KPSEA – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Wed, 23 Nov 2022 02:56:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Your Messages Will Be tracked During KCSE, KCPE and KPSEA Wed, 23 Nov 2022 02:53:45 +0000 Your Messages Will Be tracked During KCSE, KCPE and KPSEA

The government has deployed cybercrime experts as a way of curbing cases of cheating during the forthcoming national examinations.

Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ezekiel Machogu said the experts have the ability to track the origin of any message relayed pertaining to the examinations.

“The Government has deployed cybercrime experts across the country to help monitor the exams. This is aimed at promoting sanctity that the national examinations deserve,” said Machogu.

The CS was speaking during a meeting with examination centre managers from Migori and Homa Bay counties at Homa Bay High School Friday. He said the experts will also help cushion parents and students from conmen selling examination material online.

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The development comes at a time when learners are preparing for three major national examinations, namely the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE), Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment which is meant for Grade Six pupils under the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).

Machogu said those who are found circulating academic materials online in the name of exam leakages will be arrested and punitive action taken against them.

The CS further urged parents, students and teachers to report anybody who circulates such materials to security officials, noting that they had agreed with security officials on how to handle whistleblowers on exam leakages.

Machogu was accompanied by Basic Education Principal Secretary Julius Jwan, Kenya National Examination Council CEO David Njeng’ere, Homa Bay County Commissioner Moses Lilan, and County Education Director Eunice Khaemba.

KNEC Reveals How KPSEA Examiners and Invigilators Will be Paid Thu, 10 Nov 2022 14:00:37 +0000 KNEC Reveals How KPSEA Examiners and Invigilators Will be Paid

The Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) has cleared the air concerning payment of teachers who will participate in the 2022 Grade 6 Kenya primary school educational assessment will be paid.

The Grade 6 national test, which will be multiple choice, will be conducted towards the end of this month and will start on the same day with the Kenya certificate of primary education exams.

This year Knec will use teachers in administration of 2022 KCPE, KPSEA, KCSE and DECTE exams and assessments.

Already, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has vetted and will deploy at least 250,000 teachers as centre managers, supervisors, invigilators and examiners.

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Around 1,268,830 Grade 6 learners are expected to sit for the KPSEA exams; 1,230,000 candidates will sit KCPE exams while 880,000 will sit KCSE.

There emerged a slight confusion among teachers who were selected to oversee the KPSEA exams since they were not sure if they will be paid and the rates that will be used to pay them.

Knec sources have revealed that the teachers who will handle KPSEA, alongside other KPSEA contracted professionals, will be paid the same rate as those who will administer KCPE exams.

The confusion arose more so because KPSEA exams will not have Composition and Insha writings which will be done by KCPE candidates. Some teachers have also been contracted for the first time.

Knec officials now say that the teachers will be said same rates as those who will be in charge of the KCPE candidates.

Fabricate CBA Results at Your Own Risk, KNEC Warns Teachers Thu, 08 Sep 2022 03:24:51 +0000 Fabricate CBA Results at Your Own Risk, KNEC Warns Teachers

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) has issued a stern warning to public and private primary school teachers against uploading cooked scores on its portal.

Knec has threatened to take appropriate action against schools and teachers found guilty of uploading fabricated scores.

This followed complaints by a section of parents that some primary schools are not uploading genuine marks scored by their children.

The parents accused schools of falsifying learners scores while in Grades 3,4,5 and now in 6. These however remain to be allegations till proved by tangible evidence.

Further, the parents claim that the schools are taking advantage of the School Based Assessments (SBA) to draw money from the parents.

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According to the parents, the school heads are demanding huge sums of money and resources from them for projects and practicals, against Ministry of Education directives.

Knec has in several occasions asked schools to use locally available resources to implement the project and practical·works.

Some schools are said to collect up to a tune of one thousand shilling per learner for purposes of conducting the project work and exams.

The Grade 6 learners are currently sitting for their national written assessment tests which end on 9th September.

Knec has given schools till 16th September to upload the learners scores on its portal. The examiner says it is monitoring its servers to ensure the uploading exercise is successful and on time.

The scores will be added to the ones they did in Grade 4 and 5 and KPSEA exams to be done in November to determine the placement of learners in junior secondary next year.

The Grade 6 learners have already done their projects and practicals which are also part of the national assessment.

For Grade 6 the practical activity in Art and Craft was about Making a marrionete. In Homescience it was about Stewing.

In Music it was about Performing a folk song. In Science and Technology, it was about Modeling a circulatory system.

And finally in PE it was about Front crawl in Swimming, Rope skipping and two-handed catch in Handball. Schools are required to upload the project and practical work on the knec portal by 16th September.

KNEC Circular on Hosting of Grade Six KPSEA Exams, KCPE and KCSE Tue, 23 Aug 2022 02:40:28 +0000 KNEC Circular on Hosting of Grade Six KPSEA Exams, KCPE and KCSE


i)All Heads of Primary and Secondary Schools Presenting Candidates for 2022 KPSEA: KCPE and KCSE examinations

ii)All Sub County Directors of Education


The Kenya National Examinations Council wishes to bring to your attention the following information with regard to hosting of 2022 KPSEA: KCPE and KCSE examination centres with less than 30 candidates:

1.0 All KPSEA, KCPE, and KCSE examinations centres with less than thirty (30) candidates will be hosted during field administration of the 2022 National examinations. This policy will not apply to Special schools for learners with special needs and disabilities. Such schools will be expected to conduct examinations at their centres.

2.0 All KPSEA examination centres will be hosted in the existing KCPE examination centres with a candidature of thirty (30) and above. However, Primary schools with a combined candidature of thirty (30) and above for both KCPE and KPSEA examinations will be allowed to conduct the examination in their premises on condition that they.

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2.1 have a valid registration certificate from County Education Board;

2.2 have adequate examination classrooms that can accommodate twenty (20) candidates per room with a spacing of 1.22 metres on all sides; Sub-County Directors of Education will be expected to inspect such schools to ensure compliance with the above requirements.

3.0 The host school and the hosted school(s) should be located within the same Sub-County and both should be served from the same Distribution Centre (container).

4.0 The host Head-teacher/ PrincipaI will be the one authorised to collect examination materials from the container, coordinate the conduct of the examination and return the answer scripts to the container during each examination day.

5.0 Schools with less than thirty (30) candidates and are more than five (5) kilometers away from the nearest examination centre must seek special approval from KNEC through the Sub County

Director of Education before 2nd September,2022.

All Sub County Directors of Education (SCDEs) are required to submit the list of host and hosted examination centres in an excel format as per the attached template by 2nd September,2022.

Dr.David Njengere,MBS


MOE Reveals Junior Secondary School Placement Criteria For Grade 6 Candidates Fri, 03 Jun 2022 14:48:39 +0000 MOE Reveals Junior Secondary School Placement Criteria For Grade 6 Candidates

The Ministry of Education has revealed the criteria that it will apply to place Grade 6 candidates into junior secondary schools in January next year, after sitting their Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) this year.

The Grade 6 learners are expected to sit their final primary school exams in November this year ahead of transitioning to junior secondary school at Grade 7 in January 2023.

The exam, popularly known as the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA), will be conducted between November 28th and November 30th 2022.

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The tests will be in multiple choice questions and will assume the fashion of KCPE.

1.Distance from their homes

According to officials from both county and national education offices, placement of Grade 6 learners into junior secondary will be based on the distance between the homes of the students and the schools.

The State department tasked to oversee the implementation of competency-based curriculum, CBC, said that the learners will be posted to junior high schools subject to proximity to their former primary school.

“Posting of learners to junior high will be informed by the capability of parents to transport a child to the school they have chosen,” said Ruth Mugambi, the technical adviser to the Principal Secretary on CBC matters.

According to Education CS Prof. George Magoha clarified, junior Secondary Schools will be offered in both boarding and day secondary schools across the country. However, Magoha confirmed that all Grade 6 learners joining junior secondary will be day scholars.

  1. Performance in KPSEA and SBA

The learners’ performance in the KPSEA national tests and the School Based Assessments (SBA) will also determine placement of learners into Grade 7.

The SBA is targeted to contribute 60% while KPSEA will contribute 40% in the learners’ final performance.

KCPE will be replaced by the KPSEA national test. The Grade 6 regular learners will sit for five subjects in their final assessment in primary school. These are; Mathematics, English, Kiswahili, Integrated Science and Creative Art and Social Studies.

Knec Competency Based Assessment (CBA) Coordinator Ann Ngatia explained that Integrated and Creative Sciences will be an integration of various subjects and that the five will be part of the KPSEA at the end of primary school.

“The exam will be a multiple-choice test covering the five papers. IS will see us combine science and technology and will cover Home Science, Agriculture, and Physical Health while CASS will combine Art and Craft, Music, Social Studies and religious education (CRE, IRE and HRE),”she noted.

The coordinator added that the primary school results will be determined by the SBA, which is done every year in the upper primary classes and the five-subject summative national examination.

“We will have a 60 per cent of the score coming from SBA spread over Grade Four, Five and Six

and 40 per cent from the summative report so that we do not rely on a one-time assessment to

determine the potential of the learner,” Ngatia added.

Ngatia expounded that the school-based evaluation will be done in form of projects, practicals, portfolios and oral assessments to allow learners to demonstrate what they have learnt. This will be executed by the classroom teachers guided by knec.

3.Optional subjects selected by the learner

Another criteria that will be used to place Grade 6 learners into Grade 7 will be based on the secondary schools that offer the optional subjects the learners selected.

It is a requirement by the government that the secondary schools should offer at least three of the optional subjects chosen by the students.

It is this selection of optional subjects that will be used to determine which secondary school a child will be posted to.

Grade 6 learners are supposed to choose at least one or a maximum of two optional subjects which will be offered in Grade.


Core Subjects


2.Kiswahili or Kenyan Sign Language for learners who are deaf


4.Integrated Science

5.Health Education

6.Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education

7.Social Studies

8.Religious Education-learners choose one of the following:

  • Christian Religious Education
  • Islamic Religious Education
  • .Hindu Religious Education

9.Business Studies 1


11.Life Skills Education

12.Sports and Physical Education

Optional Subjects (Minimum 1, Maximum 2)

1.Visual Arts

2.Performing Arts

3.Home Science

4.Computer Science

5.Foreign Languages:

  • German
  • French
  • Mandarin
  • Arabic
  • Indigenous Languages
  • Kenyan Sign Language


KNEC Faces Critics Over Multiple Choice Grade 6 Exams and Eradication of Composition, Insha Tests Fri, 03 Jun 2022 04:47:03 +0000 KNEC Faces Critics Over Multiple Choice Grade 6 Exams and Eradication of Composition, Insha Tests

The assessment of the pioneer class of learners under the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), is facing headwinds with the national examiner opting to change the format and structure of the examinations.
Learners who will in December sit the national assessment to be known as Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA), will now use multiple choices instead of the original idea of structured questions.
Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) is said to have taken the decision due to lack of finances and logistics involved in the assessment process, particularly marking of the examinations.
Knec is also said to be mulling whether to remove English composition and Kiswahili Insha from Grade 6 final national assessment.
Sources within Knec revealed that use of structured questions would require massive resources, both financial and manpower in marking, unlike multiple choices that are handled by computers.

Besides the huge number of teachers who would be required for marking, the process would also have taken a longer period before the candidates get the results.
Currently, all subjects, save for English composition and Kiswahili insha, are marked by computers.
Teachers and educationists have now raised eyebrows over the change of the format, which they say has watered down the main objective of CBC , which was to test the learners’ ability in thinking, analytical skills creativity and problem solving.
Contacted, Knec Chief Eexecutive Officer David Njeng’ere declined to comment.
“I am currently out of the country on official duty, allow me to give you a comprehensive response when I return next week,” Njeng’ere said.
Dr Evelyn Jepkemei, an expert in education policy blames the apparent confusion over KPSEA on lack of adequate preparations.
“Knec does not have enough resources to mark open-ended examinations. The form of assessment that they are now resorting to is different altogether and assesses different abilities from structuredquestions,” Jepkemei says.
Another educationist, Alex Majani- a retired Deputy Director of Education says the abrupt change of the format by Knec is a clear indication that the government is not fully ready for the change of education system.

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You Won’t Succeed in Fighting CBC, Uhuru Tells Critics

“The compositeness of such assessment needed investment in human resources, but we did not. It is also sad to note that teachers have been left to spectate on issues they needed to prosecute and give guidance on,” Majani observes.
A recent report by the Budget and Appropriations Committee tabled before the National Assembly, blamed poor funding and heavy workload for the slow implementation of CBC. The report decried the low allocation for the estimated 1.6 million Grade Six learners who will transition to Junior Secondary School (JSS) under the 2022/23 budget.
Revelations about change of the format comes only a day after President Uhuru Kenyatta defended the implementation of CBC as a transformative system of education during his 10-year reign in leadership.
Speaking during Makadara Day celebrations on Wednesday, the President said the roll-out of the curriculum that took place in 2017 has seen significant milestones in the education docket, contrary to the previous systems.
The pioneer CBC cohort is scheduled to sit for the final assessment between November 28 and November 30.
The candidates will be tackling two papers in a day starting 8.30am. The second paper will be starting at 11am. There will be no examinations in the afternoon, according to Knec’s schedule.
On the first day, students will sit for Mathematics and Mathematics (Large Print) tests, which will take one hour and 20 minutes, while Mathematics (Braille)
will take one hour and 50 minutes.
English and English (Large Print), will take one hour while English (Hearing Impaired), and English (Braille) will last 20 minutes more.
Integrated Science tests will take one hour and 40 minutes. Integrated Science (Large Print) and Integrated Science (Braille) exams will take two hours and 10 minutes.
The learners will tackle Kiswahili and Kenyan Sign Language tests after the break. The exams will last for 1 hour. Kiswahili (Braille) will take one hour and 20 minutes. The last day will see students sit for the Creative Arts & Social Studies examinations that will take one hour 40 minutes

2022 KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE Candidates Can Now Confirm Their Registration Status Via SMS- Confirm Yours Now Fri, 27 May 2022 06:22:53 +0000 2022 KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE Candidates Can Now Confirm Their Registration Status Via SMS- Confirm Yours Now

Grade six, Class eight and form four students who are set to sit their Kenya primary school education assessment (KPSEA), Kenya certificate of primary education (KCPE) and kenya certificate of secondary education (KCSE) respectively in 2022 can now confirm their registration status and details.

The Kenya national examinations council (KNEC) has activated a USSD, which the candidates will send their keyed in details and thereafter receive an sms concerning their registration details. According to KNEC, there have been cases of candidates getting shocked that they have not been registered or registered with wrong details when it’s too late to make any changes. Some male candidates have often found themselves registered as female candidates, some candidates, especially from private schools have always found themselves unregistered, among other cases.

The essence of this USSD therefore is to identify mistakes in registration and inform KNEC in time for timely action.

“Kindly inform all the 2022 KPSEA, KCPE, KCSE and KCSE QUALIFYING TEST Candidates that they can confirm their registration details by sending an SMS to 20076 in the following format, ” reads a memo KNEC from KNEC to the county directors of education, who will in turn pass the information to the heads of institutions.

How to check your KPSEA/ KCPE / KCSE Registration Status

  • In your message filed, TYPE EXAM, followed by your full index number or assessment number ( for grade six candidates )


Example: KCPE 01011701091

  • Send the message to 20076.

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KCSE Candidates are urged to check the subjects they registered for well, especially elective subjects.

Parents/Guardians/Care Givers of Candidates as well as the candidates should be able to check their Gender, Names and the papers they have been registered for from the output.

KCPE Composition and Insha Markers to Lose Big in knec’s New Saving Plan Under CBC Wed, 25 May 2022 05:29:23 +0000 KCPE Composition and Insha Markers to Lose Big in knec’s New Saving Plan Under CBC

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, will through the Competency Based Assessments (CBA) under the new competency-based curriculum (CBC), save the government billions of shillings in printing, administration and management of examinations.

Contrary to the outdated Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) where teachers were contracted to mark English Composition and Kiswahili Insha papers, the Kenya Primary Education Assessment will not have Composition and Insha papers.

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Judging from the samples of KPSEA grade six papers already released by KNEC, it is evident that Composition and Insha examinations will not be tested.

What this implies is that teachers who have been marking the two papers will not be contracted marking under the new competency-based assessment plans.

It is therefore no doubt that the Competency Based Assessments (CBA) will help KNEC to cut down cost of examination management.

KPSEA national exams, minus composition and insha papers, will be marked using the Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) since the exams will be purely multiple choice.

In the last KCPE exams, the marking of multiple-choice questions was made easier by the acquisition of the modern Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) which electronically scored the papers. The OMR captured marked data from candidates’ answer sheets using specialized scanning.

The machines worked, with a dedicated scanning device that shined a beam of light on the paper.

The contrasting reflection at predetermined positions on a page was used to detect marked areas

With the new machines, scripts were marked in batches of 100 and 200 sheets, unlike the previous technology, which took hours.

The Grade 6 learners will sit for their final test in primary schools in November from 28th to 30th November 2022.this year.

2022 Grade Six National Test (KPSEA) To Be Multiple Choice Sun, 22 May 2022 04:57:15 +0000 2022 Grade Six National Test (KPSEA) To Be Multiple Choice

The Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) for Grade Six, which is the final test that grade six learners will sit in November this year, will be purely a multiple-choice test.

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) samples for KPSEA released by KNEC and seen by our team earlier this month had multiple choices.

KPSEA is expected to replace the soon ending Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) though the two have so much commonalities.

Unlike KCPE however, the Grade 6 KPSEA exam will be marked out of 40 percent rather than one hundred per cent.

The remaining 60% in KPSEA will be fetched from the  School Based Assessment (SBA) tests in Grade 3, 4 and 5.

The Kenya Early Year Assessment (KEYA), which had been done in grade three, will contribute 20 percent, Grade 4 another 20 percent and lastly Grade 5 another 20 percent, giving a total of 60 percent.

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How to Apply for TTC Diploma in Teacher Education or Early Childhood Education Through KUCCPS

KUCCPS Opens Portal For 2021 KCSE Candidates Qualified For Degree, Diploma and TTC Applications-Apply Here

Placement of learners in Grade 7 will be informed by how they perform in their final Grade 6 exams as well as in the already done school-based assessments.

The pioneer Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) learners will sit for their final test in primary schools from 28th to 30th November 2022 before transiting to junior secondary in January next year.

Knec has released a timetable for the exams, showing that they will last three days.25th November 2022 has been reserved for rehearsals.

The Grade 6 regular learners will sit for five subjects in their final assessment in primary school: Mathematics, English, Kiswahili, Integrated Science and Creative Art and Social Studies.

Grade 6, Class 8 And Form 4 Candidates Given Three Weeks To Register For The National Exams Thu, 28 Apr 2022 03:09:41 +0000 Grade 6, Class 8 And Form 4 Candidates Given Three Weeks To Register For The National Exams

Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) Chief Executive David Njengere confirmed that the ongoing registration of Grade Six, Standard Eight and Form Four candidates for the national exams will end on May 14.

“Parents have three weeks to make sure that their children are registered for the assessments and examinations which are set to be administered in November and December,” said Njengere.

Grade Six learners are being registered for Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) as Standard Eight and form four students are being enrolled for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations respectively.

Knec has also called for registration of candidates who will sit the KCSE Qualifying Tests.

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Njengere said registration for the examinations is free, sentiments which were echoed by Basic Education Principal Secretary Jwan Julius who warned schools against asking candidates for examination fees.

“The fees shall be paid by the government and no one should take money from candidates in public and private institutions,” said Jwan.

Knec said the only learners required to pay for the exams are those repeating KCPE or KCSE, non-Kenyans, private candidates registering in the sub-county private examination centres and candidates in prisons.

The fees payable, which is done through Knec bank accounts, range from Sh750 to Sh6,300 for nine subjects.

According to Njengere, head teachers are expected to submit registration documents to the Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs) by May 20.

The registration will only be done online by the respective head teachers, said Njengere.

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha asked parents to be involved and to provide correct information on learners, including those with special needs during the registration and verification of the enrolment.

Magoha said schools should capture the names of candidates correctly as per the birth certificate. The info should also include gender, year of birth, citizenship, and subjects entered.

Magoha maintained that transfer of candidates once registration is completed will not be allowed. However, he said special cases related to illness and insecurity will be handled appropriately if Knec is informed through the SCDE.

Instructions to Principals and Headteachers

  • Head teachers must ensure that all candidates being registered are bona fide learners in that school.
  • Should they register any other person, they will have committed an examination malpractice and examination centre will be subjected to sanctions, including de-registration of the school as an exam centre.
  • Schools with less than five candidates will not be allowed to conduct the registration exercise. They will liaise with SCDE, who will identify an approved Knec examination centre with more than five candidates.
  • Schools with less than 30 candidates will be hosted during the examinations as per the previously issued guidelines on hosting of examination centres.
  • To capture the registration details of the candidates using examination centre log-in credentials, school heads are supposed to log in the Knec registration portal.
  • They will also be tasked with ensuring accuracy of candidates’ names and correct order, gender, year of birth, citizenship and subjects registered for. They should also state whether a candidate has special needs (blind, low vision, deaf and physically challenged).
  • For KPSEA, all school heads are reminded to verify the learners’ bio-data as captured in the Grade Five assessment.
  • For registration of the KCSE examination, principals are required to upload the candidates’ passport photographs, with specifications of 300 x 300 pixels.
  • All schools and candidates shall be expected to adhere to the entry requirements as stipulated in the registration instructions for KCPE and KCSE exams.
  • The instructions are in the Regulations and Use Guides for the Management of KCPE and KCSE Examinations issued by Knec in 2017.

Instructions to private Candidates

  • Private candidates should be identified and registered by their respective SCDEs.
  • The candidates shall be required to fill and submit the downloaded Private Candidates Registration Form alongside other requisite documents.
  • For coordination purposes, only private examination centres will be registered per sub-county.
  • The SCDEs are supposed to identify one public school where the private candidates will be hosted during the examination.
  • There, they will also undertake KCSE projects and sit practical examinations.

Instructions for KCSE Qualifying Test

The KCSE Qualifying Test shall be offered to prospective candidates who do not meet the stipulated entry requirements for the examination and candidates will be registered at their respective SCDE’s offices and respective SCDE officers will identify examination venues.

To register, a copy of original CPE examination certificate for those who did not sit KCPE will be required.

Others are a copy of the Letter of Equation from Knec for all candidates holding non-Kenya (foreign) primary education certificates.

Prospective candidates can access the services of Letter of Equation from Knec website.

Head teachers and SCDEs are required to safeguard and carefully handle log-in passwords and in case they are lost or forgotten, they should write an email to Knec.

Newly Gazetted Sub counties

For registration of newly gazetted sub-counties that have been approved as examination centres and requiring Knec codes, they should submit to Knec a Kenyan Gazette Notice on creation of the sub-county.

Others are a list of schools showing previous codes and the proposed new codes, location of the facility (container) and details of Deputy County Commissioner and Assistant County Commissioner.

Schools requesting to be made examination centres for KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE should submit to Knec a copy of a valid registration form from County Director of Education, an inspection questionnaire and a duly filed application form from school.
