KNUT Proposes A Two Year Collective Bargaining Agreement

Brace yourself for A Tough battle after elections: KNUT Warns TSC

Recently, Kenya National Union of Teachers, KNUT has faced scathing attacks from the teachers’ service commission and KEWOTA for failing to offer services to teachers.

In reaction to the attacks, KNUT secretary general Wilson Sossion has warned TSC secretary Nancy Macharia to get ready for a battle one he is done with KNUT elections.

Experts argue that Sossion has embarked on mind games with Nancy Macharia as his warning comes barely a week after he called off a planned strike to pave way for 2021-2025 CBA negotiations.

The already poor relationship between KNUT and TSC is expected to worsen. KNUT has constantly accused TSC for the drop of its members to below 15,000 members.

Sossion urged teachers to remain in KNUT since KNUT has good plans with the teachers, unlike KEWOTA, which is taking teachers’ money yet does not offer any services.

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KNUT had a membership of 280,000 before TSC decided to activate an online resignation platform for Knut members. Currently, out of the 350,000 teachers employed by TSC, 110,000 are KUPPET members, 13,000 are KNUT Members while the rest are unionless.

Misfortunes hit the former giant union after ODM party nominated Knut secretary general Wilson Sossion to Parliament in 2017 to represent the interests of workers. This did not go down well with the Jubilee government and teachers’ employer, TSC.

At one point, Sossion was stripped of his registration as a teacher by TSC before going to the High Court seeking reinstatement.

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