RIARA UNIVERSITY – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Mon, 29 Nov 2021 03:35:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 TSC: Chance to Offer TPD Refresher Courses To be Given To All Universities Next Year https://elimupedia.com/tsc-chance-to-offer-tpd-refresher-courses-to-be-given-to-all-universities-next-year.html Mon, 29 Nov 2021 03:35:51 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4815 TSC: Chance to Offer TPD Refresher Courses To be Given To All Universities Next Year

Teachers service commission CEO, Nancy Macharia has pledged to give all universities and colleges a chance to offer the mandatory TPD courses to teachers next year, after the lapse of the current contract.

“After the expiry of the present one-year contract, the tender shall be floated again for all institutions to apply,” she said.

This comes after questions were raised on the criteria used to pick only four institutions, with top universities that offer education training being left out.

Only Kenyatta University, Riara University, Mount Kenya University and the KEMI were picked to train the teachers.

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She faulted the institutions for failing to bid when a tender to offer teacher professional training courses was floated.

According to Macharia, top universities and institutions that offer education training did not apply for the tender to offer Teacher Professional Development (TPD) courses.

Only eight universities applied, most of which did not meet the necessary requirements to offer TPD courses.

“We advertised and every teacher training institution was free to apply. But only eight universities applied. Some universities, the premier universities, did not even apply,” she said.

“Apart from Kenyatta University, even the University of Nairobi which is another university that offers education did not tender. If something like this is in the open and you do not tender, what can we possibly do?” she posed.

She added that continuous monitoring and evaluation of TPD will be done to ensure quality and receive feedback.

Macharia also said that the institutions will have to establish a center all sub-counties before starting to offer the courses.

“We emphasised that each of the institutions must have a presence at sub-county level because in as much as most part of the sessions would be done virtually, we wanted some part of training to be done face-to-face,” she said.

It emerged that some universities did not tender because they didn’t possess the required documents such as tax compliance papers from the Kenya Revenue Authority and audited accounts.

TSC Reveals Why It Locked Out Other Universities From Offering TPD Modules https://elimupedia.com/tsc-reveals-why-it-locked-out-other-universities-from-offering-tpd-modules.html Wed, 29 Sep 2021 03:22:09 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4493 TSC Reveals Why It Locked Out Other Universities From Offering TPD Modules

It is now emerging that the teachers service commission settled on the four institutions for refresher teacher professional development TPD module services after most of the institutions which were interested in the contract failed to meet the preset criteria.

According to the documents in possession of the TSC, four criteria guided the choice of the four institutions during the selection process and marks were allocated for each category.

The level of qualifications and competence of key personnel in the applying institutions held most of the points. This category was allocated 40 points and each institution had to demonstrate their competence in this category.

The second category, the adequacy and quality of the proposed methodology and work plan in responding to the terms of reference was awarded 20 points. was awarded 20 points.

The third category, the relevant experience of the institution in carrying out TPD programme were also allocated 20 points each.

According to fresh details, most of the institutions were locked out from the training of teachers due to lack of adequate infrastructure. TSC allocated this criterion 20 points and explained it was looking for institutions with adequate training centres at sub-county level with evidence of ownership, lease agreement or a memorandum of understanding between the institution and the intended training centre.

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Though successful institutions were expected to score 100 points, any institution that managed 85 points from these categories was allowed to proceed to the next evaluation stage. All these details are contained in a TSC document titled accreditation of service providers for refresher programme for registered teachers in Kenya.

‘special attention will, however, be paid to getting a firm that can offer the most within the available budget…’ reads part of the document.

Among institutions that sent their applications include Moi University, Alupe University, Riara University, Kenyatta University, Kenya institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), KEMI, French Embassy, Techno-Brain and Virtual Learning, Mount Kenya University (MKU), Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE), NOVEL Technology East Africa Limited, Global E-Schools and Community Initiatives, CORRAT Africa, British Council, Life Skills Promoters, Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA), among others.

However, Moi University, CEMASTEA, MKU, KISE, French Embassy, Riara University, Kenyatta University and KEMI were shortlisted.

Kenyatta University, Riara University, Mount Kenya University and the KEMI were picked to train the teachers.

TSC Code of Regulations for Teachers (2015) under Section 48 (2) says: “The commission shall approve training institutions to conduct teacher development programmes.”

Speaking during the launch of the TPD last week, TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia said infrastructure was a major criterion.

“We emphasised that each of the institutions must have presence at sub-county level because in as much as most part of the sessions would be done virtually, we wanted some part of training to be done face to face,” said Macharia.

The tender document expressly stated that proposals may be rejected at this stage of evaluation. In the eligibility criteria, TSC document calling for expression of interest said shortlisting shall only be done for institutions that will have demonstrated capacity to facilitate provision of the TPD training programme to all teachers at the sub-county level.

The document –TSC/EOI/03/2017-2018– also required the institutions to have a minimum of five years experience in conducting similar assignments.

TSC also required the institutions to provide evidence of financial ability in undertaking the assignment by attaching copies of audited financial statements for 2014, 2015 and 2016. Overall, TSC listed the expected output to include ability of the institutions to plan and organise venues for delivery of the TPD training and related programmes.
