SRC'S 2021-2025 CBA Shocker For Teachers

SRC Approves KUSNETs 2021-2025 CBA Proposal

Sources very close to the salaries and remuneration commission, SRC, have revealed that the salaries body has approved some of the demands presented by the Kenya union of special needs teachers, KUSNET on their 2021-2025 CBA proposal.

KUSNET, which for the first time presented a CBA proposal to the SRC through TSC, is making a good progress with the welfare of its members.

In their proposal, the Kenya union of special needs teachers asked for an increment of 50-60% on the basic salary. They also demanded a special allowance of ksh. 15,000 monthly and a guidance allowance of ksh. 30,000.

“All special needs teachers shall be paid an allowance of ksh. 15,000 uniformly per month,” reads a proposal written by James Torome, the KUSNET secretary general.

KUSNET also demanded that the career progression guidelines be provided under the code of conduct for teachers.

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“Under this agreement, the commission ensures that every teacher under its employment is facilitated to undergo career progression,” said Torome.

SRC will deal with matters basic salary uniformly for all the unions, based on the job groups of the members in the unions and therefore it could not approve the basic salary demands for KUSNET independently. However, sources have it that the special allowance earned by KUSNET members will increase significantly as per the demands of the union.

They will also be entitled to a guiding allowance, whose value is yet to be revealed. All KUSNET members will be under the career progression guidelines and will be facilitated by TSC to undergo career progression.

Just about two months, ago, TSC signed a recognition agreement with KUSNET, which saw KUSNET being recognized by both TSC and SRC as a union.

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These recent developments should give hopes to teachers that even the demands by KNUT and KUPPET may be approved. KNUT demanded an increment of 200 % on the basic salary. KUPPET on the other hand demanded an increment of between 30- 60% on the basic salary but adjusted their proposal after the Naivasha meeting with TSC.

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