MARTHA OMOLLO – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 14 Jun 2022 07:28:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Teachers with Diploma, Masters, PhDs Set For Promotions and Payrise Tue, 14 Jun 2022 07:28:22 +0000 Teachers with Diploma, Masters, PhDs Set For Promotions and Payrise

Several teachers who have acquired higher qualifications while in the profession could be promoted and added salaries following National Assembly recommendations after a successful petition by a splinter union.

Martha Omollo, Kenya National Teachers Pressure Group (KNTPG) spokesperson petitioned Parliament to push the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to promote teachers with diplomas, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees acquired during the service.

Subsequently, the 12th Parliament on its final sitting recommended that TSC should recognize and acknowledge higher qualifications acquired by teachers while in service.

“The TSC should within six months of adoption of this report open negotiations with teachers’ unions on the Career Progression Guidelines (CPGs) and uphold the rights of teachers who have acquired relevant qualifications at the time of their in-service.

“Further TSC shall give guidelines on relevant courses to be undertaken by teachers,” reads the report.

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According to the legislators, the promotions would be “in accordance with UNESCO/ILO recommendations of 1966 that acknowledge the intellectual rights of teachers who undertake and conclude relevant in-service courses.”

The teacher’s employer stopped the automatic promotions which were based on the Schemes of Service in 2014, and replaced it with the Career Progression Guidelines (CPGs) in 2016.

The members of parliament have also instructed the teachers’ employer to submit budgetary requirements for promotion of all eligible teachers in the 2023/2024 financial budget estimates for consideration by the National Assembly.

This new development will be a very big win for big win for Omollo. In 2021, Omollo accused TSC of victimisation after being transferred from Nairobi to Trans Nzoia County.

The petition was presented before the House on February 18, 2022 by Nominated MP Wilson Sossion on behalf of Ms Omollo. Mr Sossion quit as Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) secretary-general after having a fractious relationship with the TSC.

“These recommendations are now compulsive to TSC. This should have been petitioned a long time ago,” Mr Sossion revealed.

The unions supported the promotion of teachers who acquired higher qualifications while the commission defended the Code of Regulation for Teachers and the CPGs, saying the two instruments provide the minimum qualification required for each job grade and the conditions to be met before a teacher is promoted.

“TSC should promote teachers who graduated before 2014. They used their resources to study but they have now stagnated in the same job group. We speak for teachers because the unions no longer speak for us,” said Omollo.

Previously, primary school teachers who attained a diploma in education or a degree were automatically promoted to Job Group K and L respectively.

Court Dismisses KNTPG in TSC Case, Cites Lack of Legal Structure Wed, 23 Mar 2022 04:13:13 +0000 Court Dismisses KNTPG in TSC Case, Cites Lack of Legal Structure

The Kenya National Teachers Pressure Group (KNTPG)has been dismissed by the Employment and Labor Relations Court in Nairobi after a ruling by the court cited that the teacher lobby group lacked legal structures to institute a case in court.

The KNTPG had recently moved to court to challenge Teachers Service Commission’s (TSC) CEO Nancy Macharia for transferring five of its alliednmembers from their stations to far flung areas,a move that was read as malice. This came after the group opposed TSC for introducing the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) refresher course.

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While dismissing the case,Justice Julius Abuodha ruled that the Pressure Group does not qualify as a society, trade union,welfare group, political party or any of the creatures permitted under the regulatory framework governing collective organizations to get the jurisdiction to mount a case in a court of law.

The Judge said it would not be safe for the court to grant them a hearing while KNTPG’s leadership had acknowledged that they are not have capability to enjoy benefits from a discretionary order of the Court.

“It would even be more dangerous to impose an order of undertaking as to damages if it turns out the injunction was wrongfully granted because the claimant before the Court is a soap bubble, a phantom so to speak. The Court cannot therefore hang the bugle of its sacred order on an invisible baldric,”said the Justice Abuodha.

Teachers Will Have To Stick To KNUT, KUPPET, KUSNET as Govt Declines To Register New Teachers’ Unions Mon, 27 Dec 2021 07:14:13 +0000 Teachers Will Have To Stick To KNUT, KUPPET, KUSNET as Govt Declines To Register New Teachers’ Unions

Efforts of registering another teachers’ trade union have hit a brick wall after the Registrar of Trade Unions declined to register the Kenya National Union of Classroom Teachers (KNUCT) on the basis that there already exists registered trade unions representing the rights and interests of teachers in the said category. A letter signed by the Registrar of Trade Unions, Mrs Elizabeth Gicheha dated November 10, 2021 sent to KNUCT through Ondieki and Ondieki Advocates, who applied for a certificate on September 23,2021, indicated that the intention of the law is that a proposed trade union would engage on recruitment for the sectors where no other trade union exists.

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In 2020, the National Education Union (NEU) received the same blow. A letter signed by Mrs Gicheha dated August 26, 2020 addressed to NEU through Salim Omar and Company Advocates, who made a formal application for a certificate on August 24, 2020, reads in part, “I wish to inform you that contrary to the assertion by your client, there already exists registered trade Unions representing the rights and interests of the envisioned scope of representation.” She stated in the letter that Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) under its registered constitution represents every registered, certified, licensed or authorized teachers of all grade and qualification in Kenya while Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) under its registered constitution represents teachers/trainers in secondary and tertiary institutions of good conduct and reputation, certified, licensed or authorised to teach.

She also noted that Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (KUSNET) under its registered constitution represents every trained and undergoing training teacher registered by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and other ministries and is employed in the field of Special Needs Education and Early Childhood Education while  Kenya Union of Pre-Primary Education Teachers (KUNOPPET) under its registered constitution represents all teachers in Early Childhood Education of good conduct and reputation, certified, licensed or authorized to teach.

The Registrar further explained that Kenya Union of Private Schools Teachers (KNUPST) under its registered constitution represents every trained teacher and tutor engaged to teach in private schools and private educational institutions i.e. private kindergartens, nurseries, preprimary, primary and secondary schools whose professional conduct of charge can be sustained.

Kenya Union of Technical and Vocational Education Trainers (KUTVET) drew its membership from TVET institutions like National Polytechnics, Technical Training Institutions (TTIs) Technical and Vocational Centres (TVCs) and Teacher Colleges. Had NEU’s registration been accepted, the union would have recruited its members from preprimary, primary, secondary and tertiary levels as well as those in private institutions. Such recruitment would have been a major breakaway from tradition where unions targeted membership from only one category of teachers.

Ms. Martha Omollo, who is the spokesperson of Kenya National Teachers Pressure Group (KNTPG), confirmed that she was among those proposing and pushing for the registration of NEU, arguing that teachers want a union they can associate with. “Together with other teachers, we were transferred for speaking against the Teacher Professional Development (TPD), for referring to the collapse of unions since they no longer speak for the Kenyan teacher and speaking up against the TSC Minet health insurance company covering teachers,” said Ms. Omollo. She added that teachers want a new union which they can associate with since they currently feel strangled in unions compromised by TSC.

“How does one explain why Knut withdrew or rather as the SG claim they only set aside the cases that were shielding teachers against punitive policies? If the unions can’t speak for us, we’ll speak for ourselves,” she said. Sources also revealed that Mr Nelson Kirui, who was among those transferred, received his transfer letter while outside a hospital theatre where his wife was undergoing surgery. He was among those proposing and calling for the registration of KNUCT.

In November this year, many teachers who were members and leaders of KNTPG were transferred to far-flung work stations in what TSC termed as a normal transfer, though many saw it as a move perceived to be a crackdown on those associated with the activities of the group.

I will not fight for you Unless You Meet These Conditions: Oyuu Tells Transferred TPG Members Sat, 20 Nov 2021 04:41:14 +0000 I will not fight for you Unless You Meet These Conditions: Oyuu Tells Transferred TPG Members

The kenya national union of teachers (KNUT) secretary general, Collins Oyuu has swore not block the transfers of teachers who are members of the teachers pressure group. He has instead given them conditions to meet before KNUT comes in to stand with them.

Oyuu has told the pressure group to follow the right channel in airing their grievances.

“Those teachers should follow the right channel to air their views, as a union and as the SG of Knut I am always ready to engage the employer on issues of teachers. But I cannot fight for teachers who are going everywhere in the media and the social media showing disrespect to the employer,” said Oyuu.

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According to Oyuu, the teachers must first accept that they are employees of the teachers’ service commission, TSC, and accept to be controlled by TSC before KNUT assists them.

“If a teacher cannot be controlled by the employer, then how do I engage the employer on their behalf, the TSC has always been transferring teachers. If anyone feels his or her transfer is punitive, they should approach Knut and we shall take up the matter with TSC,” Oyuu said.

Oyuu said teachers need to seek proper advice on how to address their issues since revolting against the employer could cause them harm.

“A year ago, we lost some 245 teachers through interdiction after they failed to consider advice and instead went ahead to protest against the Competency Based-Curriculum (CBC), some of them are now regretting,” said Mr Oyuu.

Oyuu also insists that he cannot support those who are opposing his leadership. He wants the teachers to approach him for support before he engages TSC on the matter.

He said that as of Friday, none of the transferred teachers had reported to him nor sought help from the union.

“That group is not registered and therefore they do not represent teachers, let all teachers come to us for help. I cannot speak for people who have not reached out to us,” he said.

TSC Transfers TPD Critics To Hard to Staff Areas Thu, 18 Nov 2021 11:08:56 +0000 TSC Transfers TPD Critics To Hard to Staff Areas

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia has transferred seven more tutors to far-flung work stations in a move perceived to be a crackdown on those associated with a new breakaway union.

The transfers come only a few days after Ms Macharia ordered the transfer Ms Martha Omollo, the spokesperson of Kenya National Teachers Pressure Group (TPG), from Mowlem Supaloaf Primary School in Njiru, Nairobi County to Trans Nzoia County.

A total of six teachers associated with the group have received letters of transfer from their previous schools to other counties.

More teachers have also been notified of their transfer and have been summoned to go to the commission’s offices to collect them immediately. Those who have received their letters are Ms Eva Muchemi from Plainview Primary South B Nairobi to Narok County, Ms Jane Gitonga from Kilimambogo Teachers Training College to Galana Teachers Training College, Mr Fanuel Ambole from Mumbuni Boys in Machakos to Sane Girls in Tana River County and Ms Ann Wanyoike from Kario-bangi South Primary in Nairobi County to Kitui County.

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Ms Betsy Mitema has been transferred from Kajiado County to Isiolo County. Others are Mr Julius Aloo from Ugari primary in Suna East, Migori County to Marsabit County, and Mr Kinyua Mwangi who has already been informed that his letter for transfer is ready and he should collect it.

Those transferred were officials of TPG. The Nation has also learnt that some other teachers who have been vocal against the TSC and the unions have also been notified of their transfers. In total, 10 teachers had been affected by yesterday evening. In one of the letters signed by a Mr Robert Muathe on behalf of Ms Macharia, the commission has not given the reasons for the transfer.

But the teachers say the transfer is meant to intimidate and to stop them from agitating for teachers’ rights. Although TSC has the discretion to transfer teachers, the timing and manner are not lost on observers and it appears to target TPG members.

Last week the teachers called for the suspension of the teachers medical scheme offered by AON Minet, called for the suspension of the TPD and also accused unions of failing to effectively represent teachers.

The transfers have angered teachers with some accusing Ms Macharia of unfairness. The lobby has planned a demonstration to protest against the transfer of Ms Omollo.

The demonstrations are also to oppose the implementation of the Teacher Professional Development Programme(TPD) that is scheduled to begin in December.

On Tuesday, teachers notified officers at Central Police Station in Nairobi on the peaceful demonstration that was to be held on Friday. However, after some of them received their transfer letters, they said they are yet to decide whether or not to go ahead with the demonstrations. Ms Omollo, yesterday told the Nation she is yet to report to Trans-Nzoia County as she is preparing to challenge the transfer in court.

“I decided that I should not report and instead challenge the matter in court as I find the transfer malicious,” she said. Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary General Collins Oyuu yesterday said the union has not received any complaints from the aggrieved teachers.

Speaking to the Nation, lawyer Soyinka Lempaa said TSC is using transfers to victimise teachers: “It is an unfair labour practice and sad that TSC is using transfers as a way of silencing teachers,” said Mr Lempaa.

“Individual teachers should write letters to TSC and demand to know the reason for their transfer,” he added.

You are Being Used By Sossion: Oyuu tells KNTPG Sun, 07 Nov 2021 10:54:07 +0000 You are Being Used By Sossion: Oyuu tells KNTPG

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) secretary-general Collins Oyuu has blamed the current wrangles in the union on his predecessor Wilson Sossion.

Oyuu accused the group led by Martha Omollo, the spokesperson of Teachers Pressure Group, of being used by Sossion to disrupt the KNUT’s progress.

“If she wants to speak for teachers, let her wait for the next elections to vie for an elective post,” said Oyuu. Sossion and Omollo have however both denied Mr Oyuu’s accusations.

Oyuu said he will not allow anyone, not even Sossion to interfere with Knut’s progress.

“I am currently the legally elected secretary-general and I have been given powers by teachers to negotiate and speak for them, any other person purporting to speak on behalf of teachers should know they are fighting a losing battle,” said Oyuu.

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He claimed that though Sossion boycotted the June elections, he has continued to use people to disrupt efforts new Knut officials are making to restore the union back to its glory.

“Those teachers led by Martha, are behind Sossion, whatever they read in their press statements is drafted by Sossion. Those are self-seekers and they are going nowhere,” said Oyuu.

He said the Knut leadership is ready to confront anyone being used to bring disharmony in the union. Mr Sossion, however, said he left Knut and should not be involved in their issues.

Omollo said Oyuu is scared and has even sent one of his close friends to ask her to tone down.

“Elections have no number two, there will always be a winner and a loser. I started agitating for teachers issues before elections so how does losing come in?” she said.

Omollo further said, “Sossion is no longer in Knut, why are they still scared of him? They thought Sossion was the union, they are now realising teachers are the owners of the unions.”

Omollo, the spokesperson of the Teachers Pressure Group, together with other officials have for the last three weeks been calling for Knut and Kuppet officials to resign, saying they are not fighting for teachers’ rights.

The group is also opposed to the implementation of the Teachers Professional Development programme recently launched by the Teachers Service Commission.


Teachers’ Lobby Group Demands Resignation Of KUPPET And KNUT Leaders Tue, 05 Oct 2021 05:56:43 +0000 Teachers’ Lobby Group Demands Resignation Of KUPPET And KNUT Leaders

A group of teachers are demanding the resignation of KNUT and KUPPET officials for failing to represent the interest of members.

The group claims that KUPPET leadership is composed up of politicians and retirees, while that of KNUT is compromised.

According to Kenya National Teachers Pressure Group spokesperson, Martha Omollo, Kuppet and Knut officials have failed to protect members from the “punitive” Teacher Professional Development (TPD), a programme that forces a tutor to part with Sh6,000 for refresher courses annually.

The group says the Kuppet and Knut leadership signed a non-monetary collective bargaining agreement with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) against members’ wishes.

“We demand the immediate resignation of non-teachers leaders in Kuppet like Mr Omboko Milemba, who is the MP for Emuhaya, Mr Ronald Tonui, the Bomet Central MP, and Ms Catherine Wambilyanga, the Bungoma Woman Representative as they are no longer teachers,” said Omollo.

The Kenyan Teachers National Pressure Group, an organisation formed to advocate for the welfare of teachers, said the educators had resolved not to honour the new programme “until and unless” they are directly involved in its development.

The group asked union officials and the chair of the National Assembly’s Education Committee Florence Mutua to resign “for doing nothing” to protect them.

“The entire teaching fraternity under TSC (Teachers Service Commission) employment are vehemently opposed to introduction of TDP program through the back door.

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The teachers were not involved in the development of the modules as earlier agreed, hence the rollout of the program in its current form should be stopped with immediate effect,” read a statement read by Martha Omollo.

The teachers also demanded the resignation of non-teacher leaders in the unions, among them Emuhaya MP Omboko Milemba who is the chair of the Kenya Union of Post Primary Teachers (Kuppet), national Treasure Ronald Tanui, who is Bomet Central MP, Mutua as well as other retired teachers who are still holding positions in the unions.

“We also demand the resignation of KNUT national officials because they do not even respect the KNUT Constitution.

Unions should be for all teachers irrespective of their cadres,” the teachers said, adding that if their demands are not met, they will write to the National Assembly to act.

TSC has rolled out training programmes for all practicing teachers and has already contracted Kenyatta University, Mount Kenya University, Riara University and Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) to offer the training at the rate of Sh6,000 per year.

But teachers have said the government should bear the cost of the training and not the teachers.

The employer has, however, rejected the complaints, insisting that the refresher courses are mandatory for all teachers.
