BEVOT – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 26 May 2022 04:08:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 TSC To Conduct Biometric Voter Registration Exercise Once Done With Profile Approval Thu, 26 May 2022 04:08:45 +0000 TSC To Conduct Biometric Voter Registration Exercise Once Done With Profile Approval

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is waiting to complete the profile approval exercise before launching the biometric registration exercise.

The commission had directed all registered teachers In July 2021, to update their profiles.

Through a circular dated 28th July 2021, TSC Director Quality Assurance and Standards, Dr. Reuben Nthamburi, ordered teachers to update their profile by 30th November 2021, an exercise that would the Commission maintain an updated register of teachers.

“It has been established that the teachers’ details in the Register is not updated. To this end, the Commission has opened the online register to allow individual teachers to update their details. A link has been developed in the TSC website where all registered teachers are required to access and update their details by 30 November 2021,” said Reuben Nthamburi in a circular.

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The commission will have to approve the profiles before commencing the biometric registration exercise.

According to earlier statements by TSC CEO Nancy Macharia, the profile updating of teachers will be linked with the Biometric Enrolment and validation of teachers, BEVOT.

Macharia confirmed that the Commission will use sh342.4 million for successful biometric registration exercise. With TSC set to receive the funds for the exercise in July 2022, the exercise is expected to begin after July since most teachers have updated their profiles.

Macharia said that the biometric registration is about getting teachers bio data, for instance TSC will know if the teacher has gone back to school to get Teacher Professional Development (TPD) training.

“We shall also know if there is anything about the teacher that we do not know about. For example, in the register we do not know how many children a teacher has and this biometric process will inform us better,” said Macharia.

The biometric registration exercise will see TSC take teachers’ biometric data for purposes of service enhancement.

The piloting exercise had already been carried out in 143 selected public schools and colleges. The piloting exercise was launched on 17th May 2021 at Nyeri high school.

TSC says the biometric registration will help the Commission to verify teacher distribution and utilization in schools, establish areas of teaching specialization, validate the enrolment in public schools and authenticate teacher’s bio data and employment records.

The following were required during the pilot exercise and will most likely be required during the real exercise.

1)Certificate of registration

2)National ID card

3)Letter of first appointment

4) Letter of last appointment

Relief To Teachers As TSC Retreats On Biometric Registration Of Teachers Tue, 22 Feb 2022 04:21:18 +0000 Relief To Teachers As TSC Retreats On Biometric Registration Of Teachers

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will not go on with the biometric teacher registration exercise as earlier planned, TSC CEO Nancy Macharia has confirmed.

While appearing before the parliamentary committee on education, Macharia said TSC cannot execute the exercise with the current funding.

She said the Commission needs additional budget to be able to carry out some crucial exercises, including biometric registration exercise and promotion of teachers.

She told legislators that the allocations for other critical areas like promotion of teachers on competitive selection, roll-out of a national biometric enrolment and validation of teachers and gratuity to 3,358 contract tutors in northern Kenya had not been factored in the budget.

Macharia pleaded with the legislatures for additional funding to cater for biometric registration, teacher promotions among other critical areas.

“The commission would appreciate Parliament’s help for these areas to receive some allocation,” she said.

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Biometric Enrollment and Validation of teachers to begin This week-Required documents

TSC To Conduct Biometric Enrolment Of Teachers To Curb Exam Malpractice

Though TSC received an additional budget of approximately sh. 15 billion for the next financial year, the Commission proposed to use the monies for employment of new teachers.

Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani had allocated an additional Sh14.9 billion to the TSC, whose budget has risen to Sh296.6 billion from Sh281.7 billion in the new financial year.

However, TSC in a report which was presented to the Committee on Education and Research of the National Assembly by the Parliamentary Budget Office, shows it has planned to use its increased allocation of Sh15 billion exclusively to employ 13,000 secondary school teachers and 9,000 interns to cope with exits and the expected increase in enrolment when junior secondary is rolled out in January 2023.

The legislatures however approved sh. 2.5 billion additional budget for employment of more teachers. According to TSC proposal it will use the money to employ 5,000 teachers this year.

Macharia had earlier said the Commission will launch countrywide Biometric Enrolment and Validation of Teachers (BEVOT) exercise in March 2022.

She said that the biometric registration is about getting teachers bio data, for instance TSC will know if the teacher has gone back to school to get Teacher Professional Development (TPD) training.

We shall also know if there is anything about the teacher that we do not know about.For example,in the register we do not know how many children a teacher has and this biometric process will inform us better,” said Macharia.

However, with the current examination period, it will also not be possible for the Commission to proceed with the exercise.

This is because teachers are largely involved in overseeing the exams. Teachers are involved in

supervision, invigilation and marking of the exams.

TSC already suspended some privileges for teachers like leaves to allow a smooth examination period. The Commission only allowed female teachers to proceed with the maternity leave starting 21st February 2022.

The biometric registration exercise will involve taking a teacher’s biometric data for purposes of service enhancement.

Already piloting exercise was carried out in 143 selected public schools and colleges.TSC launched the piloting exercise on 17th May 2021 at Nyeri high school.

Ibrahim Mumin who is the TSC Director Administrative Services oversaw the piloting of the enrolment exercise which was conducted in schools during the official working hours between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

TSC says the biometric registration will help the Commission to verify teacher distribution and utilization in schools, establish areas of teaching specialization, validate the enrolment in public schools and authenticate teacher’s biodata and employment records.

Teachers are required to physically avail the following five documents during the exercise;

1)Certificate of registration

2) National ID card

3)Letter of first appointment

4)Letter of last appointment

5)Academic Certificates

The process, which was scheduled for piloting in May 2020 year, was shelved due to the outbreak of Covid-19.

Seven counties were identified for the piloting exercise. The counties where piloting exercise took place are Uasin Gishu,Homa Bay,Bungoma,Nyeri,Kilifi,Kitui and Garissa.

The counties were selected because they present both rural and urban setups, which will give reliable lessons for the national rollout.

The piloting schools were selected to represent different geographical and socio-cultural backgrounds.

“The biometric registration shall entail validation of data of teachers in all public primary and secondary schools,Teacher Training Colleges,Centre for Mathematics,Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) and Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE),” reads the concept brief.

Only 143 selected schools took part in this piloting stage. The institutions include primary, secondary and teachers training colleges.

BEVOT Will Guide Formation Of a New Payroll System, says TSC Tue, 18 May 2021 01:50:27 +0000 BEVOT Will Guide Formation Of a New Payroll System, says TSC

The piloting of the biometric registration of teachers kicked off yesterday at Nyeri High School.

Teacher Service Commission director Ibrahim Mumin, who oversaw the launch, said  the Biometric Enrollment and Validation of Teachers (BEVOT) will enable the commission to maintain up-to-date data for teachers.

“The data will help in verifying teachers distribution and utilisation, validate enrollment in public schools and also validate teachers bio data and employment records while still establishing areas of specialisation for the teachers which will improve service delivery,” Mumin said.

The information captured, he added, will also help the government in making decisions.

It involves capturing the fingerprints of teachers, validation of personal employment data and taking of passport size photo.See other requirements here.

Payroll database

The piloting stage will involve 143 primary and secondary schools and teacher training colleges in Uasin Gishu, Homa Bay, Bungoma, Nyeri, Kilifi, Kitui and Garissa counties. The piloting will run from May 17 to 21.

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Biometric Enrollment and Validation of teachers to begin This week-Required documents

TSC To Conduct Biometric Enrolment Of Teachers To Curb Exam Malpractice

“The exercise involves different government agencies and the pilot will guide the national rollout,” he said.

Data to be verified include the identification details of the teachers, letter of appointment, persons with  disabilities certifications, if any, and academic certificates run against preloaded data from the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Database.

TSC has said stakeholders were involved at the county and national levels and their views were considered before the rollout.

The data, TSC states, the exercise seeks to improve delivery of services to its employees.

Reforms in data and information management will also enable accuracy and reliability hence timely and faster decision making.

TSC says it will undertake a national BEVOT in all public educational institutions before the end of next year.

All new teachers will in future undergo biometric enrollment before they enter the payroll, according to the commission.

Upon completion of the exercise, the commission will verify teacher distribution and utilisation and establish areas of teaching specialisation.

It will also validate enrollment in public schools and teachers’ bio data and employment records.

Teacher numbers

To validate the data, TSC said teachers are required to physically present their professional documents.

“The pilot exercise is being undertaken to pretest the reliability and validity of the tool.

It will also inform on the resources required for the rollout of the national exercise such as personnel, the logistics, time and finances,” TSC said.

According to 2019 Economic Survey, there were 215,363 in 2018 while that of teachers in public secondary schools and teacher training colleges was at 97,771.

Biometric Enrollment and Validation of teachers to begin This week-Required documents Thu, 13 May 2021 06:28:37 +0000 Biometric Enrolment and Validation of teachers to begin next week-Required documents

The teachers service commission, TSC, will begin the biometric registration of teachers next week through a pilot phase, which will be followed by actual biometric registration after evaluation of the piloting phase.

In a letter to the schools selected for the pilot phase, TSC confirms its plans to undertake a biometric enrolment and validation of teachers of teachers’ employment. The aim of the exercise is to establish an accurate database that will inform its policies and guide its decision making.

The BEVOT pilot exercise is set to begin from 17th May 2021 to 21st May 2021. During the exercise, biometric data capture kits will be used and preloaded with data in integrated personnel payroll data (IPPD) data base. In addition, biometrics (fingerprints and face prints) shall be collected as a means of teacher identification and authentication of the information provided.

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TSC To Conduct Biometric Enrolment Of Teachers To Curb Exam Malpractice

During the BEVOT exercise, heads of institution will be required to provide information and supporting evidence of the school’s class streams, time table and location. They will also be expected to send a soft copy PDF version of the school timetable to TSC through [email protected]. For now, only heads of institutions of the pilot schools will provide such information and send the timetable. Other heads will do the same during the BEVOT implementation stage, which might occur towards the end of June.

All teachers will be required to avail the following documents for verification:

  • Certificate of registration
  • National ID
  • Letter of first appointment
  • Letter of last appointment (after a particular promotion)
  • Academic transcripts and certificates

At the moment, only teachers from schools taking part in the BEVOT pilot exercise will provide the documents. Other teachers should wait for the actual exercise towards the end of June.

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia confirmed early this week that teachers will have to go through biometric capture, an exercise that will be designed to curb exam cheating among the teaching fraternity.
