KUNNOPET – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 18 Jul 2023 02:34:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Return of ECDE, Primary Teacher Certificate Courses in Fresh Proposals https://elimupedia.com/return-of-ecde-primary-teacher-certificate-courses-in-fresh-proposals.html Tue, 18 Jul 2023 02:34:18 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=13338 Kenya Union of PrePrimary Education Teachers (KUNOPPET) has urged the government to reintroduce certificate courses for Primary Teacher Education and Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE).

KUNOPPET national chairman, Lawrence Otunga yesterday said it is time to reconsider this decision failure to which, both private and public colleges will be closed due to lack of trainees. He also said that the Government bodies should also learn to involve and consult KUNOPPET and other unions before making such sensitive decisions.

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“We warned them not to interfere with the entry grades for ECDE courses but they ignored us. What followed was a low and poor rate of enrolment in those institutions. Now they have revised it to C plain without cluster subjects,” said Otunga in a statement.

“With poor management of ECDE in most counties, why would a person who at the same time qualifies for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) go for Diploma in ECDE?” he wondered. With the primary option, he said they are assured of being employed by Teachers Service Commission (TSC) unlike in counties where it has been a hard task to secure jobs.

“In most counties, unless you volunteered in a public school for decades or are well connected, or can part with good money, it will take a miracle for one to get employed,” he uttered. He said that in the next 10 or more years, there will be a serious shortage of teachers in schools.

Court Halts Government’s plan to slash ECD teachers’ salaries By 50% https://elimupedia.com/court-halts-governments-plan-to-slash-ecd-teachers-salaries-by-50.html Thu, 30 Mar 2023 04:43:28 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=11522 Court Halts plan to slash ECD teachers’ salaries By 50%

The Court has stopped government’s move to slash nursery school teachers’ salaries by 50 per cent.

The employment and Labour Relations Court halted the plan by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission that would directly affect over 45,000 ECD teachers.

Justice Ann Mwaure in her ruling ordered the government to retain the current salaries until a case filed by Kenya Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) chair Omboko Milemba is heard and determined.

Milemba sued the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) after it recommended a review of salaries.

The circular affected 45000 Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) who now risk a 50 per cent pay cut.

“An interim order is hereby issued suspending the implementation of the SRC circular dated December 10, 2021, pending the hearing and determination of this application,” Justice Mwaure ruled.

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In the case, Milemba stated that the SRC circular meant that a nursery school teacher will be earning half their salary, meaning some will get lower salaries than house helpers who earn at least Sh 13,000. He stated that the minimum wage set by the law is at least Sh 13,572.

The court heard that there are 43, 874 ECDE teachers employed by the 47 county governments. Only 14, 919 are permanent and pensionable while the majority- 28955 are on three years contracts.

An ECDE teacher takes home at least 15,000 per month.

The court heard that the circular meant that they will not walk home with Sh7,835 while those who have senior roles and with over 12 years of experience will go home with between Sh15, 224, and Sh19,090 per month.

On January 13 this year, SRC sent a circular to all county governors. It claimed that some of the counties were paying the EDCE teachers above their pay grade.

“It has come to our attention that some counties are paying salaries to ECDE teachers which are way above the salary structure advised by SRC and communicated on December 10, 2021…Recruitment and promotion of ECDE teachers to be undertaken subject to affordability, fiscal sustainability and in line with the approved job description for each role as reviewed,” the circular read in part.

In the case, Milemba argued that nursery school teachers would suffer adding that this is a mockery to men and women entrusted to nurture children from their initial years at school.

He states that SRC never consulted the stakeholders nor did it conduct public participation.

“The applicant avers that performing teachers are motivated teachers; the imposition of this unilateral variation or reduction of their salaries is a huge de-motivator and would have the unforeseen effect of deteriorated standards and quality of education in the early childhood education level in this country,” said Milemba.

Milemba who is also the Emuhaya constituency MP told the court that already some counties have implemented the circular.

Governors Push For Sh 4.3bn To Increase Teacher Remuneration https://elimupedia.com/governors-push-for-sh-4-3bn-to-increase-teacher-remuneration.html Tue, 08 Mar 2022 04:20:22 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5779 Governors Push For Sh 4.3bn To Increase Teacher Remuneration

Governors are asking for grants of up to Sh4.3 billion annually from the exchequer to address teacher remuneration challenges in pre-primary schools.

Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers are currently employed and remunerated under different terms of service, with some receiving a stipend instead of a salary.

The county chiefs say the provision of annual capital grants of Sh2,292 per learner will enable them effectively engage teachers on the terms prescribed in the scheme of service.

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“There are 1,916,690 learners in ECDE centres currently, which translates to an annual grant of Sh4.39 billion,” Nyeri governor Mutahi Kahiga who chairs the Council of Governors’ (CoG) education committee told the Senate.

The Senate is investigating reports that most counties pay their pre-primary school teachers below the gazetted government minimum wage.

The Regulation of Wages Order 2018 prescribes the basic minimum monthly wages inclusive of housing allowance for Nairobi and other cities at Sh13,572.

Former municipalities and town councils are expected to pay ECDE teachers a minimum monthly wage of Sh12,522 and Sh7,240 for all other locations.

Data from the CoG shows 42,457 ECDE teachers have been employed by county governments, 13,502 of who are on permanent and pensionable terms, while 28,955 are on three-year contracts.

Counties recruit ECDE teachers through the County Public Service Boards (CPSB) in line with the ECDE Teachers’ Scheme of Service launched in 2018.

Budgetary constraints have however made it difficult for the devolved units to pay the teachers efficiently amid the rising cost of living in an economy reeling from Covid pandemic induced shocks.

The devolved units are grappling with a Sh2.08 billion annual budget gap for the full implementation of the scheme of service for ECDE teachers.

Governors note the proposed grant will have nine key budget lines including learning resources, teacher guides, teaching and learning aids, stationery and staff maintenance.

KUNNOPET Embu Branch To Hold Elections On March 5- See List Of Contestants https://elimupedia.com/kunnopet-embu-branch-to-hold-elections-on-march-5-see-list-of-contestants.html Sun, 20 Feb 2022 08:59:03 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5603 KUNNOPET Embu Branch To Hold Elections On March 5- See List Of Contestants

Kenya Union of Preprimary Education Teachers (KUNNOPET) is the only legally registered Trade Union for all ECDE Teachers in Kenya.

Heated Campaigns and Realignments are currently happening in KUNOPPET Embu County Branch ahead of elections to take place on 5th March, 2022.

The venue for the elections is yet to be confirmed. However, reliable sources have hinted that the venue will be either Embu Urban grounds or Embu university, subject to communication once the final decision is arrived at.

Interested Aspirants were expected to send their formal interests to vie for various positions to KUNOPPET Headquarters on or before 18th February, 2022.

Below is the list of contestants:

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List of Contestants For KUNNOPET Embu Branch Leadership


Purity Kathuri ( Komu)

Harun Muriithi

Vice Chairperson

Ann W. Ireri

Beth N Kaweru

Branch Executive Secretary

Francis Njeru

John Kigo

Assistant Executive Secretary

Pramwel Njeru

Branch Treasurer

Purity Nyaga

Frida Njagi

Assistant Branch Treasurer

Polly N Njeru

Peterson Kamugane

Branch Organising Secretary

Dorcas W. Ngari

Secretary Gender

Mercy M. Ireri

KUNOPPET EMBU Branch members are more organised and united. They have a supportive county ECDE Director who has managed to bring all the ECDE Teachers together and encouraged them to join the union. He said Teachers are safer when they’re in a union.

“I’d like to urge more ECDE Teachers from other Counties to join KUNOPPET so that we may collectively push for the implementation of the ECDE Scheme of Service.”

KUNNOPET has been conducting county meetings targeting teachers in various counties and reports have been positive. So far, the union has planned to meet teachers in the following counties during March/April holiday: Kirinyaga, Baringo, West Pokot, Nairobi, Kericho, Kakamega, Kisumu, Bungoma and Narok.

Thank You.

Lawrence Otunga

National Chairman, KUNOPPET.

KUNNOPET To Take Siaya County To Court Over Schemes Of Service https://elimupedia.com/kunnopet-to-take-siaya-county-to-court-over-schemes-of-service.html Wed, 01 Sep 2021 05:25:44 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4134 KUNNOPET To Take Siaya County To Court Over Schemes Of Service

The Kenya Union of Pre-Primary Education Teachers (KUNOPPET) is determined to proceed to court if the County Government of Siaya will not implement Early Childhood Development (ECD) schemes of service when hiring and remunerating teachers.

Speaking in Bondo, KUNOPPET National Chairperson Mr. Lawrence Otunga insisted that Siaya County should hire ECD teachers on Permanent and Pensionable terms and pay them based on their levels of qualification as provided in the ECD schemes of service.

“The law clearly states that each ECDE teacher should be remunerated according to their level of education. Those with certificates, diplomas and degrees should get pay packages that match their qualifications. Sadly, this is not happening in Siaya” Otunga explained.

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ECD teachers in Siaya County are currently employed on contracts and given flat rate salaries irrespective of their levels of education and qualification.

According to Otunga , KUNNOPET has held numerous meetings with Siaya’s County Executive Committee for education and other heads of departments to address concerns of ECD teachers have but the results have been empty promises.

He warned that if the County Government does not immediately address the plight of the suffering ECDE teachers, they will be left with no other option but to go to court.

“Employment of ECD teachers is not a favor. The teachers’ employment is provided by the law and therefore the schemes of service should be honored. We wonder why ECDE teachers in other counties like Kisumu or even Turkana are well remunerated while Siaya teachers’ suffer. Where does the county government of Siaya take the money meant to pay ECDE teachers?”  questioned Otunga.

Otunga’s concerns were echoed by Siaya county ECDE Chairman Tobias Aluso, ECDE union officials from Bondo Sub- county Doreen Obare and Christine Abade who swore never to relent in the pursuit for better terms of employment-for the ECD teachers.

New Teachers Union plans To Fish Members From Pre-Primary To Tertiary Institutions https://elimupedia.com/new-teachers-union-plans-to-fish-members-from-pre-primary-to-tertiary-institutions.html Tue, 10 Aug 2021 12:05:41 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4036 New Teachers Union plans To Fish Members From Pre-Primary To Tertiary Institutions

The formation of a new teachers’ union has thrown the entire leadership of giant teacher unions, KNUT and KUPPET into panic mode. The national education Union (NEU), is determined to fish members from all learning levels, from pre-primary schools to universities and other tertiary institutions.

A section of Officials from the existing teacher unions has termed NEU as a splinter union whose role is to split the larger unions, steal their members with impossible promises, and kill their bargaining powers with TSC and the government.

The National Education Union comes after several fruitless struggles, which have incited very many once loyal members to quit the former giant teachers’ union, KNUT. It also follows a pre-influenced leadership transformation in KNUT and the signing of a controversial cashless collective bargaining agreement, CBA with the Teachers Service Commission TSC.

NEU will break the traditional routine of unions targeting membership from only a category of teachers.

KNUT for instance draws most of its members from primary school teachers, whereas KUPPET draws most of its members from secondary schools, with some from teacher training colleges.  The Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (Kusnet) targets teachers working in special schools and teachers with special conditions from any learning level. KUPPET, KNUT and KUSNET have all signed recognition agreements with TSC.

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Other recently formed unions include the Kenya Union of Pre-primary Education Teachers Kunoppet, which draws its membership from pre-primary teachers, and the Kenya Union of Technical and Vocational Education Trainers Kutvet, whose formation saw technical institutes’ teachers leave Kuppet in 2018.

Kuppet secretary-general Akello Misori warned the proponents of Neu of stiff competition, sentiments which were echoed by KNUT secretary general Collins Oyuu in a separate podium.
