CONTRACTED PROFESSIONALS – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 09 May 2023 02:49:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lawmakers Launch Strategy to End Delay in Payment of KNEC Examiners and Invigilators Tue, 09 May 2023 02:49:45 +0000 Lawmakers Launch Strategy to End Delay in Payment of KNEC Examiners and Invigilators

Senators now want the government to set aside a special fund that will target payment of national examiners and invigilators to end the annual delay payment of contracted professionals.

If approved, the proposal would end the payment delays that have been experienced for years despite protests and often go-slows by examiners.

Senators want government officials who occasion delays to be surcharged on cumulative interests and penalties.

The proposal has been fronted by UDA nominated Senator Esther Okenyuri and Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina.

“We want the Senate Education committee to inquire on the steps Knec intends to take to have the teachers paid without any further delays,” she said.

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Ole Kina said the account will be allocated the money students pay to sit for the two national examinations.

“Students pay to be able to take the exam and so the money is there. This is an issue that Knec has become notorious for because they always delay the payments,” the senator said.

“The most logical way is to peg this with the money paid by the students for them to take that exam. Put this money in a special account and budget it to pay the teachers.”

The senator argued that a motion should be sponsored and approved so that Parliament can pronounce itself on the issue.

“Suppose our sitting allowances are delayed, we will be complaining and paralyse everything but here teachers are paid peanuts and are still frustrated to get the little amount due to them,” he said.

Knec has previously revealed that its operations have often been crippled due to funding delays.

Nominated Senator Beatrice Oyomo, said it is unfortunate that results are released and celebrated nationally yet teachers who sacrificed for the success of the exams are yet to be fully paid.

“This shows a lack of gratitude to teachers for the sacrifice they make while marking the exams,” Oyomo said.

Teachers Given a Deadline To Register as Contracted Professionals During 2021 KCPE, KCSE Tests Tue, 22 Feb 2022 03:28:03 +0000 Teachers Given a Deadline To Register as Contracted Professionals During 2021 KCPE, KCSE Tests

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) has issued deadline for Contracted Professionals (Cp) to register on their platform popularly known as Cp2 portal.

The contracted professionals include Centre Managers (Principals and Head Teachers), Supervisors, Invigilators, examiners and Security Personnel charged with manning the national exams.

KNEC says those who haven’t registered on the online platform have till midnight today to register and download their assignment letters.

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Both school heads and teachers taking part in the 2021 examinations are required to submit their details by registering on the portal.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) said it has assigned 242,406 teachers national exam supervision and marking duties.

Speaking at an inter-ministerial address at the Kenya School of Government on Friday, February 18, TSC boss Nancy Macharia said the teachers will be presented to Knec to serve as invigilators, supervisors, centre managers and examiners.

“Only the best cream of teachers, those who do not have any known disciplinary issues, have been identified as part of the Commission’s determination to guarantee integrity in examination administration,” she said.

The contracted professionals receive their payments few days after the official release of the KCPE. However, KNEC says it will only make payment for those who officially register their details on the Cp2 platform.

There have been calls to increase the payment for manning the exams. A year ago the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers(Kuppet) protested and called for review of the payments.

According to Payment details released by the Council, Primary school heads who act as Centre Managers for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE,exams pocket a daily subsistence allowance of Sh500; for a total of 4 days (including rehearsal day).

Secondary school Principals on the other hand, earn a daily allowance of Sh500 for 18 days.The highest paid Supervisor walks away with a sum total of Sh12,510 while the highest paid invigilator gets Sh9860.

The examiner does not pay deputy head teachers and Principals despite being present at the school present during the examination period as assistant Centre Managers.

Knec also does not include for payment of teachers handling science subjects who prepare and administer practicals during the KCSE examinations.


According to the revised education calendar,2021 KCPE examinations are scheduled to be done between March 7 and 10. And KCSE examinations will be done between March 11 and April 1.

Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) data however shows a total 2,056,719 were registered for the tests scheduled to start in two weeks’ time. Of 1,225,693 will sit KCPE and 831,026 KCSE.

KNEC said the number of candidates sitting the KCPE examinations has increased by 34,085 compared to last years. Additional 78,424 candidates have also been registered to sit the KCSE examinations, according to KNEC data.

A total 479 containers will be used to store examination materials, according to a Knec report.


To download the knec Professionals’ contracted letters, use the procedure below:

1.Log onto the knec contracted professional’s portal by using the link: /Professionals.

2.Click on the ‘Dash Board’ tab and check under deployments, See the Centre where you have been assigned to execute your duties.

3.The details below will be displayed:

Exam Duty Station Position Actions

  1. Under the Actions’ column, click on the ‘Download Appointment Letter’ link to get your letter.

All the best in your duty as contracted professional.

Magoha Tells Education Committee Why 2020 KCPE / KCSE Examiners Have Not Been Paid Mon, 19 Jul 2021 02:32:25 +0000 Magoha Tells Education Committee Why 2020 KCPE / KCSE Examiners Have Not Been Paid

Cabinet Secretary in the ministry of education, George Magoha, has revealed why thousands of examiners who marked 2020 KCPE and KCSE are yet to be paid.

It has been a tradition that KNEC engages teachers and other contracted professionals in the conduction of national examinations and pays them for the services rendered. However, the token has taken abnormally long to hit examiners’ accounts yet the candidates are almost joining form one and colleges respectively.

Bomet Central member of parliament Hon. Ronald Tonui in a past parliament session questioned the education CS why the KNEC is yet to pay teachers who marked KCSE 2020 examinations and when they will be paid.

In response to Hon. Ronald Tonui’s question, CS Magoha stated that KNEC was granted less allocation for KCPE/KCSE 2020. In addition, the CS revealed that the reconciliation of the 2020 KCSE examiners script fees was completed and the total payable amount was Kes. 1,025,235,307 out of which Kes.251,251,200 was paid at the conclusion of the marking period between 4th and 7th May 2021.

The outstanding balance, which is Kes.773,984,107.00, is what KNEC requires to successfully pay all the examiners.

“For the FY 2020/2021, KNEC was allocated KCPE/KCSE grants of Kes.4,023,868,712 instead of the required Kes.4,588,244,200 at Kes.800 per candidate for KCPE and Kes.5,400 per candidate for KCSE. Consequently, KNEC was not unable to pay the teachers who were engaged during the marking of the 2020 KCSE examinations on time,” said CS Magoha.

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Magoha assured parliament that the Ministry is engaging the National Treasury for the release of the outstanding funds to ensure that the outstanding arrears are paid as soon as possible to the markers.

In a bid to prevent the same delaying of payment in future, prof. Magoha advised that KNEC should verify the number of candidates immediately the registration exercise is concluded so that the deficit is factored in a Supplementary budget tabled and considered timely.

“To forestall a recurrence of such unpaid arrears in time for the next national examinations, KNEC has been directed to ascertain the number of candidates as soon as the registration process is concluded, in order for the Ministry to ensure that any shortfall is covered in the Supplementary budget tabled and considered by Parliament before the examinations begin in March 2022,” said Magoha.

A Legislator Wants Education CS To Explain Why KNEC Has Not Paid Examiners And Why Science Teachers, Deputies Are Never Paid By KNEC Thu, 10 Jun 2021 11:44:46 +0000 A Legislator Wants Education CS To Explain Why KNEC Has Not Paid Contracted Professionals And Why Science Teachers, Deputies Are Never Paid By KNEC

A member of parliament now wants education Cabinet Secretary to explain why KNEC has not paid teachers who marked the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education exams. Bomet Central MP, Ronald Tonui, has raised three questions pursuant to order number 42, which the cabinet secretary is expected to answer.

THE MP is concerned with the abnormally long duration that has elapsed since the contracted professionals completed marking, yet they have not been paid their balance and KNEC is mum about the matter.

“KCSE results have already been released but teachers have not been paid their money, even after risking being infected by covid-19 to attend the marking exercise. What is exactly wrong with KNEC or are they trading with teachers hard earned money?” Tonui questioned.

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Tonui also wants education CS to explain when KCSE marking and administration rates paid to invigilators, supervisors, examiners and center managers were raised, and when KNEC is intending to Revise the rates. According to him, KNEC is misusing examiners by tasking them to overwork under very poor conditions yet is unwilling to revise their meagre pay. “How can a teacher that was marked at ksh.50 in 2015 for example remain at the same amount in 2021, yet tax and the cost of living have risen significantly?” asked the irritated MP.

The legislator also wants to know why the deputy center managers and teachers handling practicals during the examination are not considered for payment.  Tonui fails to understand why the science teacher who organizes the laboratory and the deputy principal, who assists the centre manager are never considered for payment yet all other partcipants in KCSE examination exercise are paid.

