2021-2025 CBA – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 02 Mar 2023 03:04:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Relief as TSC Asks for Ksh. 56B to Hike Teachers’ Salaries https://elimupedia.com/relief-as-tsc-asks-for-ksh-56b-to-hike-teachers-salaries.html Thu, 02 Mar 2023 03:04:32 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=11424 Relief as TSC Asks for Ksh. 56B to Hike Teachers’ Salaries

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is seeking Sh56 billion over the next four years to raise salaries for teachers.

Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia said although trade unions signed the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), it didn’t contain any monetary value, a move that would now be the subject of a review.

“The commission negotiated a non-monetary 2021-2025 CBA with the teacher unions pursuant to the advisory from the Salaries Review Commission. It was agreed that the CBA be reviewed mid-term if the economic situation would improve in the country,” Dr Macharia told members of the National Assembly Education and Research Committee chaired by Julius Melly on Tuesday.

She added: “The Commission would wish to review the 2021-2025 CBA, more specifically the salary component with an aim to motivate teachers under the employment of the Commission.”

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“Accordingly, we request this Committee to support the Commission get Sh14 billion per year for four years to cater for the same.”

Dr Macharia also announced plans to recruit 20,000 new teachers in the next financial year to address the shortage of staff mainly at the Junior Secondary School level.

She urged Parliament to allocate the Commission Sh3.8 billion for the recruitment in the next budget to be presented in June.

The announcement comes just a month after the TSC recruited 30,000 teachers the majority of them who were posted in the Junior Secondary School with each institution receiving at least one member of staff.

Stakeholders have raised questions over the staffing crisis in schools arguing that one teacher was inadequate top handle all the 12 subjects on offer at the Junior Secondary School level.

But Dr Macharia said the Commission was determined to fix the shortage of teachers, which stood at 116,000 at the start of this year.

Dr Macharia also asked the Education Committee of Parliament to push for the approval of Sh2.2 billion for the promotion of 14,000 teachers who have stagnated at one job grade for long.

“The commission has received several requests from teachers, teacher unions, stakeholders among others on promotion of teachers who have stagnated in the same job group over the years and also those who have attained higher qualifications,” Dr Macharia said.

She added: “Admittedly, we have not been able to promote these teachers because the commission has not received promotion funds since the implementation of the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement. This has in turn tainted the Commission’s image.”

To address the stagnation outcry, “the Commission requires Ksh2.2 billion to carry out the promotion of teachers in different job cadres”.

Salary Review Talks to Begin Next Month, TSC https://elimupedia.com/salary-review-talks-to-begin-next-month-tsc.html Sat, 17 Dec 2022 04:00:46 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10805 Salary Review Talks to Begin Next Month, TSC

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has confirmed that it will start negotiations regarding the 2021-2025 non-monetary Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)with the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) in January 2023.

TSC Director of Legal, Labour and Industrial Relations Cavin Anyuor has confirmed that they have received not less than 7 letters from KUPPET Secretary General Akelo Misori demanding for mid-term review of the CBA which for the case of the 2021-2025 CBA will be 2023.

“What I know from a technical point of view is that we are going to meet KUPPET very early in January [2023]to jump-start the negotiations,” said Anyuor.

This is after Misori, during the union’s 24th Annual Delegates Conference (ADC) in Murang’a on December 10, 2022, noted that they take the bull by its horns in 2023, since the last salary increment for teachers came in 2020 with the implementation of the last phase of the 2016-2021 CBA.

“If teachers do not obtain new salaries by July 2023, they would have gone one CBA cycle without salary reviews,since the most consequential increment in CBAs come within the first three years,” said Misori.

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He observed that since 2020, all other cadres in the public service including employees of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC),the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC),County Government and semi-autonomous government agencies received salary increments and noted that teachers will not be an exception.

The union National Chairman Hon.Omboko Milemba who doubles as Emuhaya Member of Parliament (MP) echoed the sentiments and added that the 2021-2025 CBA was a bitter pill they had to swallow in order to safeguard the previous gain in the 2016-2021 CBA.

“In June 2021, we signed a non-monetary CBA. It was a bitter pill to swallow, and we did so to safeguard and protect the previous gains. It was at the tail end of COVID-19 pandemic and after a negative advisory from the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) on suspension of public sector CBAs for a period of two years,” said Milemba.

“We need to own our decisions and now focus on giving our members a new monetary CBA. That’s the journey we are currently undertaking,” he added.

The same call was also emphasized by Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Deputy Secretary General Hesbon Otieno who addressed the KUPPET delegates during the ADC.

KUPPET is pushing for classroom teachers to receive a salary increment of 70 per cent and administrators to receive a 30 per cent increase.

“Teachers in Grades C2 and C3 to have higher increment of 70 per cent while those in D4 and D5 to have 30 per cent salary increment,” reads the union proposed CBA in part.

This means that the lowest teacher at Grade C2 will earn a proposed salary of Ksh 59,425 from the current Ksh 34,955 on the minimum and a proposed Ksh 74,280 from the current Ksh 43,694 on the maximum; while the highest teacher at Grade D4 will earn a proposed salary of Ksh 153,715 from the current Ksh 118,242 on the minimum and a proposed Ksh 184,458 from the current Ksh 141,891 on the maximum.

KUPPET is also pushing for teachers to get four new allowances in addition to what they enjoy currently under the 2021-2025 CBA which are risk, overtime, post-graduate and accommodation allowances.

Relook into Maternity CBA Tops KUPPET’s Demands to Machogu https://elimupedia.com/relook-into-maternity-cba-tops-kuppets-demands-to-machogu.html Wed, 09 Nov 2022 04:20:14 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10324 Relook into Maternity CBA Tops KUPPET’s Demands to Machogu

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) has asked Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu to relook into the non-monetary Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that KUPPET signed with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Further, Kuppet wants the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) tutors be moved back to TSC. The union, during a meeting with Machogu on November 8, noted that following the transfer, the 3,780 trainers were left out of the fourth phase of CBA increments.

The following issues were discussed and are to be concluded by next month during another meeting with the PSs who are soon going to be vetted by Parliament:

  1. TVET Trainers to be moved back to TSC
  2. New CBA for teachers
  3. Capitation for FSE to be increased and send on time
  4. Management of co-curricula funds- teachers to be paid rightful per diem and given priority in sponsorship for Championships.
  5. Employment of teachers and trainers
  6. CBC- funding, involvement of teachers in decision making.

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“The established practice in our democratic governance since 2002 is that every president has given teachers something. President Uhuru Kenyatta gave us the CBA of Sh54 billion. We know what we want from this administration and President William Ruto should be prepared to give it to us,” said Kuppet Chairman Omboko Milemba.

Machogu assured KUPPET that the government was committed to improving the welfare of teachers.

“We are negotiating with the Teachers Service Commission on some of these issues and we expect the Kenya Kwanza government to support our request of raising teachers salaries,” said Machogu.

In 2019, Labour Court judge Nelson Aboudha quashed a decision to transfer the teachers from to PSC, ruling that TSC was the only mandated employer of teachers.

Defending the move, the then Vocational and Technical Training Principal Secretary Kevit Desai urgued that the State was creating a new scheme  of service for technical tutors.

On the CBC, the union urged Machogu to provide the necessary legal framework to ensure a smooth transition to junior secondary schools, saying the Presidential Working Party on Education Reform may not resolve the matter in two months.

However, Machogu assured that the team will provide guidance on the issue in a preliminary report next month.

TSC: Only Six Job Groups Will Have A Salary Increment In July 2022 https://elimupedia.com/tsc-only-six-job-groups-will-have-a-salary-increment-in-july-2022.html Sat, 26 Mar 2022 06:10:22 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5940 TSC: Only Six Job Groups Will Have A Salary Increment In July 2022

Following the demands by the Kenya union of post primary education teachers KUPPET, on the anomalies that followed the implementation of the 2017-2021 CBA, the teachers service commission, TSC, has released the salary adjustment schedule for teachers on the TSC payroll who have not reached the maximum salary points as per the 2017-2021 CBA.

According to the commission , only six job groups will earn a salary increment in July, with arrears after the 2022 budget.

The affected job groups of teachers who will be favored in this job group banding are C4, C5, D1, D2, D3 & D4. The teachers in the mentioned job groups should expect the increment from July, 2022, when the adjustment will be effected. However, the commission maintained that the adjustment, which will be backdated to July 2020, will be subject to availability of funds.

The CBA 2021-2025 clause 7.1 and Appendix1.has indicated the salary banding for teachers. It is the same salary banding implemented in CBA 2017·2021.

Grades B5, C1, C2, C3 and D5 have reached the maximum salary points provided for in the banding by the completion of the cycle for CBA 2017-2021.

However, grades C4, C5, D1, D2, D3 and D4 have not yet attained the maximum salary points provided for in the salary banding, Thus, the need for extension of salary points for these grades from 1″ July 2020.

The extended salary progression tables were prepared for implementation on the system as depicted in the table below.

The Table indicates that for grade C4, C5, D1 and D4, the elongated salary scale points are from point three (3) to seven (7). While grades D2 and D3 the elongated salary scale points are from point two (2)to seven (7).

Teachers who reached maximum salary point on 1 July 2020 and 1 July 2021 are due arrears from the date they attained the maximum salary point to January 2022. The arrears will be processed by July 2022 when funds become available.

Kindly check the schedule and harmonize it with your latest payslip to know what your adjustment will look like.

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KCPE, KCSE Exams in Crisis as A Teachers’ Union Sets To Issue A Strike Notice https://elimupedia.com/kcpe-kcse-exams-in-crisis-as-a-teachers-union-sets-to-issue-a-strike-notice.html Wed, 23 Feb 2022 02:56:51 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5619 KCPE, KCSE Exams in Crisis as A Teachers’ Union Sets To Give A Strike Notice

The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations could be in a limbo if the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) makes good its threat.

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) has revealed that it will issue a strike notice today after their demand for fresh salary talks failed.

The union said it has been pushed by the refusal by the Teachers Service Commission to heed its call and reopen negotiations into the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

Should the seven-day notice expire without any gesture from the TSC, the teachers will start their strike just a few days to the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.

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KUPPET’S Overtime Allowance Proposal in 2021-2025 CBA Per Job Group

KUPPET, KNUT Submit Fresh Salary/ CBA Demands To TSC

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KUPPET Demands 30-70% Payrise, Gives TSC 21 Days To Kickstart Negotiations

KUPPET’S Risk Allowance Proposal For Science Teachers Per Job Group

No Salary Increment For Teachers as TSC’s Budgetary Allocation Can Only Recruit 5,000 Teachers and 6000 Interns

According to the revised education calendar, the 2021 KCPE examinations will be done between March 7 and 10, while KCSE starts on March 11.

The Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) says 2,056,719 were registered for the tests. Teachers administer and mark the tests.

Last week, TSC Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia said the commission has identified and vetted 242,406 teachers who will serve as invigilators, supervisors, examiners and centre managers.

According to Secretary-General Akello Misori, the union wrote to TSC on January 17 demanding the re-opening of the CBA within 21 days.

“Upon the expiry of the 21 days, the union said it would review the commission’s response before convening its organs to give further directions on the next course of action,” he said.

Misori confirmed that KUPPET received a response from the TSC. “All the commission has done is to acknowledge our letter and promise to respond at a later stage after ‘interrogating’ the contents.”

He said the union had no other choice but to engage in industrial action.

“In the absence of a clear-cut commitment to re-open the talks, we have no idea how long the interrogation might take and our members do not have the patience to wait any longer for a salary review.”

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The union had asked for a salary raise of between 30 and 70 per cent for the highest paid and the lowest-earning teachers.

Kuppet and the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) signed a non-monetary CBA with the employer, drawing uproar from teachers. The CBA only provided for enhanced maternity and lenient transfers to cushion couples.

Pushed by their members, both unions called for fresh talks, saying the economy had recovered from the Covid-19 pandemic shock.

Knut Secretary-General Collins Oyuu has also indicated the union will be asking for more negotiations.

“The last CBA catered much for administrators but this time round, we will make sure that teachers will have a chunk of what will be added in their salaries,’’ said Oyuu.

Knut has, however, not said it it will be making fresh demands. The union had proposed a salary increment of between 120 per cent and 200 per cent.

Misori yesterday said the union had no option but to put the government on its toes.

Kuppet wants the lowest-paid teacher to earn Sh59,425 up from the present Sh34,955.

The union wants the highest-paid teachers to take home Sh153,715 up from the current Sh118,242.

Misori noted that when the unions and TSC signed the CBA on July 13, last year, there was a freeze in salary reviews due to poor economic performance occasioned by the Covid-19.

“The excuse of Covid-19 should no longer be used to deny teachers their deserved salary reviews,” he said.

Kuppet has also listed a raft of allowances that must form part of the negotiations with the employer.

The union wants commuter allowance raised from Sh5,000 to Sh8,500 and from Sh16,000 to Sh20,800 for the lowest and highest paid teachers respectively, which translates to a rise of between 30 per cent and 70 per cent.

The union also wants leave allowance, which ranges from Sh6,000 to Sh10,000, pegged to one-month salary for every grade.

Also in their demands is risk allowance for science teachers, starting from Sh5,465 for the lowest paid and Sh30,587 for the highest-paid.

The union is also pushing for teachers working in boarding schools to have overtime allowance and a post-graduate allowance for teachers who have attained master’s and PhD degrees.

KUPPET’S Overtime Allowance Proposal in 2021-2025 CBA Per Job Group https://elimupedia.com/kuppets-overtime-allowance-proposal-in-2021-2025-cba-per-job-group.html Mon, 14 Feb 2022 03:57:38 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5529 KUPPET’S Overtime Allowance Proposal in 2021-2025 CBA Per Job Group

After signing a non-monetary CBA last year with excuses of covid-19 effects, teachers unions are now pushing for a new CBA to factor the monetary component into the 2021-2025 CBA. The unions argue that the economy has improved and that TSC and SRC need to fulfil their promise that the CBA would be revised once the economy has improved.

To this far, KNUT and KUPPET have separately invited the teachers service commission for salary increment talks and in one of the letters in response, TSC has accepted to meet the unions.

The Kenya union of post primary education teachers, KUPPET, has draft its counter proposal, and is still pushing for an increment of 30-70 %, alongside additional allowances like risk allowance, overtime allowance and post graduate allowance. It is also fighting for uniform house allowance and a town allowance for teachers stationed in towns.

The rival sister union, KNUT is however pushing for a lower increment of 16-20%.

Below are the risk allowances that KUPPET is pushing for each job group in its counter proposal to the TSC.

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Job-group Overtime allowance per hour Overtime allowance For two hours
C2 500 1000
C3 600 1200
C4 700 1400
C5 800 1600
D1 900 1800
D2 1000 2000
D3 1100 2200
D4 1200 2400
D5 1300 2600


Leaked: KUPPET’S Risk Allowance Proposal Per Job Group https://elimupedia.com/leaked-kuppets-risk-allowance-proposal-per-job-group.html Mon, 14 Feb 2022 03:04:31 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5527 Leaked: KUPPET’S Risk Allowance Proposal Per Job Group

After signing a non-monetary CBA last year with excuses of covid-19 effects, teachers unions are now pushing for a new CBA to factor the monetary component into the 2021-2025 CBA. The unions argue that the economy has improved and that TSC and SRC need to fulfil their promise that the CBA would be revised once the economy has improved.

To this far, KNUT and KUPPET have separately invited the teachers service commission for salary increment talks and in one of the letters in response, TSC has accepted to meet the unions.

The Kenya union of post primary education teachers, KUPPET, has drafted its proposal, and is still pushing for an increment of 30-70 %, alongside additional allowances like risk allowances.

The rival sister union, KNUT is however pushing for a lower increment of 16-20%.

Below are the risk allowances that KUPPET is pushing for each job group in its counter proposal to the TSC.

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KUPPET’S Overtime Allowance Proposal in 2021-2025 CBA Per Job Group

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Reviewed: Teachers’ basic Salaries and All allowances as per 2021-2025 CBA

Teachers To Get Increased Salaries If They Support UDA


Salary scale C2 C3 C4 C5
1 5446 6782 7383 8025
2 5558 6894 7493 8293
3 6567 7093 7627 8326
4 6591 7067 8370 8673
5 6598 7360 8528 9093
6 6598 7407 9093 9923
7 7256 7513 9225 10386
8 7538 7573 9532 10517
9 7538 7706 10326 11324
10 8120 8238 10326 11624
11 8320 8478 10326 12233
12 8339 9093 10326 12233


Looming Nationwide Teachers’ Strike Over Cashless CBA as KUPPET NEC Meets https://elimupedia.com/looming-nationwide-teachers-strike-over-cashless-cba-as-kuppet-nec-meets.html Wed, 09 Feb 2022 09:01:46 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5500 Looming Nationwide Teachers’ Strike Over Cashless CBA as KUPPET NEC Meets

The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers, Kuppet and the Kenya National Union of Teachers, Knut, have engaged in crucial negotiations with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) over a new pay deal. The two gigantic teachers’ unions have engaged their employer in make-or-break talks to avert a potential strike that could cripple national examinations next month.

The trio signed the 2021-2025 collective bargaining agreement (CBA) last year, which gave no monetary benefits to members following the expiry of the previous one that was worth Sh54 billion.

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According to the two unions, the economy has now improved. In a January 17 letter to TSC, Kuppet demanded a pay rise of at least 30 per cent and threatened to call a strike if TSC did not respond within 21 days. TSC responded to the notice by KUPPET on 20th January.

“The commission is interrogating the issues raised therein, we will respond thereafter,” said the legal, labour and industrial relations director at TSC, Cavin Anyuor through a letter to Kuppet Secretary-General Akelo Misori.

Kuppet’s National Executive Committee (NEC) met yesterday in Nairobi but details of what they discussed are yet to be made public. Reliable sources have however hinted that a nationwide strike was one of the solutions arrived at.

The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCSE, has been programmed to begin on 7th March and end on 9th March while the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCPE, ia expected to run from 14th March 14 to 1st April. Apart from supervision of the examinations, teachers are also involved in marking.

Knut also seeks to renegotiate its CBA to introduce monetary benefits. They are pushing for a pay rise of between 15 and 20 per cent.

“There’s a lot of progress being made. We are doing well. Once we are there, we shall invite you and let you know,” said Knut secretary-general Collins Oyuu.

In its proposal, Kuppet wants the basic monthly salary of the lowest paid teacher to be raised from Sh34,955 to Sh59,425 and that of the highest paid increased from Sh118,242 to Sh153,715. It also wants an increase in the commuter allowance from Sh5,000 to Sh8,500 for the lower cadre teachers and Sh16,000 to Sh20,000 for the highest paid tutors.

If their demands go through, Kuppet members who qualify for hardship allowance will see it increased from Sh10,900 to Sh16,350 for the lowest paid teacher and Sh38,100 to Sh57,150 for the top earners.

Kuppet has also proposed a new risk allowance for science teachers that it wants to range between Sh5,465 and Sh30,587.

However, an analysis of the 2022 Budget Policy Statement (BPS) for the education sector has not factored in an allocation for teachers’ pay rise.

This will be bad news for teachers who hoped that TSC might offer them a new CBA. The issue of renegotiating the CBA was not discussed when TSC boss Nancy Macharia appeared before the parliamentary committee last week to discuss their budget proposals.

KUPPET, KNUT Submit Fresh Salary/ CBA Demands To TSC https://elimupedia.com/kuppet-knut-submit-fresh-salary-cba-demands-to-tsc.html Wed, 05 Jan 2022 02:49:22 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5054 KUPPET, KNUT Submit Fresh Salary/ CBA Demands To TSC

Teachers want the non-monetary salary deal signed last year to be renegotiated.

They are also demanding that the Sh6,000 fees to be paid towards continuous Teacher Professional Development (TPD) be paid up fully by the government.

Additionally, teachers also want the government to have Junior Secondary Schools domiciled in primary schools arguing that having them in high schools could fan chaos in the already congested institutions.

These are some of the top demands Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) and the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) have put forth as schools open.

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In its demands, Knut argues that even though continuous pieces of training in any profession sharpen the skills of workers and place them in an advantaged position, the cost must be shouldered by the employer.

“We are keen on ensuring that the employer foots the bills for trainings either fully or cost shares with the teachers. These skills are designed to benefit the employer as much as they will benefit the employee,” argued KNUT secretary General Collins Oyuu.

Further, the union also wants the age group to attend the pieces of training to be reviewed. Oyuu termed the period of completing the entire training of 30 years as quite long, adding that this might not make any meaning to teachers who are 55 years and above.

Teachers are expected to part with Sh6,000 per chapter every year. Each teacher is expected to take six modules, and each module is taken after five years. And one module is organised in yearly chapters.

However, the teachers’ biggest concern remains to renegotiate the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) deal.

KUPPET Secretary General Akello Misori said the effects of Covid-19 had hit teachers hard, citing the freeze on salary negotiations.

“Important among these outcomes was the freeze in salary reviews during the Third Public Sector Remuneration and Benefits Review Cycle (covering 2021-2025 fiscal years), which the government blamed on poor economic performance occasioned by the pandemic,” said Misori.

He said Kuppet rejected the rationale of the freeze, seeing it as a convenient cover for the government to walk back on its commitment to teachers.

“We were forced to sign a non-monetary CBA in order to safeguard previous gains and maintain the collective bargaining framework,” said Misori.

Knut however wants the CBA revisited and money component included within three months.

Oyuu said KNUT has already initiated discussions with the employer Teachers Service Commission (TSC) over the possibilities of renegotiating 2021-2025 CBA.

“… to have a salary hike component included. We have and continue to push for this because we appreciate the fact that the reasons we did not have a salary rise in this particular CBA was that the economy was performing poorly due to the effects of the Covid-19,” said Oyuu.

“Treasury has already appropriated funds to boost the TSC kitty for the same purpose. We are determined to have ourselves, the employer and any other necessary stakeholder to expedite the discussion,” said Oyuu.

The Fleshy Ksh. 600M consent That Left KNUT With No Choice But To Opt For A Cashless CBA https://elimupedia.com/the-fleshy-ksh-600m-consent-that-left-knut-with-no-choice-but-to-opt-for-a-cashless-cba.html Wed, 14 Jul 2021 03:05:16 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=3745 The Fleshy Ksh. 600M consent That Left KNUT With No Choice But To Opt For A Cashless CBA

Kenya teachers have suffered yet another grand disappointment as the teacher unions; KNUT, KUPPET and KUSNET opted for the cashless CBA deal they had rejected with the teacher service commission, TSC.

The unions walked from a day-long meeting with the employer empty-handed after signing a deal that does not guarantee any salary increments.

Though details have it that a cashy CBA will be signed after a year, none of the parties can be trusted. Based on the most current deal therefore, Maternity leave days will be increased to 120 from the present 90, and paternity leaves to 21 days up from 14.

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KNUT members to get a boom and Promotions In a New Deal

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Under the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) deal, TSC will also consider transferring couples to schools near each other (if both are teachers) subject to the availability of vacancies. These are the only guaranteed benefits for the teachers under the CBA that union officials termed as ‘unfortunate’ and too little for their members.

Unlike for KUPPET and KUSNET, the push behind KNUT signing the empty CBA has been established. KNUT and TSC signed a consent form prior to yesterday’s meeting, which totally weakened the unions’ push for monetary deal, leading to the signing of the CBA.

“The court be pleased to stay the whole judgment of employment and labour relations court in Nairobi delivered on July 12, 2019. The matter is hereby marked as settled,” reads part of the consent between TSC and Knut.

The consent filed before Court of Appeal judges Asike Makhandia, Sankale Ole Kantai, and Pauline Nyamweya unlocked some Sh600 million deducted from its members by their employer but was not remitted.

This over ksh. Accrued union dues was so mouth watering that KNUT could not look back on the feelings of the contributors.

It also meant that the 15,000 Knut members will get a pay raise from the Sh54 billion pay package where they missed the third and fourth phases of the 2017-2021 CBA. The members will also be entitled to promotions that they missed in the previous CBA.

Insiders said that with the consent filed, Knut was eager to pick the quick gains and this presented a major split from Kuppet who had pushed for money offer.

Realising that Knut and the weaker Kusnet would sign the deal, Kuppet yielded to append their signature.

It emerged that Kuppet was also cautions to press on with their hard-line stand as it would erode the good will they have been enjoying with TSC even when Knut was entangled in a bitter fight with the employer.

The new deal also unlocked teacher professional development courses, which have been slated to begin soon.
