KNEC CONTRACTED PROFESSIONALS – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 21 Sep 2023 03:56:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 KNEC Appoints All Deputy School Heads as Contracted Professionals Thu, 21 Sep 2023 03:56:06 +0000 KNEC Appoints All Deputy School Heads as Contracted Professionals

The Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) has officially added deputy heads of institutions to list of contracted professionals.

Previously deputy headteachers and principals were used in schools during national examination periods but were not recognized by Knec.

This means they were not entitled for payment of stipend by Knec for helping in preparation for the exams and managing learners.

However in new changes, the deputy HOI’s will now help their school heads during the national examination period.

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You are Making Our Work Difficult, Heads Tell State

This according to Knec will help to curb cheating. Knec has also introduced a number of other changes which will affect the national exams and assessments planned to start in October.

Last week Knec issued a new statement blocking contracted professionals, examiners and assessors from engaging in activities that might compromise their office.

“While preparing candidates for examinations, peer learning and enhancing pedagogical skills are good practices, the Council wishes to observe that the Oath of Secrecy which every contracted professionals, examiners and assessors signs prohibits among other things, engaging in activities deemed to pose conflict of interest and divulging ones identity as a KNEC examiner/assessor, “said Knec.

The Council ordered all contracted professionals, examiners and assessors to desist from facilitating in such workshops.

Knec will administer national examinations to 2.3 million learners who will sit this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.

Around 1,415,315 candidates will sit for KCPE exam, while another 903,260 will take the KCSE test.

Kenya National Examination Council Chief Executive David Njengere said preparations have been made for the candidates including 1,282,574 Grade Six learners who will sit for Kenya Primary School Education Assessment(KPSEA).


KNEC’s Stern Warning to Examiners Concerning Motivational Talks and Workshops Tue, 19 Sep 2023 11:59:02 +0000 KNEC’s Stern Warning to Examiners Concerning Motivational Talks and Workshops

The Kenya national examinations council, KNEC, has cautioned examiners against engaging in motivational talks and workshops.

In a circular, KNEC/CONF/EA/FAS/EXM/023/022, written and signed by KNEC CEO on David Njengere on 13TH September,2023, the examiners and assessors are reminded that a majority of them have continuously been called upon by various organizations or institutions to facilitate in workshops or to give motivational talks aimed at preparing candidates for national examinations, yet they did an oath of secrecy.

“While preparing candidates for examinations, peer learning and enhancing pedagogical skills are good practices, the Council wishes to observe that the Oath of Secrecy which every contracted professional, examiner or assessor signs prohibits among other things, engaging in activities deemed to pose conflict of interest, and divulging one’s identity as a KNEC examiner/assessor,” reads the letter in part.

The letter further demands that all contracted professionals, examiners or assessors to desist from facilitating such workshops.

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Graduate Teachers to Undergo a Mandatory 1 Year Retooling Programme, Followed By a 1 year Internship

You are Making Our Work Difficult, Heads Tell State

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KNEC to Review Examiners’ and Invigilators’ Allowances Thu, 18 May 2023 03:58:16 +0000 KNEC to Review Examiners’ and Invigilators’ Allowances

Basic education principal secretary Dr Kipsang has confirmed that the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec), will this year review the allowances paid to invigilators and examiners of national examinations.

This revelation comes at a time that contracted professionals are grappling with challenges of low pay, delayed payments, poor working conditions and low morale.

The ps  added that officials contracted by Knec to supervise the 2022 examinations will be paid after discussions with the National Treasury.

According to 2023/2024 budget estimates, that Knec has a shortfall of Sh1.8 billion. The council needs Sh1.024 billion to administer the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education but has an allocation of Sh942.1 million. For the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, the requirement is Sh4.82 billion while the allocated budget is Sh3.18 billion. Sh1 billion will be used for the national assessment of learners in Grade Six.

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“The areas we have identified as key underfunded areas are critical to the achievement of our mandate. We, therefore, require an additional Sh42.043 billion and Sh1 billion in the recurrent and development budgets respectively,” said Dr Kipsang.

To improve quality assurance, the PS said the ministry has procured vehicles for education directors, which will be distributed next month. He also assured contractors who built classrooms in secondary schools last year but have not been paid that they will be paid before the end of the current financial year.

KNEC in Trouble Over Delayed Payment of Examiners Wed, 10 May 2023 02:39:02 +0000 KNEC in Trouble Over Delayed Payment of Examiners

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has come under scrutiny after teachers who supervised, invigilated and marked the 2022 National exams were not paid despite completing their work over four months ago.

Nominated Senator Esther Okenyuri sought a statement from KNEC over the delays in releasing payments and urged the government agency to provide a clear roadmap to ensure prompt payment for teachers who participate in future national examinations.

Okenyuri wants KNEC to come up with a clear roadmap to ensure that teachers who are engaged to mark the national examination in future get their pay on time since most of them were fearing being engaged for the tedious exercise only to be kept waiting for long before being paid.

“Kenya National Examination Council needs to tell us why it has not paid the teachers who marked the 2022 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education exam papers, we also want to be told measures put in place to avoid delays in future,” said Okenyuri.

Read also:

Machogu: This is Why JSS Teachers Haven’t Been Paid

Lawmakers Launch Strategy to End Delay in Payment of KNEC Examiners and Invigilators

You Will Get Your Pay After Funding, KNEC Tells Examiners

Reviewed Fees of Various Degree Courses 

KUCCPS to Open Portal Next Week For 2022 KCSE Candidates

KUCCPS Courses-Universities, Course Information, Clusters and Minimum qualifications Per course

Reprieve as 10,733 Teachers Get Massive Salary Increments

Narok Senator Ledama ole Kina said that when any government institution is owed money, they rush into charging penalties and interests and that the government should pay the teachers as soon as possible and that it was unfair for them to be denied what they have worked for.

Kina said that one of the solutions for the perennial delays in the payment of exam markers is to have part of the money paid by candidates for exam registration used to pay teachers and put in a special account so as to avoid the current scenario where it is not clear why there are delays.

He said to show how serious the matter is the motion should not only be approved by the Senate but also the National Assembly so that the houses can make a pronouncement on the thorny issue that has been affecting teachers from across the country who annually avail themselves.

“Members of Parliament will always raise their voices in protests whenever their sitting allowances delay, I empathise with our teachers who have to wait for months to get paid for an exercise concluded a long time ago, this is totally unfair and something must be done,” said Kina.

Nominated Senator Beatrice Ogola that it was unfair that the results are already celebrated nationally and a number of candidates were happy about the outcome while the teachers who invigilated, supervised and marked the exams are yet to be paid several months later.

Ogola said the role teachers play in the invigilation and marking of exams is critical for the progression of the students from one level to another, yet KNEC continues to delay their allowances and that it was only prudent that given that they had concluded their work they should be rewarded accordingly.

The Nominated Senator said that it was a matter of great concern that teachers who are offering students the new curriculum have not been adequately prepared for the tough job ahead and that they need to be prepared to lay a good foundation for students by the relevant bodies.

“Our teachers play a great role in setting a good foundation for our children, the least we can do is to ensure that they are well remunerated for the services they offer, the government should not appear like it is out to make life difficult for them,” said Ogola.

KNEC 2021 Examiners To Receive Remaining Dues Any Time Before July Sat, 11 Jun 2022 04:46:31 +0000 KNEC 2021 Examiners To Receive Remaining Dues Any Time Before July

It has been confirmed that teachers who participated in marking the 2021 KCPE and KCSE exams will be paid before end of June.

An officer from KNEC offices revealed to our team that the council has decided to pay the examiners before July since they have pressure to clear their accounts before receiving the budget for the 2022/ 2023 financial year.

It was an initial plan to settle the dues of all KNEC contracted professionals by end month, and so far, KNEC has made the initial steps towards meeting its goal by ensuring that all invigilators, supervisors, centre managers, security personnel and drivers who participated in the 2021 KCPE and KCSE are paid. The mentioned contracted professionals received their full dues yesterday.

So far, only examiners are waiting to be sorted by KNEC. Already, KCSE examiners had received a down payment of between ksh 10,000 and ksh. 20,0000 depending on the paper. What remained will be paid in full, unlike last year, where it was paid in installments.

“We have paid all the supervisors, centre managers, invigilators, security officers and drivers all their dues. KNEC cannot go anywhere with your money since it will need you again before conducting another exam. We are having examiners next, and we will pay them their full dues any time before end month. It can even be next week, but I am not sure if we will get all the required signatures to effect those payments. I do not want to commit myself but the examiners should be ready to get their money any time from now,” confirmed a senior KNEC official who spoke to our team.

Read also:

Heads Who Fail To Validate Teachers’ TPAY accounts Within 30 Days To Be Punished

KNEC Unveils Plans To Curb Mass Walk out of Examiners

TSC Releases Fresh Guidelines to Counter Alcoholism Among Teachers

TSC’s Latest Transfer of Heads Shakes Affected Schools

During the 2021 KCPE and KCSE exams, the Teachers Service Commission TSC, assigned 242,406 teachers national exam supervision and marking duties.

KCPE examiners only marked Insha and Composition papers. The marking of multiple-choice questions was done by the modern Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) which electronically scored the papers.

The delayed payments have caused frustrations and protests from teachers who supervised and invigilated the exams.

Teachers have been questioning why Knec is delaying their payments yet the KCPE and KCSE results were released long ago.

KNEC had in February warned that it will only make payment to those who officially register their details on the Cp2 platform.

However, Treasury CAS Eric Wafukho informed the examiners that there should be no panic since everything will be taken care of.

According to Wafukho, the government rolled out financing of the whole examination activities including paying teachers, drivers and security personnel through the treasury and they expect that the process will be smooth.

He maintains however that all logistics must be followed prior to the payment.

Earlier speculations revealed that the government coffers are dry, hindering it from meeting the obligation of paying teachers who manned the exams.

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MP Tasks Magoha To Explain Why KNEC Contracted Professionals Have not Been Paid, as Sources Indicate Next Month Mon, 06 Jun 2022 03:11:48 +0000 MP Tasks Magoha To Explain Why KNEC Contracted Professionals Have not Been Paid, as Sources Indicate Next Month

A member of parliament has asked Education Cs George Magoha to give reasons before the Departmental Committee on Education and Research, why the Kenya national examinations council (KNEC), has not paid invigilators, supervisors, examiners and other personnel who rendered services during the administration and marking of the 2021 Kenya Certificate Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.

The petition by Mp for Bomet Central Hon. Ronald Tonui, who doubles up as kenya union of post primary education teachers (kuppet) national vice treasurer, will give a response to what KNEC contracted professionals country wide have been waiting for. After working for KNEC religiously, the contracted professionals are forced to wait for several months before getting their dues, a tradition that replicates annually.

The petition, booked under order number 7, reads in part, “It is notified that, pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order 42A (5), the following Member will ask a question for reply before the specified Committee.”

Read also:

KNEC Explains Delay in Paying Contracted Professionals For KCPE, KCSE 2021

Magoha Tells Education Committee Why KCPE / KCSE Examiners Have Not Been Paid

Payment Dates For CBC Training Revealed

Multiple Choice Exams For Grade 6 KPSEA Ready: KNEC

MOE Reveals Junior Secondary School Placement Criteria For Grade 6 Candidates

List Of Schools That Will Host Junior Secondary Schools Per County Under CBC

Junior Secondary Schools To Have Separate Boards Of Management

KNEC Faces Critics Over Multiple Choice Grade 6 Exams and Eradication of Composition, Insha Tests

The petition by Tanui asks the cs to give reasons for the irking delay in paying contracted professionals.

“Could the Cabinet Secretary explain the inordinate delays by the Kenya National Examination Council in making payments to invigilators, supervisors, examiners and other personnel who rendered services during the administration and marking of the 2021 Kenya Certificate Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations?”

It further demands to know when KNEC is intending to pay the contracted professionals.

“When will the officials be paid?” reads the petition.

Already, sources are indicating that the knec examiners and other personnel who offered services during the 2021 KCPE and KCSE exams will be paid in July, once KNEC receives it’s budgetary allocation  for the new financial year.

KNEC Explains Delay in Paying Contracted Professionals For KCPE, KCSE 2021 Mon, 09 May 2022 03:19:18 +0000 KNEC Explains Delay in Paying Contracted Professionals For KCPE, KCSE 2021

Despite KCPE and KCSE exams being released a couple of months ago, the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) has not yet paid its contracted professionals who overseen the exams.

Among the contracted professionals who are yet to get a penny from KNEC are; Centre Managers (Principals and Head Teachers), Supervisors, Invigilators and Security Personnel. So far Knec has only paid teachers who were involved in the marking of KCPE and KCSE exams a fraction of their wages, with the remaining fraction expected some time after elections, as it is the traditions of KNEC.

The Teachers Service Commission TSC, assigned 242,406 teachers national exam supervision and marking duties.

KCPE examiners only marked Insha and Composition papers. The marking of multiple-choice questions was done by the modern Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) which electronically scored the papers.

The delayed payments have caused frustrations and protests from teachers who supervised and invigilated the exams.

Read also:

Schools to Miss Government Capitation for Failing to Acknowledge Receipt of Funds  

Magoha: Heads who Admit Form Ones Where They were Not Placed to Face Punishment

School Heads Warned Against Selling Form One slots

KUCCPS Admission to TTCs to Begin Next Month

Updated: Junior Secondary training CBC Training Allowances For Master Trainers, Trainers of Trainers and Trainers

Teachers have been questioning why Knec is delaying their payments yet the KCPE and KCSE results were released long ago.

KNEC had in February warned that it will only make payment to those who officially register their details on the Cp2 platform.

However, Treasury CAS Eric Wafukho informed the examiners that there should be no panic since everything will be taken care of.

According to Wafukho, the government rolled out financing of the whole examination activities including paying teachers, drivers and security personnel through the treasury and they expect that the

process will be smooth.

He maintains however that all logistics must be followed prior to the payment.

Earlier speculations revealed that the government coffers are dry, hindering it from meeting the obligation of paying teachers who manned the exams.

The contracted professionals expect their wages as summarized in the table below.

KNEC Invites Applications For 2021 KCPE, KCSE Marking Exercise-How To Apply Tue, 08 Mar 2022 03:10:29 +0000 KNEC Invites KCPE, KCSE Examiners For 2021 Marking Exercise-How To Apply

The Kenya National Examinations Council invites Examiners for the 2021 marking  exercise via online.

According to the examination council, the site shall be accessible as follows:

  • KCPE Examiners – from 4th March, 2022; 
  • KCSE Examiners – from 14th March, 2022. 

Examiners concerned are required to:-

Access KNEC Contracted Professionals website using this link: and login using their user name and  password.

Those that have forgotten their passwords should click on reset  password button to enter their mobile numbers in the format

(2547********) and submit to receive new ones for logging into the  system;

Read also:

Teachers Given a Deadline To Register as Contracted Professionals During 2021 KCPE, KCSE Tests

Magoha Releases Fresh Tight Rules Ahead of KCPE, KCSE Exams

MOE Warns School Heads Against Making Church Services Compulsory For Students

Magoha Warns School Heads Against Colluding With ‘KNEC Officials’ to Steal Exams

3.2 upon successful login, complete their personal information and save. Using  the dashboard provided, access, download, print and the invitation letters   and Marking Instructions. Further instructions on acceptance and rejection   of the marking offer are given in the invitation letter.

 For further details contact any of the following:-

Telephone numbers: 0720 741003, 0732 333530, 0775 471980, 0775  471997; 

Email addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]

Important notes for 2022-2023 Knec Examiners
Vacancies for 2022 KNEC KCPE/KCSE Examiners marking the 2021 KCPE/ KCSE at the knec-examiners-app
The 2022 KCPE and KCSE Knec examiners will be competitively selected from all 8 regions and the 47 counties in Kenya. Qualified teachers are expected to apply for the available 42, 000 slots for KCSE examiners and 7, 000 slots for KCPE examiners this year before the given deadline via the

The 2022-2023 KNEC Examiners vacancies will be competitively filled this year and only teachers who meet the minimum qualifications below will be granted access to apply.
KNEC examiners vacancies 2022-2023 selection criteria/ legibility

Reporting Dates for 2022 KNEC KCPE/KCSE Examiners marking the 2021 KCPE/ KCSE

Any teacher applying for the 2022 KNEC Examiners Vacancies for KCPE/ KCSE marking must

  1. Be a Kenyan Citizen
  2. Possess a valid national identification card.
  3. Be TSC Registered
  4. Not be on TSC interdiction for any indiscipline cases
  5. Possess a valid KNEC registration Certificate for all examiners who have completed the KNEC training modules for all examiners.

Kindly note that only invited examiners only will be allowed to access the marking centers on the reporting dates indicated on the invitation letters.

Examiners who will not be able to access the examiners’ portal and download their invitation letters are therefore advised to keep off the marking venues since trying to access the marking centers is an errand of futility. KNEC invites and selects examiners based on their performance during KNEC training. The top performers are given opportunities first since they are likely to deliver more credible results.


Given the throat-cutting competition for the limited Knec examiners’ vacancies, invited KCPE/ KCSE examiners are therefore advised to strictly adhere to the timelines indicated on the KNEC Examiners’ invitation letters 2022-2023.

The official reporting time is 2:00 P.M. for all KNEC examiners. Kindly note that the reporting dates differ from one KCSE script to the other since the papers have got different demands.

More demanding KCSE papers like English paper 3 Eng 101/3 require more time while marking since examiners have to peruse through at least three compositions per candidate. These examiners therefore will report to their designated marking centers a few days after the candidates sit for their last KCSE examination paper in early April.

Examiners who fail to turn up on the official reporting date and time indicated in the invitation letter will be disqualified.


The 2022 KNEC Payment rates per day remain constant this year. Therefore 2022 KCPE and KCSE examiners will receive Kshs 150 per day for co-ordination of the marking schemes for the first few days.

The KNEC payment rates per script range from Kshs 51 to Kshs 77 depending on the length and demands of the paper. English paper three examiners are the highest-paid Knec examiners in the latest KNEC examiners’ payment rates per paper 2020-2021.
