SOSSION – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sun, 07 Nov 2021 10:54:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 You are Being Used By Sossion: Oyuu tells KNTPG Sun, 07 Nov 2021 10:54:07 +0000 You are Being Used By Sossion: Oyuu tells KNTPG

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) secretary-general Collins Oyuu has blamed the current wrangles in the union on his predecessor Wilson Sossion.

Oyuu accused the group led by Martha Omollo, the spokesperson of Teachers Pressure Group, of being used by Sossion to disrupt the KNUT’s progress.

“If she wants to speak for teachers, let her wait for the next elections to vie for an elective post,” said Oyuu. Sossion and Omollo have however both denied Mr Oyuu’s accusations.

Oyuu said he will not allow anyone, not even Sossion to interfere with Knut’s progress.

“I am currently the legally elected secretary-general and I have been given powers by teachers to negotiate and speak for them, any other person purporting to speak on behalf of teachers should know they are fighting a losing battle,” said Oyuu.

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He claimed that though Sossion boycotted the June elections, he has continued to use people to disrupt efforts new Knut officials are making to restore the union back to its glory.

“Those teachers led by Martha, are behind Sossion, whatever they read in their press statements is drafted by Sossion. Those are self-seekers and they are going nowhere,” said Oyuu.

He said the Knut leadership is ready to confront anyone being used to bring disharmony in the union. Mr Sossion, however, said he left Knut and should not be involved in their issues.

Omollo said Oyuu is scared and has even sent one of his close friends to ask her to tone down.

“Elections have no number two, there will always be a winner and a loser. I started agitating for teachers issues before elections so how does losing come in?” she said.

Omollo further said, “Sossion is no longer in Knut, why are they still scared of him? They thought Sossion was the union, they are now realising teachers are the owners of the unions.”

Omollo, the spokesperson of the Teachers Pressure Group, together with other officials have for the last three weeks been calling for Knut and Kuppet officials to resign, saying they are not fighting for teachers’ rights.

The group is also opposed to the implementation of the Teachers Professional Development programme recently launched by the Teachers Service Commission.


Sossion Allegedly Patrons Formation Of A New Teachers’ Union Sat, 14 Aug 2021 03:25:17 +0000 Sossion Allegedly Patrons Formation Of A new Teachers’ Union

Just a few hours after the release of the National education union’s (NEU) constitution, a section of the fronters have revealed their secret association with former KNUT secretary general Wilson Sossion. One fronter, who sought anonymity, hinted that Sossion is the sponsor and ultimate owner of the new union.

Sossion has However publicly distanced himself from NEU, maintaining that he is nolonger interested in union and teacher’s politics since he quit Knut.

“Teachers are rebelling. Splinters are formed to fill vacuums. I left Knut and shouldn’t be associated with activities within the teaching service,” he said.

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The National Education Union comes after several fruitless struggles, which have incited very many once loyal members to quit the former giant teachers’ union, KNUT. It also follows a pre-influenced leadership transformation in KNUT and the signing of a controversial cashless collective bargaining agreement, CBA with the Teachers Service Commission TSC.

The splinter group, NEU, guided by the motto of  “Service, Justice and Unity”, plans to recruit

teachers from pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary levels, as well as those in private


KNUT for instance draws most of its members from primary school teachers, whereas KUPPET draws most of its members from secondary schools, with some from teacher training colleges.  The Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (Kusnet) targets teachers working in special schools and teachers with special conditions from any learning level. KUPPET, KNUT and KUSNET have all signed recognition agreements with TSC.

The formation of NEU is another scheme to scramble for millions of shillings remitted by teachers monthly. The registration process for NEU has reached its advanced stages. It is not yet clear if TSC will sign a recognition agreement with the new unions, but they will seek international support from other teachers’ unions across the world.

NEU has pledged to treat salary increment for all teachers and reduction of union dues from 1.8 per cent to one per cent of a teachers’ salary as the main issues. It has also promised that all officials from the branches to the national level will be elected by all members and not through a delegates’ system.

The union also is determined to bridge the huge salary disparities between classroom teachers and the school administrators.

Recently Elected KNUT Leaders Demand Removal Of Sossion Thu, 25 Mar 2021 02:29:16 +0000 Recently Elected KNUT Leaders Demand Removal Of Sossion

A section of KNUT officials have demanded the removal of secretary general Wilson Sossion, alleging that he is the cause of reduced sanity in the union.

Lead by Baringo chairman Musa Kipkoti, the officials blamed Sossion for the rift between TSC and KNUT.I have personally done my conclusive research and found that Sossion is the main cause of all the challenges we are currently facing as a union,” said Kipkoti.

Kipkoti said that it is time for the relationship between TSC and KNUT to be reinstated so as to salvage the interest of majority of Kenyan teachers.

“I am pushing for an immediate reshuffle to be done in the national office and especially have Sossion removed,” he added.

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These statements come barely 60 days to the KNUT national elections which are set for June 2021. The leader blamed his boss for spending so much energy in fighting the government instead of embracing amicable dialogue.

“While Sossion comfortably enjoys constant salaries as a nominated member of parliament, we continue to suffer without salaries,” said Kipkoti. According to Kipkoti, KNUT should not be frustrated by TSC as it has been in the past, just because of an individual.

Kipkoti was supported by Baringo woman representative Esther Cheptumo, who said its high time serious changes are done to salvage the crippling union. She urged Sossion to step down so that the union regains its life and vibrancy.

“We are what we are today because of unnecessary fight and firm action must be taken to bring things back to normal,” quipped Cheptumo.

Suspected Salary Deal That Made KNUT To Withdraw Its Strike Notice Sat, 27 Feb 2021 11:01:01 +0000 Suspected Salary Deal That Made KNUT To Withdraw Its Strike Notice

The Kenya National Union of Teachers, KNUT, has lifted the strike notice it issued to TSC a fortnight ago, following a fresh salary deal.

Through a writing, KNUT SG Wilson Sossion informed TSC on Friday, that KNUT has withdrawn its earlier notice of a looming strike.

“Note that we had already registered a trade dispute with the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Labour. However, based on the commission’s response citing the process of concluding internal consultations with SRC, we hereby retract our letter to the CS and urge that you give strict and clear timelines of undertaking the salary negotiations.” reads the letter in part.

Sossion wrote this letter in response to the letter KNUT received from TSC, requesting KNUT to stop unnecessary propaganda as TSC engages with SRC over 2021-2025 CBA.

“In our said letter, we reiterated both the national and International framework for public sector CBA negotiations specifically the constitutional requirement to obtain an advisory opinion from the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) and to exhaust internal consultation with relevant Government agencies prior to commencement of negotiations,” reads the TSC letter to KNUT.

TSC is currently engaging SRC in consultation with regards to the 2021-2025 CBA, after which it will meet the unions to table its report and engage in further negotiations.

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“The above position is in tandem with the decision of the Court of Appeal in Civil Appeal No. 196 of 2015: Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Kenya Union of Teachers (KNUT)& 3 others(215] The Commission is in the process of concluding internal consultations with SRC as per the law to pave way for the negotiations,” continues the letter.

The TSC 2021-2025 CBA counter proposal that is being negotiated with SRC also proposes a 20% increase in house allowances, commuter and leave allowances. SRC has however maintained that no increase will be made on the allowances due to the increased wage bill.

However, sources have it that the salary deal negotiations are going on pretty well and that is what has convinced KNUT to withdraw its strike notice.
