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KUPPET Vihiga Teams Up With 26 Other Branches To Reject TPD Modules

The teacher professional development courses, TPDs rolled by TSC in collaboration with KNUT and KUPPET have faced strong opposition from teachers country wide, supported by a majority of their branch officials.

During the roll out event, which was attended by KUPPET National office, KUPPET secretary general Akello Misori hailed the move as a landmark in the teaching profession.

“This is going to be a landmark coming almost after half a century of our existence as a nation and as independent,” said Misori.

However, teachers were not impressed by the move, which will see them remain students for the rest of their lives.

Details are now emerging that KUPPET National office made a decision on the TPDs minus consulting branch officials. So far, officials from 26 KUPPET branches have distanced themselves from the decision by the national office, terming it malicious. Sources have it that the remaining KUPPET branches will join in the opposition due to unbearable pressure from their members. The KUPPET offices, led by their executive secretaries, have written to the KUPPET National office, expressing their rejection of the TPD modules and demanding for more light on the same.

The branches, which seem to be having a similar script, have maintained that if TSC wants teachers to pursue TPD modules, they should foot the expenses and it should not be compulsory. Additionally, the modules should take a considerably shorter time.

The branches have also strongly opposed the idea of having only four institutions offering the courses yet Kenya has over 40 institutions of higher learning.

Read also:

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Among the branches who have rejected the TPD modules are Migori, Vihiga, Kericho, Taita-taveta, Makueni, busia, Bomet, Nairobi, uasin gishu, narok, Kisii, Kwale, Laikipia, Samburu, Turkana, Baringo, Nyandarua, Elgeyo Marakwet, Nandi, West pokot, Tana river, Kilifi, Isiolo, Garissa, Wajir, Nakuru and Meru.

“We shall not sit back and watch the gains of this union go to waste. We have given the national office an ultimatum of seven days to release a statement, failure to which we shall converge and remove them from office,” said one of the executive secretaries.

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