100 % TRANSITION – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 17 May 2022 03:43:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Magoha Directs TSC to Fire Principals Who Defy 100% Transition https://elimupedia.com/magoha-directs-tsc-to-fire-principals-who-defy-100-transition.html Tue, 17 May 2022 03:43:06 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6690 Magoha Directs TSC to Fire Principals Who Defy 100% Transition

Education Cabinet Secretary, Prof.George Magoha, has directed Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to fire secondary school heads who defy President Kenyatta’s directive of 100 per cent transition to form one by refusing to admit Form One students in secondary schools who do not have school fees.

Prof. Magoha told school heads especially those in secondary day schools to admit all students in order to give them opportunity to continue with their studies.

“Kenyans parents pay taxes and their children have a right to get education, our school heads should have a human mind and understand the tough economic situation that Kenyans are facing especially those who live in slums in various parts of our towns and those in arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya,” said Prof. Magoha.

Magoha who conduct a six-hour raid in Kaptembwa slums in Nakuru town where he rescued seven school going children who pass KCPE.

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Examination and were unable to go to their respective schools due to lack of school fees told school heads to understand the rights of children

and agree to admit them.

“Some of us like myself were it not be some good Samaritans and the hearts that the principals of our learning times had, we could not get education because our background was so poor that our parents could not pay our secondary school fees, but our teachers concentrate in our ability to pass examinations but not our parents’ ability to pay school fees, that is why we are currently holding this position we have today.”, said Prof Magoha.

The CS told all Directors of Education in all eight regions of Kenya which are Rift Valley,Western,Nyanza, Nairobi, Coast, North Eastern, Eastern and Central regions to ensure all Kenyan children who seat for 2021 KCPE are admitted to secondary school in accordance with President Kenyatta 100 per cent form one transmission and no child should remain home due to lack of school fees.

Iam directing all education officials in eight regions of Kenya to ensure that all Kenya children who seat for 2021 KCPE are admitted to our schools.”, said Prof Magoha.

He added that he acts as a good example by leaving his office in Nairobi and enter in Kaptembwa slums in Nakuru City to ensure children of poor Kenyans access quality education.

Seven School going children who were rescue by Prof Magoha at Kaptembwa slums were immediately admitted to various schools in Nakuru County.

Some of schools which admit those children were Nakuru Girls High school, Nakuru boys’ high school, Moi Forces Academy among other school where they were given full sponsorship by the government for four years.

The parents of children who were rescue thank the government for giving their children four-year full sponsorship.

“We thank the Education CS Prof Magoha for coming to our houses here in slums, seat in a jerican because we cannot even afford to buy a chair, and take our children to big school, we can say nothing but thank God for remembering us, today.”, said one of the parents whose children were admitted today through the CS effort.

When they arrive to schools the children were given free uniforms and immediately admitted to schools.

Proff Magoha was accompanied by Nakuru town west Member of Parliament Samuel Arama, Rift Valley TSC Director Adow Bardad, Nakuru County Director of Education Fredrick Osewe among other government officers.

The CS visit several schools within the city where he also opened CBC classrooms in Nakuru Girls High School and Nakuru Boys High School.

MOE Begins Nationwide Transition To Secondary School Audit  https://elimupedia.com/moe-begins-nationwide-transition-to-secondary-school-audit.html Mon, 09 May 2022 15:13:39 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6584 MOE Begins Nationwide Transition To Secondary School Audit 

Education Cabinet Secretary (CS)Prof George Magoha has said the government will from this week audit schools to identify students who are yet to join Form One for whatever reason.

Magoha said the move is aimed at ensuring that all students who have received admissions to secondary school secure their chances.

Speaking at Kisumu Girls High School where he went to monitor reporting, the CS said the provincial administration at all levels should ensure that all form ones reported to their respective schools.

Magoha said they will move down to the village level in order to mop out those who are yet to repot to school.

He said no child should be turned away due to lack of school fees.

“School heads should accept whatever amount any student reports with for form one,”he said.

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Magoha,who was flanked by Nyanza Regional Education Director Weru Machocho and the school Chief Principal Margaret Mechumo said the 100% transition to secondary school was a major success.

He warned that no student should be prevented from registering for both the KCPE and KCSE examinations.

Magoha said the government pays exam fees for students in both public and private schools, adding that parents should be discouraged from changing schools as all learning institutions are the same.

TSC Now Blames Teacher Shortage On Government’s 100% Transition https://elimupedia.com/tsc-now-blames-teacher-shortage-on-governments-100-transition.html Thu, 30 Dec 2021 04:21:41 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5025 TSC Now Blames Teacher Shortage On Government’s 100% Transition

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has said mushrooming of schools in the country, caused by 100% transition, has contributed to the shortage of teachers.

According to TSC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nancy Macharia, mushrooming of schools is putting pressure on the existing facilities, which are not enough for learners.

Speaking at the National Schools Conference in Kisumu, Macharia said although TSC is to ensure optimal staffing in every school, teachers’ shortage has been compounded by mushrooming of schools and enrolment of students as a result of 100 per cent transition as directed by the Ministry of Education.

Dr Macharia said mushrooming of schools is only advisable in hardship areas because the institutions are far apart. She said upcoming schools near those that already have over 100 per cent enrolment is making staffing complicated.

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“For example, a girls’ school and a mixed school within the same locality. The girls’ school is very well enrolled, while the mixed school has one stream that has only 50 students. In this case, those children need teachers because they are learning the whole curriculum as well.

“So, what happens is we get a headteacher and two other teachers from the girls’ school, and as a result understaff the girls’ school which also needs all those teachers,” Macharia explained.

“Meanwhile, the ministry takes a chemistry teacher to that mixed school yet it does not even have a laboratory.”

She said mushrooming of schools should be contained to enable TSC to staff one school well to take care of the catchment of a particular area.

Macharia said despite the 100 per cent transition, TSC receives funds every year to recruit only 5,000 teachers.

She some parts of the country have lately become extremely challenging due to environmental conditions, insecurity caused by ethnic wrangling, banditry, terrorism, among others.

“Posting and retaining teachers in such areas present unprecedented issues, which at times force TSC to withdraw such teachers to a safer environment,” she said.

20,000 Classrooms To Be Constructed By 2023 https://elimupedia.com/20000-classrooms-to-be-constructed-by-2023.html Thu, 21 Oct 2021 02:54:50 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4585 20,000 Classrooms To Be Constructed By 2023

The government is planning to construct at least 20,000 classes by 2023, against a demand of 37,000 classrooms. Out of this, 10,000 classrooms will be constructed through a state funding Sh8 billion for the construction of over 10,000 classrooms.

This will be part of the plan to accommodate almost 1 million grade six pupils meant to transition to grade seven; junior secondary level.

Addressing citizens during the 58th Mashujaa Day ceremony at Wang’uru Stadium, Kirinyaga County, President Uhuru Kenyatta asked the Ministries of Education, Interior, and National Treasury to ensure funds are procured to oversee the projects.

Uhuru also asked members of parliament to prioritize Constituency Development Funds (CDF) towards the construction of the classes.

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“To address the gap for the remaining 10,000 classes in the country I call upon all members of the national assembly to stand together with children by prioritizing CDF funds to school infrastructure,” Uhuru said.

He called on Treasury to engage lawmakers to ensure the appropriation of Sh8 billion for the classrooms project.

The president said the plan is a fulfilment of ensuring 100 per cent transition from primary to secondary school.

In the spirit of creating opportunities for the youth, the President asked schools to use local contractors in the classrooms project.

“Construction of these classrooms be undertaken by local contractors within the vicinity of each school to provide further stimulus to the local economy and that the payment is remitted directly to the contractors in respective sub-counties,” Uhuru added.

Even after the construction of the 20,000 classrooms, there will still be a demand of 17,000 classrooms if the transition is expected to be successful.

Those joining the secondary school will comprise the pioneer class of the CBC–currently in Grade 5–and the second-last cohort of students under 8-4-4.

This will include 1.32 million candidates sitting the second-last KCPE examination under the 8-4-4 system and 1.24 million students from the pioneer class of CBC who will be joining junior high, according to data from KNBS.

Upon transition in 2023, the projected population in secondary school will hit 5.56 million learners.

The Senate Education Committee summoned CS George Magoha to explain the plans to ensure the transition is not interrupted.

Senators raised concerns that with less than two years to transition, not much seemed to have happened in terms of preparation to ensure a smooth transition.

MPs Express Worries With Congestion In High School, Blame the Government https://elimupedia.com/mps-express-worries-with-congestion-in-high-school-blame-the-government.html Sun, 08 Aug 2021 02:52:37 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4000 MPs Express Worries With Congestion In High School, Blame the Government

Based on the massive enrollment of Form One students this week, legislators have questioned the preparation of secondary schools regarding accommodating the surging numbers caused by the 100 per cent transition policy.

According to The MPs, learning conditions in most schools are pathetic and most of the schools cannot accommodate large student populations. They are now blaming the government for failing to address infrastructure challenges in schools.

Having the deadly Covid-19 Delta variant threat on their minds, the MPs maintained that congestion in schools is likely to aid the spread of the virus.

According to Narok Woman Representative Soipan Tuya, the state of secondary schools where students are packed closely together in classes poses a health hazard.

“Our children are lumped up in congested classrooms. This is a disaster waiting to happen. Are we implementing a policy at the expense of compromising the quality of education in our schools?” she asked.

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Funyula MP Wilberforce Oundo expressed worry about the Congestion in schools. He gave the example of a two streamed school in his constituency where 600 Form Ones reported this week, yet form one admission exercise has been extended by a week.

Nominated MP Godfrey Osotsi said that the situation in secondary schools is worrying and needs immediate attention from the government.

“We support the 100 per cent transition policy but the government is not committed to increasing infrastructure in schools. Our children are suffering, some are even sleeping on the floor,” he said.

The government, said Nyando MP Jared Okelo, adopted the 100 per cent transition policy and then passed on the responsibility to MPs.

Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter said facilities are overstretched as schools are now admitting triple the the capacity they are supposed to hold.

Baringo Central MP Joshua Kandie accused the Ministry of Education of concentrating on minor issues like banning the use of school buses instead of addressing more serious problems.

National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi,urged the Education Committee to act on the issues raised and present a report to the House within two weeks.
