DIPTE – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sat, 19 Aug 2023 04:54:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Relief as Government Revises TTC, Diploma in Education Entry Requirements https://elimupedia.com/relief-as-government-revises-ttc-diploma-in-education-entry-requirements.html Sat, 19 Aug 2023 04:54:16 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=13428 Relief as Government Revises TTC, Diploma in Education Entry Requirements

Students aspiring to become primary and secondary school teachers can breathe a sigh of relief after the government revised the entry requirements for teacher training colleges (TTCs).

Previously, to train as a primary school teacher, a student had to have an average grade of C plain but with cluster subjects in mathematics, English and Kiswahili (C) and a C in a science and humanities subject.

However, with the changes, a student must have an average grade of C (plain) without cluster subjects of mathematics, English or Kiswahili. However, to train as a secondary school teacher, a student must have a C plain and a C plus in two subjects.

This is according to recommendations by Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER). The Kenya Teachers Colleges Principals’ Association (KTCPA) urged the Ministry of Education to send circulars to TTCs to allow them to adopt the revised entry requirements.

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“The revised entry requirements are very important for the country because, for example, a teacher has to master the content of a subject in which you specialize, so you have to have a higher grade in the subject you want to teach. In the beginning, it was still a C plus in the subject. But what has been reduced is from a C plus to a C plain in the average grade,” said KTCPA chairman Paul Barasa.

Mr Barasa said all TTCs had adopted the competency-based teacher education programme. “In the primary teacher training colleges, we have the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education and Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education and I can confirm that all the private and public TTCs have started these programmes which are up and running,” he added. Kenya has a total of 35 public and 28 private TTCs offering Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE), Diploma in Primary and Secondary Teacher Education.

Education stakeholders said the revised entry requirements will help TTCs that are struggling with low enrolment to boost the number of pre-service teachers. Some TTCs have enrolments of less than 20 students.

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu cited inadequate budgetary allocations, poor payment of fees by parents and low enrolment as challenges facing TTCs.

The CS expressed optimism that the revised admission requirements for TTCs will increase the number of pre-service teachers.

“However, this will come with other challenges to maintain the quality of learning. One of the recommendations of the PWPER mandates the ministry to develop guidelines for a one-year retooling.

Unskilled P1 Teachers Will Not Be Employed by TSC From 2024 https://elimupedia.com/unskilled-p1-teachers-will-not-be-employed-by-tsc-from-2024.html Tue, 20 Jun 2023 04:09:16 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=13252 Unskilled P1 Teachers Will Not Be Employed by TSC From 2024

A PTE (Primary Teacher Education) certificate will not be enough to grant one license to teach in a primary school from next year.

This was revealed from a report published by the teacher employer, Teachers Service Commission (TSC). TSC says primary school teachers with only PTE certificates will be irrelevant as all primary schools will be fully locked into Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) from Grade 1 to 6.

However, in its framework the Commission says it will recruit P1 teachers who undertook the Competency Based Teacher Education (CBTE).

These are PTE teachers who upgraded their certificates to the current Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE).

It further says the lowest entry grade into the teaching profession will be a Diploma, implying that only teachers with DPTE will be considered for employment in primary schools.

Those employed will be placed in job group C1 meaning TSC will in future scrap job group B5 for teachers which is the current entry grade for primary school teachers.

Thousands of primary and nursery school teachers enrolled for upgrading of their certificates to the CBC Diploma.

A taskforce had recommended both P1 and ECDE teachers to undergo the mandatory training to be at par with the demand of the new curriculum.

The first cohorts of trainee teachers completed their studies and were issued with a Diploma certificate from Knec.

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The diploma in primary teacher education is offered in the current primary teacher colleges.

Those who are interested in applying should apply.

The new diploma in primary teacher education Entry requirements

 The entry requirements for the new diploma in primary teacher education are C Plain in the KCSE or its equivalent.

The new diploma in primary teacher education Course duration

 The new diploma in primary teacher education training shall take three years, as per the approved curriculum designs.

The new diploma in primary teacher education Specialization

 The teachers’ trainees for the new diploma in primary teacher education will specialize in only three subject areas.

The specialization areas have been clustered into four, but teachers will only pick one subject per cluster. Specialization will begin from year one.

  1. The new diploma in primary teacher education Cluster one subjects
  • Kenya Sign Language
  • Indigenous Languages
  • Foreign Languages (German, French, Arabic and Mandarin (Chinese).
  1. The new diploma in primary teacher education Cluster two subjects
  • Mathematics
  • Home Science
  • Agriculture
  • Science and Technology
  1. The new diploma in primary teacher education Cluster three subjects
  • Social Studies
  • Religious Education(CRE, HRE, IRE)
  1. The new diploma in primary teacher education Cluster four subjects
  • Art and Craft
  • Music

The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education Compulsory Subjects

  • English
  • Kiswahili
  • Physical and Health Education (PHE)
  • Kenya sign language for hearing impaired

The mandatory learning areas will build on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the young teacher for effective lesson delivery.

The new diploma in primary teacher education Evaluation

 Upon completing the required hours for coursework and passed the stipulated KNEC assessment, one will be approved to teach in any primary school countrywide.

The teachers will also be required to have completed the required hours for the practicum and passed the stipulated KNEC assessment.

The teachers will undergo a three months micro teaching course, which will be a requirement for teaching practice. During micro teaching, the trainees will prepare teaching and learning materials, which they will use to teach their peers.

The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education Placement

Upon completion of the course, the trainees will be registered and employed by the TSC in any primary school across the country.


Ministry Invites Applications For 2023 P1 and ECDE Upgrading Diploma-Application Procedure https://elimupedia.com/ministry-invites-applications-for-2023-p1-and-ecde-upgrading-diploma-application-procedure.html Wed, 27 Jul 2022 03:17:51 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=8403 Ministry Invites Applications For 2023 P1 and ECDE Upgrading Diploma-Application Procedure


The Upgrading courses are:



All teachers who wish to be considered for admission in Teacher Training Colleges for upgrading from Certificate ECDE and Primary Teacher Education (PTE)to Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE)and Diploma Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) respectively are invited to Apply.

This is an upgrading program for the trained teachers in the above categories who are not yet employed by Teachers Service Commission (TSC), County Governments or Private Sector.

The school-based upgrading program to benefit teachers in service will commence in April 2023. Application forms are available on the Ministry of Education website www.education.go.ke.

Duty filled application forms should be submitted to the Sub County Director Education offices from Thursday 28th July 2022 to Thursday 18th August,2022 by the applicants in person to ease verification of original certificates and testimonials.

Those with special needs are encouraged to apply.

Candidates are advised to register in only one centre. Double registration will lead to automatic disqualification

The letter of offer will stipulate the fees and other requirements.


  1. The applicant must possess a valid ECDE Certificate NOT Provisional. The ECDE certificate must have been obtained from a recognized training institution.

2.The duration of the Course shall be1890 Hours.

3.The course shall be fully residential and shall last for 5 terms 4 terms for tuition and 1 for practicum.

4.The trainee shall take all courses specified in the upgrading programme of Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE).

5.The trainees shall undertake a Teaching Practicum of 300 Hours.

6.To be awarded the Diploma, the trainee must complete the required hours for Course Work and pass the stipulated assessment by the Kenya National Examination


  1. The applicant must possess a valid PTE Certificate

2.The duration of the course shall be 1500 Hours.

3.The course shall be fully residential and shall last for 4 terms 3 terms for tuition and 1 for practicum.

4.The trainee shall take all courses specified in the upgrading programme of Diploma in Primary Teacher Education

5.The trainees shall undertake a Teaching Practicum of 300 Hours.

6.To be awarded the Diploma, the trainee must complete the required hours for Course Work and the stipulated assessment by the Kenya National Examination Council.

Benefits of pursuing DIPTE

Those who successfully complete the DIPTE program will be granted an advantage during TSC recruitments over those who will lack the certificates. They will have at least 10 points ahead of the rest during any TSC recruitment or replacement exercise.

Read also:

P1 Teachers Undertaking The Upgrading Diploma To Be Favoured In July 2022 TSC Recruitment

KNEC Announces Scholarships For DIPTE, DECTE, DTE And Upgrading Course To DIPTE or DECTE

Details Of Teachers Staged For Salary Increment in July 2022

List Of Schools Proposed To Host Junior Secondary Schools Per County Under CBC Ahead Of Placement

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List of Primary School Teachers Deployed to Secondary Schools-July 2022

Apply For KNEC Training Now https://elimupedia.com/apply-for-knec-training-now.html Thu, 21 Jul 2022 06:48:25 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=8355 Apply For KNEC Training Now

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has invited teachers and qualified candidates to apply for training as assessors for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) and Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) programmes starting August 2022.

KNEC has claimed forefront position in management of national examinations, training of examiners and award certificates to successful candidates.


  • Be registered with the TSC (or employed) and not serving any disciplinary term
  • Have teaching experience of relevant subject exceeding three years having attained a degree in education or a Post-graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
  • Be below 55 years of age and recommended by their head of institution

All subjects referenced in 2 above are listed in the KNEC portal highlighted below.

All the applicants are expected to upload their details after creating an account on the Kenya National Examinations Council website https://examinersapp.knec.ac.ke on or before July 31, 2022.

This free residential training will commence on August 14, 2022 to close on August 20, 2022 at venues to be communicated to successful applicants.

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At the same time teachers who are already trained as KNEC examiners are no exceptions as they must undergo the training if they wish to be DPTE/DECTE assessors.

P1 Teachers Undertaking The Upgrading Diploma To Be Favoured In July 2022 TSC Recruitment https://elimupedia.com/p1-teachers-undertaking-the-upgrading-diploma-to-be-favoured-in-july-2022-tsc-recruitment.html Fri, 01 Jul 2022 02:39:50 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=7651 P1 Teachers Undertaking The Upgrading Diploma To Be Favoured In July Recruitment

The Primary school teachers who heeded the TSC’S call for Diploma in primary teacher education (DIPTE) will be favoured in the ongoing recruitment exercise, whose interviews have been scheduled this month.

Those who will successfully graduate with the diploma will even have a higher advantage in the next and subsequent recruitment interviews by Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

The July interviews are likely to favour those undergoing the diploma upgrade since there is an option in the application window for p1 applicants to indicate if they have the CBC upgrade certificate. What this implies is that those with the certificate will have higher marks in the marking scheme and recruitment guidelines, which will be released in the course of next week. Being that currently no one has graduated with the program since it was initiated, the commission will consider evidence of pursuing the program. Among them include; admission letters, fee payment receipts, recognition letter by the college, student identity card or transcripts for the completed semesters.

The teachers on CBC Upgrading diploma program are currently sitting their final program exams, which will end on 10th July 2022. this means that they can be able to attend the interviews and present their evidence of having gone through the program.

Even though the commission has not indicated any marks, it is likely to indicate the marks in the marking scheme, and the marks for the upgrading program might be higher than that of internship since the commission currently is giving weight to the program.

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P1 Teachers Who Took The Upgrading Diploma To Be Favoured In The Upcoming Teacher Recruitment

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Deployment of P1 Teachers to Secondary Schools Wasn’t Advertised Because of These Reasons, TSC

Currently, approximately 229,000 teachers are pursuing DIPTE in various accredited Teacher Training Colleges (TTC) across the country.

TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia, expressed her happiness the cohort, who will soon graduate, during the release of 2021 KCSE results. Macharia confirmed that the upon graduation, the freshly graduated DIPTE cohort will help in implementing the new curriculum.

A good number of Commission officials have joined Nancy Macharia in praising the P1 teachers who opted to upgrade their teaching skills and are soon graduating with DIPTE this year.

Last week, TSC Coast Regional Director in charge of Quality Assurance and Standards, Mr.David Nganyi, assured the trainee teachers who are undergoing the program that they will be offered first hand employment upon successful graduation.

Nganyi who was speaking during the Kenya Teachers Colleges Sports Association (KTCA) Coast Region Athletics Championship held at Shanzu TTC, said there is no way TSC could employ the unskilled when there are skilled ones out there.

“We are eagerly waiting for you, as soon as you graduate, we will directly absorb you so long as you have passed all the units,” said Nganyi.

During the end of last year,TSC Director for Quality Assurance and Standards,Dr.Reuben Nthamburi also hinted on giving first priority to teachers with CBC skills.

Nthamburi urged those teachers who have not enrolled for the upgrade programme to do so to avoid future regrets.

KUCCPS Places 1538 Students in TTCs To Pursue DIPTE and DECTE https://elimupedia.com/kuccps-places-1538-students-in-ttcs-to-pursue-dipte-and-decte.html Sun, 26 Jun 2022 03:02:01 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=7416 KUCCPS Places 1538 Students in TTCs To Pursue DIPTE and DECTE

The placement outcomes released yesterday was a clear confirmation that the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has taken over placement of teachers to diploma colleges from the respective teacher training colleges, TTCc.

According to the Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha, 1,538 students have been placed in Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DIPTE) and Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE).

‘‘For the first time, KUCCPS placed applicants for admission to 32 public diploma primary teacher training colleges. These students will be trained to deliver the CBC curriculum,” Magoha said.

This latest  move was influenced by the recent expansion of the KUCCPS mandate which saw the education ministry transfer admission of new TTC students to the former.

Read also:

KUCCPS 2022 Placement Results-Check Your Degree, TTC or TVET Placement Here

P1 Teachers Who Took The Upgrading Diploma To Be Favoured In The Upcoming Teacher Recruitment

How to Apply for TTC Diploma in Teacher Education or Early Childhood Education Through KUCCPS

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The implication is that TTC students will now be eligible for loans from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).

Previously, admissions at the TTCs were conducted by the ministry at the county headquarters. These involved applicants manually filling and submitting application forms. However, the applications will now be done online through KUCCPS portal.

Those who will be taking diploma in secondary school option have been placed  in three TTCs; Kagumo, Kibabii and Lugari.

‘‘Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service has placed 293 students to three colleges offering Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education, of Kagumo, Kibabii and Lugari with 129 male, 164 female who will be trained to deliver the CBC curriculum,’’ he said.

He noted that majority of female students will be taking the Primary Teachers courses to handle CBC learners.

KUCCPS Chief Executive Officer Mercy Wahome noted that KUCCPS will add value to the TTC admission process by utilising its automated placement system to guarantee fair competition among applicants.

“One thing we pride ourselves in, is being able to place students in the fairest way possible. We can assure the Ministry that (KUCCPS) is ready for the task,” Dr Wahome said.

She noted that the placement agency had developed a watertight automated system for admission that ensures all legible applicants are placed.

She also spelt out the roadmap for the admissions activity for the second batch of students who will join the institution to undergo training under the Competency-Based Curriculum.

KUCCPS has listed 35 teachers training colleges on their portal for placement this year.

Before the TTC admissions were brought under KUCCPS, the placement agency coordinated the selection of students for government sponsorship to public and private universities, TVET colleges and the three secondary diploma teacher training colleges, namely Kibabii, Kagumo and Lugari.

P1 Teachers Who Took The Upgrading Diploma To Be Favoured In The Upcoming Teacher Recruitment https://elimupedia.com/p1-teachers-who-took-the-upgrading-diploma-to-be-favoured-in-the-upcoming-teacher-recruitment.html Sat, 21 May 2022 04:17:00 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6724 P1 Teachers Who Took The Upgrading Diploma To Be Favoured In The Upcoming Teacher Recruitment

The Primary school teachers who heeded the TSC’S call for Diploma in primary teacher education (DIPTE) will successfully graduate with the diploma will be favored during the next and subsequent recruitment interviews by Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Currently, approximately 229,000 teachers are pursuing DIPTE in various accredited Teacher Training Colleges (TTC) across the country.

TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia, expressed her happiness the cohort, who will soon graduate, during the release of KCSE results. Macharia confirmed that the upon graduation, the freshly graduated DIPTE cohort will help in implementing the new curriculum.

A good number of Commission officials have joined Nancy Macharia in praising the P1 teachers who opted to upgrade their teaching skills and are soon graduating with DIPTE this year.

Last week, TSC Coast Regional Director in charge of Quality Assurance and Standards, Mr.David Nganyi, assured the trainee teachers who are undergoing the program that they will be offered first hand employment upon successful graduation.

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Unions Launch a Fresh Push For Teacher’s Salary Increment

How to Apply for TTC Diploma in Teacher Education or Early Childhood Education Through KUCCPS

KUCCPS Opens Portal For 2021 KCSE Candidates Qualified For Degree, Diploma and TTC Applications-Apply Here

KUCCPS Courses-Universities, Course Information, Clusters and Minimum qualifications Per course

How to Apply for Degree, Diploma and TTC Courses Through KUCCPS

KUCCPS Admission to TTCs is on

Nganyi who was speaking during the Kenya Teachers Colleges Sports Association (KTCA) Coast Region Athletics Championship held at Shanzu TTC, said there is no way TSC could employ the unskilled when there are skilled ones out there.

“We are eagerly waiting for you, as soon as you graduate, we will directly absorb you so long as you have passed all the units,” said Nganyi.

During the end of last year,TSC Director for Quality Assurance and Standards,Dr.Reuben Nthamburi also hinted on giving first priority to teachers with CBC skills.

Nthamburi urged those teachers who have not enrolled for the upgrade programme to do so to avoid future regrets.

How to Apply for TTC Diploma in Teacher Education or Early Childhood Education Through KUCCPS https://elimupedia.com/how-to-apply-for-ttc-diploma-in-teacher-education-or-early-childhood-education-through-kuccps.html Fri, 20 May 2022 04:04:10 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6712 How to Apply for TTC Diploma in Teacher Education or Early Childhood Education Through KUCCPS

KCSE holders wishing to teacher training colleges for diploma in teacher education (DIPTE) or diploma in early childhood education (DECTE) can now apply through the KUCCPS website. Unlike in the past where teachers in TTCs were not factored in the KUCCPS applications, this time, teachers pursuing diploma certificates in various TTCs will be admitted through KUCCPS, implying that they will receive HELB loans just like their university and TVET counterparts.

How to Apply

DIPTE and DECTE applicants can use the step-by-step guide below to apply for their courses using their mobile phones. You do not have to seek the services of a cyber man.

Step 1

Open the chrome browser in your mobile gadget. On the search area, type students.kuccps.net and search. If you are reading this article, simply click on the site. Go directly to login (immediately below the orange lining).

Step 2

A window appears prompting you to provide your KCSE index number, KCSE year and password. As your password, enter your birth certificate number (the 6-digit number on top of your birth certificate). In case it is failing, use your KCPE index number. Do not forget to include the school code when dealing with index numbers

Step 3

You are now in your account. Go to ‘menu’ (the three short horizontal lines to the right of KUCCPS logo) in the orange lining and click ‘programs’. Related programs are clustered together. If you goal is to get a TTC where you can pursue DIPTE Or DECTE, then under programs, navigate to diploma programs and choose the last programme in that list, primary and early childhood teacher education.

Step 4

Once you have identified the programme, click on it and confirm that you meet the minimum requirements before scrolling down to the list of teachers training colleges offering the programme.

Step 5

Swipe your phone leftwards to see your cluster points for the programme on the far right and note it in a piece of paper. For each TTC, compare your cluster points against the cluster point of the college the previous year (found on the far left). If you are interested in the college and your cluster points are lower or equal to its, record its programme code and the college in a piece of paper. For those applying for TTC intake this year, the clusters may not be there since no previous intake had been conducted under KUCCPS. Simply ensure you meet the qualifications.

You will repeat steps 3 and 4 till you come up with all the courses that you want.

Step 6

On your piece of paper, make a final draft by arranging your draft choices into their respective choices. You should have at least six college choices.

Step 7

Now you have 6 courses. Go to the menu (refer to step 3) and click on application/ revision. Click ‘apply now’. Enter the codes that you had arranged in their respective spaces. Once through, click submit. You will be notified the amount you should pay, the playbill, and the account number.

Enter the transaction code in your MPESA message and click ‘submit’. You can view your applications by clicking application history

To pay via MPESA, click the sim tool kit on your phone, then go to MPESA. Select ‘lipa na’ MPESA then pay bill. Enter the business number and the account number as directed in your portal account, followed by your MPESA pin, then send.

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KUCCPS Admission to TTCs to Begin Next Month https://elimupedia.com/kuccps-admission-to-ttcs-to-begin-next-month.html Fri, 06 May 2022 02:47:33 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6551 KUCCPS Admission to TTCs to Begin Next Month

The admission of new students, who want to pursue diploma in primary teacher education to various teachers’ training colleges through Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) is expected to start in June.

This is after KUCCPS recently expanded its mandate, when the Ministry of Education transferred admission of new TTC students to the placement agency.

KUCCPS CEO, Dr Mercy Wahome, said KUCCPS would add value to the TTC admission process since it would utilise its automated placement system to guarantee fair competition among applicants. “One thing we pride ourselves on is being able to place students in the fairest way possible. We can assure the Ministry that KUCCPS is ready for the task,” Wahome said.

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List of TTCs Accredited To Offer Diploma in Primary Teacher Education

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The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) Course-Requirements, Intake and application

Cut off Requirements For Diploma in Teacher Education and ECDE Might be lowered due to fewer applicants

List Of Schools That Will Host Junior Secondary Schools Per County Under CBC

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Both 2020 and 2021 KCSE candidates will be targeted in the 2022 Primary TTC trainee placement targets secondary school leavers. The application was opened alongside that for universities and TVET colleges after the March 2022 KCSE exam for both Kenyans and non-Kenyans.

According to Wahome, candidates whose 2021 KCSE results were released were also free to apply. This will be the second cohort to be admitted to the public primary TTCs under the new Diploma in Teacher Education and Diploma in Early Childhood Development Education.

In the 2021 placement, the capacities at the three secondary diploma TTCs were filled 100 per cent by KUCCPS. The primary diploma TTCs attracted 990 trainees of the 10,000 that the ministry’s recruitment targeted. With KUCCPS coming on board, the stakeholders expressed hope that the enrolment in the public primary TTCs would increase.

Ahead of the 2022 intake, the Ministry and KUCCPS convened a stakeholder forum for principals and deans of curriculum from all the 34 public primary teacher training colleges, to discuss a roadmap for the admissions and train the participants on the automated KUCCPS placement processes.

KNEC 2022 DPTE, DECTE Registration Guidelines, Fees, Resit Registration Fees https://elimupedia.com/knec-2022-dpte-decte-registration-guidelines-fees-resit-registration-fees.html Tue, 22 Feb 2022 15:30:01 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5616 KNEC 2022 DIPTE, DECTE Registration Guidelines, Fees, Resit Registration Fees

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) wishes to inform Principals of Teacher Training Colleges offering the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) and Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) Upgrade programmes that all teacher trainees enrolled in 2021 will be expected to undertake formative and summative assessments.

The registration fees and resit registration fees shall be as indicated in Table 1 and 2 below:

Registration Fees for DPTE and DECTE Upgrade Programme Assessments

Assessment Fee Payment Breakdown Amount (Kes)
Basic Fee 1,200
Assessment Fee for all Subjects 12,000
Practicum Fee 2,500
Total Assessment Fees 15,700

Resit Registration Fee for DPTE and DECTE Upgrade Programme

Read also:

Teachers Given a Deadline To Register as Contracted Professionals During 2021 KCPE, KCSE Tests

KNEC Announces Scholarships For DIPTE, DECTE, DTE And Upgrading Course To DIPTE or DECTE

Ministry To Construct another Public TTC To Offer DIPTE

The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) Course-Requirements, Intake and application

Cut off Requirements For Diploma in Teacher Education and ECDE Might be lowered due to fewer applicants

List of TSC Appointed Headteachers, principals, Deputies and senior teachers Per County

Types of Fee Payment Amount (Kes)
Basic Fee 1,200
Assessment Fee per Resit subject 1,000
Search Fee 500
Practicum Fee 2,500

In line with the guidelines for DPTE and DECTE upgrade programme, KNEC will administer the summative assessment to registered teacher trainees in 2022 upon completion of their in-college training. Thereafter they shall proceed for the practicum.

The DPTE and DECTE Upgrade programme teacher trainees who had been provisionally registered in December 2021 are expected to register with KNEC for 2022 assesments. Principals should authenticate the candidates biodata in the KNEC portal (cbate.knec.ac.ke) and pay the assessment fees shown in Table 1 above by 6th May, 2022.

The Principals are expected to deposit the assessment fees at any of following KNEC fee collection accounts in:

5.1 Commercial Bank;

5.2 National Bank;

5.3 Equity Bank;

5.4 Cooperative Bank.

All the registration documents shall be submitted to the Teacher Education Section KNEC Offices, New Mitihani House, South C by 13th May, 2022.


HEAD OFFICE: National Housing Corporation Building, Aga Khan walk, P O Box 73598 – 00200 City Square, NAIROBI, KENYA Telephone: (+254-20) 341098/50/71, 317419/12/13, 341113 Fax: (+254-20) 2226032

E-mail: ceoQknec.ac.ke; Website: www.knec.ac.ke

