LIST OF PROMOTED TEACHERS – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 23 Dec 2021 03:39:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 TSC gifts 1, 963 teachers with promotions This christmas Thu, 23 Dec 2021 03:33:31 +0000 TSC gifts 1, 963 teachers with promotions This christmas

Some 1,963 teachers have been promoted following interviews conducted last month by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

The teachers promoted will fill up vacancies ranging from Grade C2-TSC Scale 7 (Senior Teacher II) to Grade D5 TSC Scale 15 (Chief Principal).

Under this category, some 1,040 teachers will be moved up the scales, according to TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia.

Another 923 teachers to be promoted are those holding positions of heads and deputy heads in arid and semi-arid lands (Asal).

Dr Macharia said the promotion of teachers in Asal was a deliberate affirmative action to grow them.

In the just signed Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with trade unions, the parties agreed that all teachers holding administrative positions in A areas will be promoted.

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The new CBA also phased out the schemes of service for teachers and replaced them with the Career Progression Guidelines (CPGs.)

TSC communication says that all the promotions are based on Career Progression Guidelines for teachers.

The interviews were done between November 1 to 12. The details are contained in a brief on teachers’ promotions seen by The Standard.

At least 53 teachers have been selected to move to the position of Chief Principal.

Another 40 will be promoted to Senior Principal positions and 49 will move up to take principal slots.

For deputy principals I, some 33 teachers passed the interviews and will take up the slots.

Another 15 will move up to take deputy principal II slots

Some 16 teachers have been selected for promotion to the senior lecturer I position as 18 will be promoted to senior lecturer II.

TSC has also selected some 34 teachers to be promoted to curriculum support officer I as nine will be promoted to curriculum support officer II. Some 63 teachers are set to rise up to senior head teacher positions.

The communication also shows that some 233 teachers will take up deputy headteacher II positions.

Another 233 will be posted to the senior headteacher I positions and a similar number selected to assume senior teacher II slots.

And for the Asal promotions, 19 will move up to take principal slots as 12 take up deputy principal II positions.

Only two have been selected to take up senior master II and deputy principal III, as 46 others are set to assume new roles as senior master III (job group C5)

Those selected to move up to senior master IV are 165 teachers with 16 others set to take up slots under the senior master II and deputy principal III.

Others set for promotions are 24 teachers moving up to secondary teacher I position and 111 for deputy head teacher I/head teacher (job group (C5).

Others are 263 teachers who will rise to take up senior teacher II slots and 122 others who will move up to senior teacher II.

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A Law Maker Demands a countrywide List of Promoted Teachers from TSC, Citing Unfair Procedure Fri, 04 Jun 2021 04:07:40 +0000 A Law Maker Demands a countrywide List of Promoted Teachers from TSC, Citing Unfair Procedure

A senator has tasked the standing committee of education to produce the list of promoted teachers in the recently ended TSC promotion interviews.

According to Bomet county senator Christopher Lang‘at, the recent promotions by the teachers service commission were irregular and unfair.

“I rise, pursuant to standing order 48(1) to seek a statement from the standing committee on education on the irregular promotion of teachers by the teachers’ service commission,” reads his request in part.

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The senator alleges that teachers who have served as acting head teachers and deputies for many years have been replaced by non local teachers. He therefore wants TSC and the committee on education to explain why those head teachers and deputies who have been serving in acting capacities for more than two years have been left out and replaced by teachers from other counties.

Lang’at wants both parties to provide a country wide list of all teachers who have been promoted in the just concluded interviews.

He has also tasked the committee on education whether there is a policy guideline on demotion of teachers who have served in acting capacity for long.

The interviews were conducted in February with a special one for diploma teachers only being conducted in May. The results for the February interviews have been released but most teachers have complained about the unfair marking scheme and the procedures which were used.

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