Education Ministry Summons Principal who walks 20 km daily to deliver exams to record a statement

Education Ministry Summons Principal who walks 20 km daily to deliver exams to record a statement

The ministry of Education has asked the teacher who revealed that she walks a 20-kilometre round trip to deliver exams in Trans Mara East, Narok County, to record a statement over the recently published story on her plight.

Officials from the ministry on Tuesday summoned the teacher to explain why she spoke to the media and allowed journalists to accompany her on one of her trips to the examination centre.

According to the officials from the education ministry, Mrs Magdalene Kimani, the Sosiana High School principal, was not authorized to speak to journalists.

The officials, who appeared to be disputing the whole story, asserted that the teacher only walks nine kilometers to the exam centre.

Trans Mara East Sub-county Director of Education Steve Gachie claimed the story had caused him a lot of trouble with his bosses demanding that he verify whether the teacher truly treks 20 kilometres daily.

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“What you are doing is not right. She will have to write her report. She will have to explain her 20-kilometre trek from the point of where the vehicle drops her. No one has a right to speak on behalf of the ministry. The only person who has a right is the County Director of Education,” Mr Gachie said.

In what he termed as name tarnishing and insubordination, Mr Gachie said: “You people have made me go through a lot of hell. Now my boss is asking if she walks for 20 kilometres. You are exaggerating; it’s not 20 kilometres and you just want to get news. Again, that is not the way we work. You should have verified with the office how long she treks. She does nine kilometres.”

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“Tomorrow I’ll go with her, alight at the last point, and walk from that point to school and document that. Walking is not a crime. I’ll verify tomorrow exactly how far she walks. I’ve asked and have been told it’s less than five kilometres,” Mr Gachie said.

According to sources,  Ms Kimani would have walked a distance of more than 320 kilometres, an equivalent to trekking from Nairobi to Bungoma town, by the time the KCSE exams are over.


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