TEACHER PROFILE UPDATE – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sat, 27 Nov 2021 02:55:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 We Will Not Extend Deadline For Teacher Profile Update: TSC Warns https://elimupedia.com/we-will-not-extend-deadline-for-teacher-profile-update-tsc-warns.html Sat, 27 Nov 2021 02:55:50 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4785 We Will Not Extend Deadline For Teacher Profile Update: TSC Warns

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has the Director of Quality Assurance and Standards, Dr. Reuben Nthamburi warned that it will not extend the deadline for ongoing teacher profile update exercise.

According to Nthamburi, teachers were informed earlier and have had enough time to conduct the exercise successfully.

Teachers are however complaining of network problems and an unresponsive system that hinders some of them from updating their profiles.

Profile update actually began in April but was made compulsory in July 2021. Through a circular dated 28th July 2021 Dr. Reuben Nthamburi ordered teachers to update their profile by 30th November 2021 to help the Commission maintain an updated register of teachers.

“It has been established that the teachers’ details in the Register is not updated. To this end, the Commission has opened the online register to allow individual teachers to update their details. A link has been developed in the TSC website where all registered teachers are required to access and update their details by 30 November 2021,” said Reuben Nthamburi.

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Registered teachers with C plain mean grade Barred From Updating their TSC Teacher Profile

A section of teachers is demanding to know why TSC is putting deadlines when such an exercise should be a continuous one.

TSC profile updating is one of the Commissions efforts to fully digitize its services and eradicate paperwork. This digitization will bring to an end, the era of missing files for teachers.

The commission now says from November 1st, 2021 release of physical files from Teacher registry to various departments ceased and all operations were made electronic.

In an internal memo dated November 1st, 2021 issued by the Director of Administrative Services Ibrahim Mumin, the Commission says, “only files of teachers exiting the service by way of retirement, transfer of services, resignation or death will be considered for release on case by case basis, and this must be approved by his office or that of Deputy Director in charge of Records Management.”

Other files that fall in this category are those under litigation process upon request by Directorate of Legal, Labour and Industrial Relations, teachers on new appointment and are yet to be on-board on the payroll, or teachers on internship.

Registered teachers with C plain mean grade Barred From Updating their TSC Teacher Profile https://elimupedia.com/registered-teachers-with-c-plain-mean-grade-barred-from-updating-their-tsc-profile.html Thu, 29 Apr 2021 02:35:23 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=2980 Registered teachers with C plain mean grade Barred From Updating their TSC Teacher Profile

The ongoing exercise of updating teacher profile has not been to registered teachers who got C plain mean grade in their KCSE exams.

Usually, the profiles are given by the teachers while registering for their TSC number. Since teachers registered, nothing much has happened on the profile yet the teacher has undergone a series of transitions. These transitions, alongside the bio data that were not captured at the time of registration, are the ones to be added while updating. Additionally, teachers should confirm if the details they recorded while seeking TSC number are true, or are as they keyed them in. For instance, postal address provided during registration has changed since most teachers used address of the schools where they offered BOM services. Email address has also changed to a TSC provided outlook365 and office365.

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However, teachers who got a C plain mean grade may not complete the TSC profile update process unless the portal is reset. This is after it emerged that the system only recognizes mean grade A to mean grade C+ for secondary school teachers.  There is no option of filling mean grade C plain to mean grade E. This simply means that the affected teachers will not complete the online teacher profile update process. Primary school teachers with mean grade C plain can however complete their teacher profile update process.

Sources have it that the system needed to be updated so as to filter out graduate teachers who proceeded to the universities to pursue education, despite having mean grades lower than the  C plus cut off.

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The link for updating of teacher profile, which has not been in the portal since creation, has been added and teachers will be expected to respond positively towards it, by adding information that they never given during registration or confirming if the information that is already there is legitimate.

The deadline for the process is still open but sources cite 30th April 2021 as the possible deadline. Further details about the deadline will be posted in due course, once confirmed by our team.To update your TSC teacher profile, click here and follow the procedure given.Next
