Wilson Sossion – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 31 Jan 2023 05:48:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Sossion: CBC Will Mess Kenya’s Education System https://elimupedia.com/sossion-cbc-will-mess-kenyas-education-system.html Tue, 31 Jan 2023 05:48:29 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=11240 Sossion: CBC Will Mess Kenya’s Education System

Former Knut secretary general Wilson Sossion has said the outgoing 8-4-4 system of education is superior to CBC.

Speaking during an interview with KTN on Monday, Sossion said the new education system is not going to help stem education in this country.

“CBC design as it is currently far more inferior to the 8-4-4, it is not going to help this country, it is not going to help stem education,” Sossion said.

Sossion said the new curriculum is not well planned.

He said he was hopeful that the presidential working party will make the curriculum fit for the nation.

“I want to believe that the Presidential working party in its second report in its second, third or finals report will provide a lasting solution that will see us design a curriculum that is ideal for this country, but not as a pressed curriculum that was picked elsewhere,” Sossion said.

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He said the new curriculum was introduced for purposes of business expediency but not to help the country.

He said other countries in Africa like Ghana did not borrow education systems but rather, developed their own.

Currently, Grade 7 learners have started reporting back to their primary schools where they are domiciled as CBC implementation keeps on progressing.

Sossion: Matiangi Doesn’t Deserve Glory, He Ruined the Education Sector https://elimupedia.com/sossion-matiangi-doesnt-deserve-glory-he-ruined-the-education-sector.html Tue, 24 Jan 2023 03:41:15 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=11186 Sossion: Matiangi Doesn’t Deserve Glory, He Ruined the Education Sector

Former Knut secretary general Wilson Sossion has alleged that Former Education CS for Fred Matiang’i was glorified for the wrong reasons during his tenure.

Speaking during an interview with Citizen TV, Sossion said Matiang’i developed a culture of destruction in the education sector through his policies. 

“Matiang’i was glorified while he developed a culture of the destruction of our students through his policies,” he said.

He also claimed Matiang’i policies were geared towards constricting the transition of students to the university.

“The policy was meant to deliberately constrict the transition of student to varsity. When we have a reduction of numbers of As from 3,000 to 1,146, really? What is the purpose of exams? We are destroying our students with the grading system,” he said.

Sossion further said the government must have an in-depth discussion about the purpose of national exams.

“We must discuss and debate the purpose of National exams, we need to know that exams are there to facilitate the transition,” he added.

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Sossion said the transition of students into university is still low, adding that it should be similar to what happens for primary pupils when transiting to secondary schools.

He also lauded the examination system in the country, saying it is of higher quality.

“If we do a comparative analysis, Grade C in Kenya is automatically Grade A in Botswana, we are running a very high examination system.”

Sossion Urges CBC Taskforce to Reduce to Reduce TSC’s Powers https://elimupedia.com/sossion-urges-cbc-taskforce-to-reduce-to-reduce-tscs-powers.html Thu, 20 Oct 2022 04:10:36 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10160 Sossion Urges CBC Taskforce to Reduce to Reduce TSC’s Powers

Former Kenya National Union Of Teachers (KNUT) secretary general Wilson Sossion is now rooting for the reduction of the powers currently enjoyed by the teachers service commission, TSC.

According to the former unionist, the teachers employer should only employ teachers.

“TSC should be confined to employing and managing teachers – to formulate policies to achieve its mandate; recruit and employ registered teachers; assign teachers employed by the commission; promote and transfer teachers; terminate the employment of teachers; review the demand for and the supply of teachers and manage the payroll of teachers,” reads a post submitted by Sossion.

Sossion has maintained in his post that article 237 which established TSC, neither gives it powers to regulate teachers nor to pertake quality assurance and standards.

Further, Sossion argues that Training and capacity building which include Teacher Professional Development is a function of the Ministry of Education.

“The independent status of TSC which the current office has abused on numerous occasions is founded on Chapter 15 of the Constitution. However, it should be noted that the constitutional status of TSC was a political decision rather than a professional resolution and commitment,” says Sossion.

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Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) proposed that TSC be made independent of the Ministry of Education for the commission to mobilise teachers to vote YES in referendum of the Constitution in 2010. The architects of the Constitution had not envisioned the current legal status of TSC in their original thinking.

The leadership of TSC has misconstrued its constitutional status to mean that it has nothing to do with the Ministry of Education or any organisation which has led to perennial clashes with ministry officials, leaderships of trade unions, parliamentary committee on education, and even disobeying the courts.

The commission has interpreted its mandate so generously and has encroached on the constitutional and legal mandate of the Ministry of Education and labour unions. Section II of TSC Act and various sections of the TSC Code of Regulations for Teachers encroached on the powers and functions of the CS for Education.

TSC has virtually taken over the management of public primary and secondary schools – it is more tragic that TSC has also taken over the quality assurance and standards functions in these institutions. This is regrettable because as the employer, it cannot exercise the quality assurance and standards in schools.

TSC single-handedly reviewed the Recognition Agreements signed with teacher unions and has now taken over the running of trade movements which is in violation of Labour Relations Act and Bill of Rights.

PSC Throws Out Sossion’s Application For PS https://elimupedia.com/psc-throws-out-sossions-application-for-ps.html Sat, 15 Oct 2022 04:36:21 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10115 PSC Throws Out Sossion’s Application For PS

Sossion has suffered another blow after his ambitions to become a permanent secretary got cut short by the Public Service Commission (PSC).

An analysis of the list of applicants released by the PSC shows the names of the likes of Wilson Sossion, former Ndhiwa MP Agostinho Neto, Justina Wangui Wamae, former Bomet Senator Christopher Lang’ata, former Emgwen MP Alex Kosgey, former Lamu Senator Anuar Loitiptip, Farmers Party leader Irungu Nyakera, former Laikipia woman representative Cate Waruguru and former Turkana Central MP John Lodepe.

Others are former National Treasury Principal Secretary Kamau Thugge, government’s spokesperson Cyrus Oguna, Amani National Congress (ANC) director of ICT Nathaniel Mong’are, former Nyandarua Speaker Wahome Ndegwa,Mining and Petroleum Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) John Mosonik, and Kanu Women Congress national chairperson Betty Adera.

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Also on the list are United Democratic Movement (UDM)secretary-general David Ohito, former nominated Senator Alice Milgo, ANC boss Musalia Mudavadi’s spokesperson Kibisu Kabatesi, former Kamukunji MP Simon Mbugua,former South Mugirango MP Omingo Magara, former Chesumei MP Wilson Kogo and former Rangwe MP Martin Otieno Ogindo.

The PSC had initially released the names of 477 shortlisted for the PS jobs after receiving 9,154 applicants, but it then expanded the list to 585 candidates. This means that 108 persons were added.

The agency had on Friday night cancelled an earlier list of shortlisted candidates for the position of principal secretary and issued a new, expanded one.

The commission said it had reviewed the number of shortlisted candidates “in order to increase inclusivity with regard to gender, the marginalised and minority groups, the youth and persons living with disability.”

Sossion Opposes 2023 Double Intake of CBC Grade 7 and Form Ones https://elimupedia.com/sossion-opposes-2023-double-intake-of-cbc-grade-7-and-form-ones.html Fri, 16 Sep 2022 02:56:57 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=9891 Sossion Opposes 2023 Double Intake of CBC Grade 7 and Form Ones

The double intake for the pioneer Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) and Form One learners could grind the education system to a halt, former Kenya National Union of Teachers secretary-general Wilson Sossion said yesterday.

Sossion, in an interview with a popular media, warned that the education sector lacks the capacity, infrastructure and human resource to undertake the double intake set for January next year. Commending President William Ruto’s move to form a task force to review the contentious CBC system, Sossion said it would guide the way forward on the education system.

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“Kenyans have a decision to make. Even if it is throwing it out, they should not fear. After all, no CBC has been going on. The Government should scale down education reforms,” Sossion said.

Forced down Saying his interest is to see stability in the education sector, Sossion claimed CBC is being forced on Kenyans without professional perspectives. “We want a curriculum that is exciting to learners, easy to be delivered by teachers, well resourced … and where teachers are properly recruited, supported and remunerated so that we can produce a competitive human resource,” he said.

He advocated a higher budget allocation to the Teachers Service Commission to hire 58,000 tutors, adding that Grade Six learners should move to Grade Seven in the schools they are in now. Just before CBC’s inception, then-Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed suspended its planned roll-out to give room for more preparation and training of teachers. But the decision was overruled and CBC was rolled out nationally in January 2019. ‘

Nancy Macharia Named Among the Cs Education Potentials https://elimupedia.com/nancy-macharia-named-among-the-cs-education-potentials.html Wed, 14 Sep 2022 04:02:08 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=9882 Nancy Macharia Named Among the Cs Education Potentials

The swearing in of President William Ruto has shifted focus to the possible line up of Cabinet Secretaries in his government.

In the ministry of education, a number of names have come up for replacements for the position of the CS, currently held by Prof George Magoha, who has also been fronted to continue heading the ministry.

National Parents Association Chairman Nicholas Maiyo called on President William Ruto to retain Prof Magoha for his zeal.

Prof Magoha served as the Kenya National Examinations Council Chairman and was credited for curbing exam cheating which had remained a blot to the country’s education system.

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He also served as a Vice Chancellor at the University of Nairobi.

Maiyo further argued that the education system is undergoing transition hence the need to have Prof Magoha around.

Dr Belio Kipsang,who once served as the PS Early Basic Education, has also been fronted for the position of CS.

Dr Kipsang served as a PS at a time when the country was transitioning into the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

Consequently,the President might prefer Dr Kipsang to take charge and streamline the sector, which consumes the highest allocation of the national cake.

Dr Kipsang previously worked as the Deputy Chief Officer and the Head of Operations at the Higher Education Loans Board.

Appointed as PS in 2013, Dr Kipsang was one of the very few PSs to be retained for the same position after the 2017 elections.

Considered as a sober PS,the President might want him as the PS Education, notably Early and Basic Education.

He was transferred in the same position as the Regional and Northern Corridor Development in February 2021.

Dr Kipsang holds a PHD degree in Education Administration and Planning from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, a masters of Arts Degree in Economics and a Bachelors (Honours) Degree in Education (Business and Economics) both from the University of Nairobi.

Teachers Service Commission Secretary/CEO Nancy Macharia is another possible contender for the position.

Ms Macharia is serving her second and last term at the Commission hence she has the opportunity to stand tall and be counted as a CS or PS. Though she has a wealth of experience in teachers’ issues, she has had run ins with teachers unions especially on the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programmes.

Her appointment might also be an attempt to appease the Central Kenya voting bloc.

Former Kenya National Union of Teachers Secretary General and nominated MP Wilson Sossion has also been mentioned as a possible candidate.

However, his firebrand union politics put him at loggerheads with Education officials and TSC.

Having him at the ministry, some fear, will see him settle scores with TSC and education officials who stepped on his toes.

During his tenure as the Minister for Higher Education Science and Technology, President William Ruto demonstrated his passion for technical training hence the possibility of the Ministry of Education being split into two with two Cabinet Secretaries in charge

If this is done, Ambassador Simon Nabukwesi, the PS in charge of State Department for University Education and Research is a possible contender, in an attempt to also appease the Western region as a voting bloc.

A holder of B.Ed., M. Ed. in Education Planning and Management and MA in International Project Management, Amb Nabukwesi emerged a critical cog in the ministry as Prof Magoha assigned him roles outside his docket.

Amb Nabukwesi started his career as a High School teacher where he served as Deputy Principal and Principal of various schools between 1989 and 2009.

He once served as Kenya’s High Commissioner to Canada and other positions before he was appointed as the PS in February 2020.

It’s Upto Ruto to Appoint Me or Anyone Else as education CS, Sossion https://elimupedia.com/its-upto-ruto-to-appoint-me-or-anyone-else-as-education-cs-sossion.html Thu, 08 Sep 2022 02:45:39 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=9830 It’s Upto Ruto to Appoint Me or Anyone Else as education CS, Sossion

Former Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary General Wilson Sossion has denied allegations that he is lobbying to be appointed Cabinet Secretary for Education, maintaining that the decision lies with president-elect William Ruto, to give him or someone else the job.

While speaking to K24 on Wednesday, the former ODM nominated MP said it is up to the President to decide whom he shall appoint to the office in his administration

“Only William Ruto, Kenya’s President-elect, knows who the ideal candidate to head the Education ministry under his government is,” he said.

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Sossion said all eyes now await Ruto’s swearing-in on 13th September to attain the executive powers of appointing cabinet secretaries as well as deliver on his promises.

Sossion was among those who played a great role in the Kenya Kwanza campaign team by popularizing its manifesto to see their candidate clinch the top seat.

He added that he had no set ultimatums nor was he lobbying for a position in the government during the campaign period.

He said the president’s pick will reign as they had delivered their bit.

“Whatever else happens after here is not within my power. We finished our engagement with the president as Kenyans at the ballot box, beyond the ballot box, the president will make his own arrangements and appoint whoever he so wishes,” he said.

Nevertheless, the unionist hailed Kenya Kwanza’s education charter which he contributed in formulating saying it has the best formula for transforming the sector as well as teachers’ welfare.

“My business was to support Kenya Kwanza in its philosophy of the bottom-up economic model. It was in drafting the charter and I’m happy because the charter is good for education and teachers,” he said.

Kenya Kwanza in their education charter plans to bridge the 116,000-teacher deficit in public schools within two financial years by employing 58,000 teachers annually from the over 300,00 trained but unemployed teachers in the country

Sossion is remembered to have fronted teachers’ grievances since 2013, but later resigned amid squabbles that emanated from within the union and his cold relations with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Former Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Chairman Collins Oyuu was unanimously elected to replace Wilson Sossion as the new commission’s Secretary General.

Mulunda’s Sacking is a Plot To Bar Him From Succession, Sossion https://elimupedia.com/mulundas-sacking-is-a-plot-to-bar-him-from-succession-sossion.html Sun, 03 Jul 2022 07:58:03 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=7711 Mulunda’s Sacking is a Plot To Bar Him From Succession, Sossion

Former KNUT Secretary general Wilson Sossion has strongly condemned the sacking of Teachers Service Commission (TSC) deputy chief executive officer Kennedy Mulunda, calling it a move to block him from becoming the next TSC CEO. Sossion has further pledged  to challenge the commission’s decision in court.

According to  Sossion in his statement,the termination is a scheme to ensure Mulunda does not take over when CEO Nancy Macharia leaves office. Macharia sacked Mulunda over allegations of abuse of office and gross misconduct.

The TSC disciplinary committee consisting of commissioners found him guilty of the offences after 10 principals and teachers from Western and Nyanza testified against him.

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“Between Nancy and his deputy Mulunda, who is engaged in big time corruption in TSC tenders?” asked Sossion.

Sossion has even threatened to expose the rot in TSC and ensure action is taken in the event the Kenya Kwanza coalition wins the August polls.

“In due course, we shall be peeling away the mask of corruption scandals blow by blow at TSC from promotions, transfers, Teacher Professional Development training, Competency-Based Curriculum training funds and how fast it is cleared by the Treasury before ending in the pockets of thieves, tender scandals, kickbacks from third parties’ deductions.”

Sossion accused Macharia and TSC chair Jamleck Kamau of colluding with other commissioners to ensure Mulunda does not take charge of the commission.

“The TSC chair should tell the public when Ms Macharia will reach retirement age,” he said, adding the dismissal is part of what Kenya Kwanza describes as state capture.

“This is the state capture that Kenya Kwanza shall address through a commission of inquiry once we take over government.”

He praised Dr Mulunda as a highly educated human resources expert who should be allowed to run TSC without being maligned.

Teachers with Diploma, Masters, PhDs Set For Promotions and Payrise https://elimupedia.com/teachers-with-diploma-masters-phds-set-for-promotions-and-payrise.html Tue, 14 Jun 2022 07:28:22 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=7006 Teachers with Diploma, Masters, PhDs Set For Promotions and Payrise

Several teachers who have acquired higher qualifications while in the profession could be promoted and added salaries following National Assembly recommendations after a successful petition by a splinter union.

Martha Omollo, Kenya National Teachers Pressure Group (KNTPG) spokesperson petitioned Parliament to push the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to promote teachers with diplomas, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees acquired during the service.

Subsequently, the 12th Parliament on its final sitting recommended that TSC should recognize and acknowledge higher qualifications acquired by teachers while in service.

“The TSC should within six months of adoption of this report open negotiations with teachers’ unions on the Career Progression Guidelines (CPGs) and uphold the rights of teachers who have acquired relevant qualifications at the time of their in-service.

“Further TSC shall give guidelines on relevant courses to be undertaken by teachers,” reads the report.

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According to the legislators, the promotions would be “in accordance with UNESCO/ILO recommendations of 1966 that acknowledge the intellectual rights of teachers who undertake and conclude relevant in-service courses.”

The teacher’s employer stopped the automatic promotions which were based on the Schemes of Service in 2014, and replaced it with the Career Progression Guidelines (CPGs) in 2016.

The members of parliament have also instructed the teachers’ employer to submit budgetary requirements for promotion of all eligible teachers in the 2023/2024 financial budget estimates for consideration by the National Assembly.

This new development will be a very big win for big win for Omollo. In 2021, Omollo accused TSC of victimisation after being transferred from Nairobi to Trans Nzoia County.

The petition was presented before the House on February 18, 2022 by Nominated MP Wilson Sossion on behalf of Ms Omollo. Mr Sossion quit as Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) secretary-general after having a fractious relationship with the TSC.

“These recommendations are now compulsive to TSC. This should have been petitioned a long time ago,” Mr Sossion revealed.

The unions supported the promotion of teachers who acquired higher qualifications while the commission defended the Code of Regulation for Teachers and the CPGs, saying the two instruments provide the minimum qualification required for each job grade and the conditions to be met before a teacher is promoted.

“TSC should promote teachers who graduated before 2014. They used their resources to study but they have now stagnated in the same job group. We speak for teachers because the unions no longer speak for us,” said Omollo.

Previously, primary school teachers who attained a diploma in education or a degree were automatically promoted to Job Group K and L respectively.

Another Blow To TSC As Parliament Demands Promotion Of All Teachers with Higher Qualifications https://elimupedia.com/another-blow-to-tsc-as-parliament-demands-promotion-of-p1-teachers-with-higher-qualifications.html Thu, 24 Feb 2022 04:07:08 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5642 Another Blow To TSC As Parliament Demands Promotion Of Teachers with Higher Qualifications

Members of parliament have proposed a petition which will see primary school teachers that further their studies get promoted by the teachers’ service commission, TSC.

Should the get adopted, all PTE teachers who furthered their studies will be recognized and promoted by TSC.

February 24th, the parliamentary Education and Research committee resolved to invite the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to respond to a petition tabled in Parliament seeking to compel the employer to acknowledge degrees attained by in-service teachers from recognized universities.

The petition, presented by ODM nominated MP Wilson Sossion, wants Parliament to recommend that the TSC puts in place policy guidelines to promote or upgrade teachers who successfully acquire qualifications from recognized institutions in line with international best practices.

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The Commission does not want to promote primary and secondary school teachers who lack grade C+(plus) in KCSE exams including C+(plus) in the teaching subjects.

However, the committee, chaired by Busia MP Florence Mutua, said that the petition had raised pertinent issues that need to be urgently discussed and addressed within the shortest time possible.

“As a committee, we have supported the petition and agreed to invite the TSC to shed light on the issues raised. We have also agreed to urgently hear the petition and ensure we capture the cash needed to implement this in the next budget” Ms Mutua said.

In the petition signed by teachers Martha Omollo,Eva Muchemi and Salvin Munene,they want the MPs to enquire into the circumstances under which the TSC has since 2014 unilaterally declined to recognize diplomas, undergraduate, and graduate and post graduate degrees earned by in-service teachers from recognized universities.

“That in the interest of self-improvement, many teachers have progressively advanced their qualifications by pursuing and successfully earning high qualifications, ranging from diplomas, bachelors, masters and even doctoral degrees,” reads the petition.

The three teachers are members of the Kenya National Teachers Pressure Group (KNTPG), which the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary-General Collins Oyuu has dismissed as “an illegal group with no rights to speak for teachers”.

The TSC Act,2012, emphasizes the need for the commission to require every registered teacher to undertake career progression and professional development programme to be promoted.

In 2015, the commission abandoned the schemes of service, which considered the academic qualification when promoting teachers, and introduced the Career Progression Guidelines(CPGS), which focuses on teachers’ performance for promotions.

Mr Sossion said thousands of teachers have acquired higher qualifications but the commission has refused to recognize them, and insisted on using the CPGs.

“Your humble petitioners pray that this House, through the departmental Committee on Education and Research intervenes in the matter,” reads the petition.

Existing data shows that more than 30,000 teachers who acquired higher degrees and diplomas are yet to be promoted.

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Teachers (Kuppet) Chairperson Omboko Milemba said the shift from schemes of service to CPG disadvantaged many teachers who had acquired loans to further their studies, in the hope of being promoted.

“Majority of those affected were primary school P1 teachers who went back to school and acquired diplomas and degrees, a large number of secondary school teachers also went back to school and acquired undergraduate degrees for those who had diplomas, Masters degrees while others hold PhD and are still in class with no promotion,” said Milemba.

Milemba, who is also the Emuhaya MP and a member of the Education Committee said the introduction of CPGs wasted the efforts made by teachers to further their studies.

The promotion of teachers using the CPGs was among the issues that brought friction between TSC and Knut during Session’s tenure as the secretary-general at the union, leading to endless court battles.
