depending on where one stays.

Their breakfast, lunch and stationery Will also be provided to them.

They will also be paid for their own training which will last five days and the training of the trainers of trainers which will also last five days.

As they will be training the trainer of trainers, they will earn an additional facilitation fee of ksh. 1500 per day. For online training, they will be given a data bundle allowance of ksh. 1000 per day.

Total Allowances Trainers of Trainers

Their training will not be residential. During training, they will earn a transport reimbursement of not less than ksh. 1000 per day for five days.

They will be earning a facilitation allowance of ksh. 1000 per day, alongside their transport allowance.

Furthermore, they will also be provided with breakfast, lunch and stationery, during their training and also while training the trainers. For online training, they will be given a data bundle allowance of ksh. 1000 per day.

The total allowances for Trainers

With the submitted list of six Trainers that drawn from each academic department. The trainers will be trained at the sub county or zonal level, depending on availability of space. Their training will take both online and face to face approaches.

They will earn a transport reimbursement of not less than ksh. 500 per day for five days.

With the online training, they will be given a data bundle allowance of ksh. 1000 per day.

In addition, they will also be provided with breakfast, lunch and stationery.

During the  training teachers at departmental level in their respective schools, the trainers will not be entitled to any facilitation allowance. Principals however might consider providing refreshments and water to the trainers and teacher trainees. Others might also provide better meals.

Read also:

List of Trainer of Trainers For Junior Secondary CBC Training Per County

Teacher Trainees in TTCs To Start Getting HELB Loans- Apply Here

List Of Schools That Will Host Junior Secondary Schools Per County Under CBC

List of TPD Training Centers and county coordinators per county

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Payment of allowances

Their funds will be disbursed through bulk M-pesa services.


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