Mass teacher transfers – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 29 Mar 2022 03:39:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Looming Mass transfers of teachers From Next Week Due to Staff Imbalance Tue, 29 Mar 2022 03:39:47 +0000 Looming Mass transfers of teachers From Next Week Due to Staff Imbalance

Teachers are facing mass transfers as the employer announced plans to balance staffing across schools.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Chief Executive Nancy Macharia said the process will be done with a human face and will end by May 9.

Dr Macharia said TSC seeks to have a proportionate number of teachers in public schools after it emerged that some schools were understaffed while others had more than required teachers.

This means that schools with more teachers will have some of their tutors transferred to understaffed schools.

According to the commission, the exercise aims to improve on the teacher to learner ratio. The mass transfer is set to conclude before schools open.

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This even as she disclosed that there was a shortage of 114,581 teachers in primary and post-primary institutions.

She linked the shortage of tutors to increased enrolment arising from the high number of school-age children, the 100 per cent transition policy and registration of new schools.

Dr Macharia said that despite the shortage, the commission was determined to ensure prudent and fair distribution of the existing teachers in both primary and secondary schools.

“From time to time, we have had to review staffing placements to ensure no part of our country is disadvantaged in terms of sharing the limited teaching resources,” she added.

Dr Macharia assured teachers that the exercise will be conducted humanely while ensuring adequate consultations with relevant officers.

“The commission will shortly be asking our field officers to conduct a routine exercise of assessing their sub-counties to ensure that all schools have balanced teacher to learner ratios ahead of the start of the new academic calendar,” she explained.

TSC said it has been recruiting 5,000 teachers annually to match the increased enrolment in public schools.

The government has been pushing for 100 per cent transition from primary to secondary schools.

The full transition policy has occasioned registration of new schools to accommodate the swelling number of learners in the public institutions.

Another Round Of Mass Transfers And Delocalization Of School Heads Looming at TSC Headquarters Tue, 09 Mar 2021 02:36:45 +0000 Another Round Of Mass Transfers And Delocalization Of School Heads Looming at TSC Headquarters

TSC is allegedly planning massive transfers and delocalisation of school heads, a move which will brew a fresh row between TSC and KNUT.

TSC has directed its regional staff to collect and forward data of school heads who have stayed in one station for more than nine years, a directive that has sent Panic to over 30,000 heads of public schools.

In a memo to all Regional Directors, TSC also wants details of primary school head teachers and principals of secondary schools who have exited the teaching service.

The employer has also requested data of school heads who are presently working from home due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. These fresh demands by TSC signal a major shake-up of public schools’ management.

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TSC Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia had asked teachers who are 50 years and above and those with underlying conditions to work from home to mitigate the spread of the virus.

The TSC memo dated February 26TH advised that principals aged 55 and below should be considered for transfers and get replaced by the newly appointed principals under job group D3.

County Schools are headed by principals falling under Grade D3. There are about 1, 031 county schools with about 145,000 learners.

Principals of sub-county schools fall under grade D2. There are about 7,000 sub-county schools with about 650,000 students.

Principals of extra county schools fall under grade D4. There are about 531 sub-county schools with approximately 130, 000 students.

The document to be filled by regional directors had a format for data presentation before they are sent to the Commission. Under the secondary schools’ matrix, regional directors are required to capture the home county of the principals complete with details of their current station. These details must include the size of the school, the sponsor of the institution, and the category of the school and enrolment data.

The mean score registered by the schools for the last three years between 2017 and 2019 must also be captured as well as the institution’s host county. The principal’s present designation, job group, and gender must also be captured.

For primary schools, TSC wants the age of the head teacher captured. The teacher’s home county, designation, current station, and the host county of the school details are also required.
