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Teachers Now Allowed To Pay Ksh. 20 Daily For TPD Modules

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has revealed that the four institutions it accredited to offer the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programme were competitively identified through a procurement process and flexible payment mode agreed upon.

TSC Director of Quality Assurance and Standards (QAS) Dr. Reuben Nthamburi said the service providers were identified competitively, negotiated about the programme and agreed to look for flexible ways through which the teachers will pay the annual Sh 6,000 fee.

According to Dr. Nthamburi, they agreed with service providers to break down the annual fee into two flexible modes of payments whereby a teacher will either pay Sh. 500 per month for 12 months or can pay Sh. 20 every day through an MPESA mode of a given institution.

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“The Service Providers were identified competitively through a procurement process, and we negotiated this programme with them. In this programme, teachers will be paying Sh. 6000 per year and they will not be compelled to pay once the whole amount. We have agreed with service providers they would look for a flexible mode of payment and they are two of them,” he said.

Dr. Nthamburi who represented the Commission’s Chief Executive Officer Dr. Nancy Macharia, was addressing the Senate Committee on Education chaired by Dr. Alice Milgo and Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) on CBC sensitization in Naivasha most recently.

Questions have been raised by different stakeholders in the past on the manner in which the Commission reached to a decision of accrediting the four institutions to train the teachers on TPD, and also why they accredited Private Universities at the expense of the Public Universities with some wondering why the Commission could not then accredit all Public Universities countrywide to offer the TPD programme.

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The Commission accredited Riara, Kenyatta and Mount Kenya Universities, and Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) to offer the programme for the next four years.

Dr. Nthamburi reiterated that the refresher course will help to remunerate the teachers even better and they (TSC) are having negotiations with the teachers’ unions and associations in order to capacity build and make them understand the value of TPD.

“The reason why we are having a challenge today with even the way the remuneration of teachers is, you go and argue at the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC); one of the aspects is, what professional development do they do to develop themselves?”

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