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Teachers’ Commuter allowance as per 2021-2024 TSC CBA Counter Proposal

The teachers’ service commission, TSC, has just concluded the implementation of the 2017-2020 collective bargaining agreement, CBA. Plans are underway to commence the four year phased implementation of a new CBA from July 2021.

The new CBA will favour classroom teachers when it comes to basic salaries, unlike the previous one, which favoured administrators.

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Basic Salary Increments Per Job Group As Per The 2021-2024 TSC CBA Proposal

Salaries And Renumeration Commission Receives 2021-2024 CBA Proposal From TSC

TSC had earlier on presented a counter 2021-2024 CBA proposal to the Salaries And Remuneration Commission, SRC, for approval. This move by TSC came after a possible agreement with the unions, KNUT and KUPPET, was in vain.

In the TSC 2021-2024 CBA counter proposal offer, the basic salaries will be increased by between 16 % and 32 %.

In the counter proposal document sent to SRC, TSC proposed an increment of 20% on the commuter allowance.  Commuter allowance and house allowance, unlike leave allowance, are earned monthly.

KNUT proposed an increment of 50 % on the house allowance and a leave allowance equivalent to a month’s basic salary.

If SRC approves the 2021-2024 TSC counter proposal offer, then teachers will earn commuter allowances as per the table below, by the end of the CBA cycle in July 2024. The increment will commence in July 2021, with a phased amount of 5% on the current commuter allowance.

As per the proposed increments, teachers in job group D5, who are currently earning ksh. 16,000 will have the highest increment in their commuter allowance, amounting to ksh. 3,200.

Commuter Allowance (ksh.)
JG Current 2021-2024 CBA Increment
B5 4,000 4,800 800
C1 4,000 4,800 800
C2 5,000 6,000 1,000
C3 6,000 7,200 1,200
C4 8,000 9,600 1,600
C5 8,000 9,600 1,600
D1 12,000 14,400 2,400
D2 12,000 14,400 2,400
D3 14,000 16,800 2,800
D4 14,000 16,800 2,800
D5 16,000 19,200 3,200


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