KICD Reveals New Literature and Fasihi Setbooks For 2022-2025-How To Get Your Copies

KICD Reveals New Literature and Fasihi Setbooks For 2022-2025-How To Get Your Copies

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has unveiled new literature and fasihi set books for secondary schools and Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs).

KICD issued confirmation letters to  the publishers whose entries won the tenders on Friday, June 4th. In the new changes, Fathers of Nations, a novel by Paul B. Vitta has been chosen as the English Literature compulsory text.

The book published by Oxford University Press East Africa will replace Henry ole Kulet’s Blossoms of the Savannah.

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Parliament of Owls published by the East African Educational Publishers was unveiled as an optional text replacing John Steinbeck’s The Pearl.

A Silence Song and other Stories which is an anthology of short stories will replace Memories we Lost.

In Kiswahili, John Habwe’s Cheche za Moto was unveiled as a compulsory set text replacing Assumpta K Matei’s Chozi La Heri.

Longhorn Publishers’s Tumbo Lisiloshiba was replaced by Mapambazuko ya Machweo as the new anthology of short stories.

Samuels Wachira’s A Spider’s Web will be studied in TTCs. Mzigo wa Kichaa will be studied at Diploma levels.

The use of the new setbooks is expected to are expected to be implemented next year and will run for three years, ending in 2025.

The new set books and their guides are available in all major bookshops countrywide or can be obtained online by clicking here.


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