JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Wed, 25 Jan 2023 08:26:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 CBC Learners to Learn in Common Schools https://elimupedia.com/cbc-learners-to-learn-in-common-schools.html Wed, 25 Jan 2023 08:26:45 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=11196 CBC Learners to Learn in Common Schools

The government is planning to establish composite schools that will bring learners from all the four CBC levels under one complex.

To be known as the Comprehensive Schools, learners in Pre-primary, Primary, Junior Secondary Schools and Senior Secondary schools will have a single manager.

According to the Ministry of Education, the comprehensive school will implement a broad curriculum that allows for optimal utilisation of resources across the levels.

“Each level will offer age-appropriate content and grading for the learners, based on the curriculum prescribed,” the ministry says in new guidelines.

The comprehensive school shall be managed by a common Board of Management (for public schools); BoM, Board of Directors or Board of Trustees, in case of private schools.

“The school shall be administered by one principal (or director for private schools) who will be assisted by deputies at the different levels,” the ministry says.

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Primary Schools hosting Junior Secondary to be Given New Names

MOE’s New Guidelines on Junior Secondary Schools

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“The school’s name shall reflect the four levels (pre-primary, primary, JSS and SSS. However, the bank account names shall be specific to the school levels.”

The school’s leadership shall develop a common five-year strategic plan whose implementation will be monitored by the education and quality assurance officers.

“In the case of sponsorship, the sponsor of the primary school in which the JSS is domiciled shall automatically assume the role of the sponsor for the respective JSS,” the guidelines read in part.

The JSS learners will be taught 12 core subjects and one or two optional subjects.

The core subjects are English, Kiswahili or KSL, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Health Education, Pre-technical and Pre-career education, Social Studies, Religious Education (CRE, IRE or HRE), Business Studies, Agriculture, Life skills, Sports and Physical Education.

Other subjects include Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Home Science, Computer Science, Foreign Languages (German, French or Mandarin) Arabic, Kenyan Sign Language and Indigenous Language.

Learners at the Pre-Vocational level will be assessed in 9 subjects; Communication, Social and Literacy Skills; Daily Living Skills; Mathematics Activities; Music and Movement; Religious Education and Christian Religious Education.

Others are Hindu Religious Education; Islamic Religious Education; Physical and Health Education; Hygiene, Nutrition and Safety; Environmental Activities, and Social Studies.

We need 5 Years to Phase out 8,4,4; Says Task Force https://elimupedia.com/we-need-5-years-to-phase-out-844-says-task-force.html Fri, 25 Nov 2022 07:30:45 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10500 We need 5 Years to Phase out 8,4,4; Says Task Force

The task force looking into the education system now wants the country to have a five-year transition period to phase out the 8-4-4 system.

During the five-year training period, the government shall have addressed the issues of teachers’ preparation, curriculum changes, parental responsibility and required infrastructure.

According to the Presidential Working Party on Education Reform, within that period, the country would have developed adequate infrastructure for the new education system.

In a preliminary report scheduled to be presented to President William Ruto any time soon, the task force also wants the current Grade 6 pupils scheduled to sit for their national Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) to be hosted in their present primary schools.

JSS will remain hosted in existing primary schools for a two-year period after which the task force would have made a permanent decision on where it would specifically be domiciled.

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School Fees Hasn’t Changed, Machogu Clarifies Fee Increment

You Owe Acting Principals and Deputies 1B Shillings, KUPPET Tells TSC

Amount in School Fees That Parents Will Pay from January 2023

Your Messages Will Be tracked During KCSE, KCPE and KPSEA

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Usawa: Teachers Should Be Posted to Neighbouring Wards

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Munavu Team: Retain Junior Secondary in Primary Schools

List Of Most Selected Junior Secondary Schools Per County

And in a radical departure from the recommendations by Prof Fatuma Chege on the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC), the Prof Raphael Munavu led task force wants the structure changed from the original proposed 2-6-3-3-3 structure to 2-6-2-4-3 .

That means that if the task force report is adopted, pupils will go through 2 years in the Pre-primary /Early Child Development Education (ECDE); 6 years in primary; 2 years in JSS (or any other name); 4 years in senior secondary school; and 3 years in tertiary/university. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will also be required to immediately identify primary school teachers who will undergo a month training on how to manage Grade 7 pupils next year.

The preliminary report only addresses the anticipated transition to Grade 7 as the issues of Grade 8 curriculum; delivery and others would be dealt with in subsequent reports. The task force also wants the Ministry of Education to commission a team of qualified personnel for an end term evaluation of the 8-4-4 system and present their findings before it is phased out to pave way for full implementation of CBC.

“This will prevent CBC from facing similar challenges that 8-4-4 went through,” a member of the task force intimated.

Should the government adopt the recommendation to domicile JSS in the existing primary schools, it would have the problem of an imminent crisis that could result from the double intake of at least 2.5 million learners in Grade 6 and Standard Eight to Form One.

In January, pioneer learners under the new 2-6-3-3-3 CBC system will transition to junior secondary school after sitting the Grade Six national examinations.

It is also the year that present Class Eight learners under the 8-4-4 education system will join Form One after sitting KCPE examinations, thereby presenting a huge infrastructure challenge of hosting at least 2.5 million children.

The committee appointed by the President on September 30, that is supposed to be in operation for a six months, is also required to submit to him a progress report every two months from the date of their appointment.

The team, chaired by Prof Raphael Munavu, comprises other globally celebrated Kenyan teachers Peter Tabichi, Mutheu Kasanga, who were part of the CBC task force as well as Prof Collins Odete among others.

The team is expected to study all laws governing the basic education subsector and make recommendations for review of the legislations with a view to addressing “duplication, ambiguities, efficiency, constraints and improving linkages.”

The team is required to study, assess and make recommendations on “the conceptualization and implementation of key tenets guiding the competency-based approach including but not limited to value-based education, community service learning, parental empowerment and engagement.”

They are also to assess and come up with a framework for assessment and examination, quality assurance, teacher education and training as well as teacher deployment.

They are also to assess and come up with a framework for assessment and examination, quality assurance, teacher education and training as well as teacher deployment.

Teachers and Parents Lead Calls For Suspension of CBC https://elimupedia.com/teachers-and-parents-lead-calls-for-suspension-of-cbc.html Sun, 06 Nov 2022 06:10:53 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10283 Teachers and Parents Lead Calls For Suspension of CBC

Stakeholders in the education sector are sharply divided over the fate of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) as public participation on the fate of the curriculum laid bare the fears and weaknesses that has bedeviled the implementation of CBC.

In several forums held across the country, some stakeholders have been pushing for the suspension of CBC, saying its implementation was rushed by the government.

Some parents, however, want the government to inject more funds to support CBC, arguing they have already spent a fortune on the curriculum.

The developments came out during Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms meetings with stakeholders in parts of the country to collect views on CBC.

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TSC Sacks a Principal For Hosting and Feeding a Sick Girl in His House

Khamala Promises to Impeach Nancy Macharia

Teacher Recruitment to Occur at Zonal Level

TSC Compelled to Review Delocalization Policy

Junior secondary School Remains a Puzzle, Weeks to grade 7 Transition

TSC Begins Deployment of 36,000 Teachers to Junior Secondary Schools

List of Primary schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Final List of Public Junior Secondary Schools

In Bungoma, Homa Bay and Elgeyo Marakwet, stakeholders said lack of preparedness by the government to implement CBC had exposed the curriculum to possible failure.

Stakeholders, including teachers, said they were still unprepared for CBC, adding the system must undergo serious reforms for it to succeed.

In Homa Bay, teachers said they were not well-prepared to handle CBC and faulted the government for failing to put in place the right structures and training to ensure the system runs smoothly.

This emerged at Homa Bay High School during a public participation convened by the CBC taskforce led by Prof Collins Odote.

Speaking after presenting their memorandum, the Kenya National Union of Teachers(Knut) said teachers were harassed to deter them from telling the government the truth on when and how to implement the CBC.

Knut Secretary in Homa Bay County Patrick Were, Homa Bay Executive Secretary Cornel Ojuok and his Rachuonyo Counterpart Eliud Ombori, said failure to accept the truth had led to the problems bedevilling implementation of the curriculum.

Were said teachers were threatened with interdiction whenever they attempted to say the truth about the curriculum.

“CBC has numerous issues but it is unfortunate that any teacher who tried to tell the truth received threats, including interdiction. We are glad that President William Ruto’s government has given us opportunity to tell the truth about this curriculum, ” Were said.

He said CBC should be suspended at the end of this academic year until President Ruto makes a final determination after the taskforce’s findings.

“Our position is that the CBC should be suspended as soon as possible until the president makes a determination on whether to scrap it or continue with it. As it is today, it is causing harm to teachers, parents and pupils, “Were said.

Some of the weaknesses pointe out is a requirement that parents also have a direct role in teaching their children,“yet some parents never went to school”.

In Bungoma, parents called for the suspension of CBC, saying it was not being implemented correctly while teachers are also ill-equipped for CBC.

They said implementation of CBC was rushed unnecessarily.

Speaking during a public hearing at St Teresa’s Primary School in Bungoma on Thursday, residents termed the curriculum complex and hard to actualize in rural public schools.

Benard Wafula,a parent from Bumula, said all stakeholders ought to have been involved before CBC rollout.

“The curriculum was forced on parents, teachers, and learners by the government, but I believe it can work if rolled out smoothly with all stakeholders on board,”Wafula told the education task force.

He said CBC would be useful to learners and society at large if implemented in the right manner.

“It is good because it is a practical oriented curriculum meant to jog the minds of learners but its success is dependent on the goodwill of stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and other actors in the education sector,” he said.

Some of the stakeholders said CBC ought to be simplified to make it less expensive. They demanded that junior secondary schools be domiciled in primary schools considering the age of the learners.

Participants also cited the high cost of implementing CBC and poor infrastructure and shortage of teachers among others as major impediments to the implementation of the curriculum in public schools.

Students’ representatives from various secondary schools across the county said CBC should not be scrapped as suggested in some quarters. They want grey areas to be refined to allow smooth implementation of the curriculum.

TSC To Deploy P1 Teachers To Junior Secondary, After KNUT’S Input https://elimupedia.com/tsc-to-deploy-p1-teachers-to-junior-secondary-after-knuts-input.html Sat, 09 Jul 2022 05:14:17 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=7770 TSC To Deploy P1 Teachers To Junior Secondary

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has after discussions with Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) assured p1 teachers that they will be deployed to teach in junior secondary schools, which are set to start in January 2023.

This new development is as a result of the engagement between TSC officials and KNUT officials on the possibility of primary school teachers getting an opportunity in junior secondary schools. Currently, the talks between TSC and KNUT, led by its secretary general Collins Oyuu are still on and are expected to end today.

The only challenge in the discussions, which upto now seem fruitful is the idea of TSC that the primary school teachers must meet the requirements for deployment to secondary schools. KNUT’s push however is that TSC should allow primary school teachers with degree in secondary option but C(plain) in KCSE to teach in junior secondary. KNUT wants TSC to ignore the condition on teaching subjects.

Most primary school teachers have maintained that they can effectively teach in junior secondary, especially now that they have some CBC training.

TSC however says for teachers to be deployed to teach in junior secondary one must;

  • Be a Kenyan citizen;
  • Be a holder of a P1 Certificate;
  • Be a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with 2 teaching subjects;
  • Must have attained at least C+(Plus) mean grade at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)or its equivalent and C+(Plus) or it’s equivalent in the two teaching subjects;
  • Must be serving under Teachers Service Commission.

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TSC Promotes 115000 Teachers, Registers 42000

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Number of Teachers Promoted By TSC Per County Per Cardre

KNUT and TSC to meet Over Pay Review,  Promotion and TPD

Urgent Call For Examiners-Apply Now

Ministry Of Education Advertises Over 300 Part -Time Job Vacancies-Apply Now

KICD Warns Teachers, Parents Against Buying Grade 6 CBC Model Papers

TSC has also said it will offer further training to the teachers who will be deployed to teach in junior high school.

Junior secondary involves Grade 7,8 and 9. The current Grade 6 learners will join junior secondary in January 2023.

Knut is in discussion with TSC on the Parliamentary recommendations which ordered promotion of teachers who upgraded their certificates.

Parliament recommended that the TSC should continue recognizing and acknowledging higher qualifications acquired by teachers while in service.

The MPs want TSC to promote teachers who have acquired diplomas, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees while in service.

“The TSC should within six months of adoption of this report open negotiations with teachers’ unions on the Career Progression Guidelines (CPGs) and uphold the rights of teachers who have acquired relevant qualifications at the time of their in-service.

“Further TSC shall give guidelines on relevant courses to be undertaken by teachers,” reads the report by the Education and Research Committee.

However, TSC want to use Teacher Profession Development (TPD)as the benchmark training for promoting teachers.

In previous deployments the Commission posted teachers with both Art and Science combinations to secondary schools.

Though some teachers complained on the Commission criteria on deploying teachers TSC said deployment will be done based on availability of teaching vacancy.

Those deployed from primary schools to teach in secondary schools start in job group C2 and later move to job group C3 after completing three years.

From July 2021 a deployed teacher in job group C2 takes home shs 34,955 at minimum in basic pay and shs 43,694 at maximum.

The teacher enjoys a commuter allowance of shs 5,000 a house allowance of shs 7,500 for those who are not in any municipality and a leave allowance of shs 6,000 paid once yearly.Those in hardship areas enjoy hardship allowance of shs 10,900.

Stop using CBC as a Campaign Tool, Magoha Tells Politicians https://elimupedia.com/stop-using-cbc-as-a-campaign-tool-magoha-tells-politicians.html Mon, 06 Jun 2022 08:19:20 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6852 Stop using CBC as a Campaign Tool, Magoha Tells Politicians

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has cautioned politicians vying for various elective seats from placing the new school curriculum at the centre of their campaigns.

Magoha has maintained that the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is not a joke and politicians should desist from creating funny and discouraging statements.

He was speaking during a routine tour to check on how ready private schools are to implement CBC junior secondary school. He confirmed during the tour that the CBC curriculum was there to stay, and those opposing it should rather give reliable options for implementation.

The government is planning to roll out phase two of school infrastructure upgrade, while ensuring that completed classrooms are registered, he said.

Read also:

NEMIS To Be Replaced By a CBC-Supported Data Management System

MP Tasks Magoha To Explain Why KNEC Contracted Professionals Have not Been Paid, as Sources Indicate Next Month

KNEC Explains Delay in Paying Contracted Professionals For KCPE, KCSE 2021

Magoha Tells Education Committee Why KCPE / KCSE Examiners Have Not Been Paid

Payment Dates For CBC Training Revealed

Multiple Choice Exams For Grade 6 KPSEA Ready: KNEC

MOE Reveals Junior Secondary School Placement Criteria For Grade 6 Candidates

List Of Schools That Will Host Junior Secondary Schools Per County Under CBC

Junior Secondary Schools To Have Separate Boards Of Management

KNEC Faces Critics Over Multiple Choice Grade 6 Exams and Eradication of Composition, Insha Tests

“Examinations for Grade 6 are ready and the transition to junior secondary is well on course,” said Magoha.

According to Magoha, those politicising CBC to stop since it is distracting the learners.

He added; “There are school-going children in every part of this country. Just do your politics peacefully without involving and scaring the children.”

During inspections at Golden Elite Schools, Magoha commended public schools which he said were “98 per cent” ready for junior secondary transition.

The CS set a target of August to deliver 10,000 classrooms that the president had promised would be ready by the time he leaves office.

Multiple Choice Exams For Grade 6 KPSEA Ready: KNEC https://elimupedia.com/multiple-choice-exams-for-grade-6-kpsea-ready-knec.html Sun, 05 Jun 2022 05:21:14 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6840 Multiple Choice Exams For Grade 6 KPSEA Ready: KNEC

It is now confirmed that the upcoming Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) for Grade Six learners will be multiple choice.

The Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) CEO David Njengere yesterday dispelled fears among candidates and parents that the assessment format has been changed from the original plan under the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC).

“The assessments have already been set and are ready for administration. Nothing has been changed in the format as this is the first final assessment under the CBC,” confirmed Dr Njengere.

According to Njengere, KPSEA follows the Basic Education Curriculum Framework guidelines released in 2019 by the Ministry of Education to guide national assessments under the curriculum. The framework was developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD).

Read also:

MOE Reveals Junior Secondary School Placement Criteria For Grade 6 Candidates

List Of Schools That Will Host Junior Secondary Schools Per County Under CBC

Junior Secondary Schools To Have Separate Boards Of Management

KNEC Faces Critics Over Multiple Choice Grade 6 Exams and Eradication of Composition, Insha Tests

KCPE Composition and Insha Markers to Lose Big in knec’s New Saving Plan Under CBC

Aga Khan University Full Time Masters in Education Scholarships 2023-Apply Here

Teachers to Receive annual Salary Increment Next Month After Ksh. 298.37B Allocation

Grades Three, Four, Five and part of Grade Six exams will be formative.  At the end of Grade Six however, learners will sit for a summative assessment.

“The learners in Grade Six have already done the formative assessments. They are scheduled to sit for the summative assessment at the end of the year, which basically will be multiple choices,” said Njengere.

The CBC taskforce report had earlier stated that the assessments in schools will be both formative and summative.

At lower primary schools, the assessments are mainly formative, meaning teachers in Grades One to Three conduct classroom assessments.

Knec has since developed standardised assessment tools to be administered, scored and feedback given to individual learners by teachers in their respective schools.

The schools then submit the results for each learner in a designated format to Knec to facilitate analysis of achievement of competencies at national level.

The taskforce report explains that this helps to assess comprehensively the mastery of multifarious competencies of different learners.

The results from the formative and summative assessment will facilitate placement of learners to Junior Secondary School in January next year.

“The mode of assessment will entail a combination of teacher-administered formative assessment in Grades Four, Five and Six and a summative assessment to be administered by Knec at the end of Grade Six,” reads the report.

Dr Njengere said the formative assessments done in Grades Four (20 percent), Five (20 percent) and Six (20 percent) will score learners 60 percent of the final grade while the summative assessment scheduled for November will cater for the 40 per cent.

“The summative assessment is prompted by the need to allow learners from across the country to access schools which have superior infrastructure and a culture of good performance, thus enhancing equity,” reads the taskforce report.

At secondary schools, the report explains that assessments will also be formative and summative.

“The junior secondary school assessment will facilitate placement in Senior Secondary School, while the senior school assessment will facilitate transition into tertiary and university education and training,” says the report.

Teachers to reap Big in the 2022/ 2023 Budget to Be Read Today https://elimupedia.com/teachers-to-reap-big-in-the-2022-2023-budget-to-be-read-tomorrow.html https://elimupedia.com/teachers-to-reap-big-in-the-2022-2023-budget-to-be-read-tomorrow.html#comments Wed, 06 Apr 2022 17:45:20 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6016 Teachers to reap Big in the 2022/ 2023 Budget to Be Read Today

This year’s national budget which will be the last one under President Uhuru Kenyatta will be read tomorrow.

The Budget of Sh3.3 trillion will be read early to allow time for members of Parliament to deliberate on the main component of the Budget which include proposed revenue sources and expenditure plans for the financial year commencing July 2022.

Outlined below is a list of various benefits and areas that teachers will harvest from the budget.

Salary arrears for selected Job groups

In the budget set to be read teachers will benefit immensely. One of the benefits is salary arrears for category of teachers which TSC said it will pay after the budget.

The Commission says it will pay teachers in grades C4, C5,D1,D2, D3 and D4 because they have not yet attained the maximum salary points provided for in the salary banding as outlined in the CBA 2017-2021.

TSC says it will extend the salary points for these grades starting 1st July 2020.The Commission says it will pay the teachers their salary increment with arrears from the date they attained the maximum salary point to January 2022.

“The arrears will be processed by July 2022 when funds become available,” said the Commission.

Read also:

Inform Us When You Are Overpaid or Face Action, TSC tells Teachers

Teachers To Get Increased Salaries If They Support UDA

Details of April TSC CBC Training of High School Teachers on Junior Secondary Schools 

Training Dates of PE and Science Teachers on Junior Secondary Released

TSC Plans To Recruit 75,000 Teachers By 2025

Reviewed: Teachers’ basic Salaries and All allowances as per 2021-2025 CBA

Talks to include money component in the CBA 2021-2025 between TSC and teachers unions Knut,Kuppet and Kusnet were suspended. Kuppet’s push to have the talks resume by issuing strike threat also flopped.

Following the collapse of the talks, teachers may miss the usual salary increment which they enjoy yearly after budget as a result of signed CBA’s. Teachers in grades B5, C1,C2, C3 and D5 may not see anything that touches on their salaries.

Money for recruitment of new teachers.

The TSC boss Dr. Nancy Macharia while appearing in Parliament had requested some Sh5.3 billion to recruit 8,000 teachers for the 100 per cent transition.

Macharia also told the Education Committee that it will require Sh1.2 billion to recruit 6,000 interns.TSC said it has been recruiting 5,000 teachers annually to match the increased enrolment in public schools.

Macharia thanked the government for setting aside sh. 2.5 billion for recruiting 5,000 teachers this year.

In budget estimates, Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani had allocated an additional Sh14.9 billion to TSC, whose budget has risen to Sh295.9 billion from Sh281.7 billion in the new financial year.

During the resource sharing at the Sector Working Group,the commission said it was allocated Sh295.9 billion for recurrent expenditure against a projected requirement of Sh310.5 billion.

TSC will receive an extra Sh15 billion for the 2022 -2023 financial year. Initially there were rumours that the Commission will use the additional funds to award teachers a payrise. However TSC refuted the claims. Instead it said it will use the sh15 billion to employ 13,000 secondary school teachers and 9,000 interns to cope with exits and the expected increase in enrolment when junior secondary is rolled out in January 2023.

The Commission said this through a report which was presented to the Committee on Education and Research of the National Assembly by the Parliamentary Budget Office.

The commission also said priorities identified in the 2022/23 budget and the medium term were informed by the 2019-2023 strategic plan and the medium-term plan III of Vision 2030.

During the period, TSC had proposed to recruit 25,000 teachers,out of which 13,000 on permanent and pensionable terms and another 12,000 interns annually for the next three years.

Despite the financing shortfall,the commission said that 15,000 additional teachers were recruited and deployed to support implementation of the 100 per cent transition to secondary school.

Commission further explained that some 5,000 teachers were employed in 2019/20,2020/21 and 2021/22 financial years respectively. Similarly, TSC developed a framework for hiring teachers on internship and 28,300 were recruited.

In the 2019/2020,some 10,300 teacher interns were recruited while 12,000 and 6,000 were recruited in the 2020/21 and 2021/22 financial years respectively.

Money for promotion and deployment of teachers

TSC boss Nancy Macharia told the committee that it will require sh2 billion for promotion of teachers on competitive selection. The Commission has been promoting teachers to various cadres in line with the Career Progression Guidelines(CPG).

TSC has also being promoting primary school teachers with degree in secondary option to teach in secondary schools. The Commission promotes 1,000 practising P1 teachers each year by deploying them to teach in secondary schools.

Advertisement for promotion of teachers usually happens in September each year. Promotion of teachers to administrative gra for teachers in Arid and Semi Arid Land(ASAL).

Promotion of teachers to administrative grades for teachers in Arid and Semi Arid Land (ASAL) happen on affirmative action. TSC only awaits for funds to confirm school administrators in acting capacity in ASAL areas.

Money for Biometric registration and TPAD and PC exercise

For implementation of Teachers Performance Appraisal and Development(TPAD)and performance contract (PC), the TSC boss said the agency is seeking Sh10 million.

TSC said it suspended the biometric registration exercise which was planned for roll out in March due to lack of funds. “Teacher mentorship and coaching programme requires an estimated Sh50 million while the roll out of a national Biometric Enrolment and Validation of tutors will be done at a cost of Sh342.4 million,” said Macharia in parliament.

Money for other key areas in the sector

The Commission proposed to train Grade Six and Seven teachers in readiness for 2023 when the first CBC cohort will transit to Junior Second a cost Sh2.52 billion. TSC has organized training of 60,000 secondary school teachers in April 2022.

The Commission also made a proposal to automate and integrate its systems for paperless operations at a cost of Sh335 million, roll out of national biometric enrollment and validation of teachers valued at Sh342.4 million but were not financed.

TSC wants facilitation of Sh600 million for gratuity to 3,358 contract teachers in the Northern frontier and construction of additional county office accommodation estimated at a cost of Sh183.6 million.

The Commission has also been seeking funds to implement the new hardship areas following the conclusion of the hardship review exercise and submission of report.

https://elimupedia.com/teachers-to-reap-big-in-the-2022-2023-budget-to-be-read-tomorrow.html/feed 1
Details of April TSC CBC Training of High School Teachers on Junior Secondary Schools  https://elimupedia.com/details-of-april-tsc-cbc-training-of-high-school-teachers-on-junior-secondary-schools.html Sun, 13 Mar 2022 03:11:47 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5844 Details of April TSC CBC Training of High School Teachers on Junior Secondary Schools 

At least 60,000 secondary school teachers will attend the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) training in April this year.

According to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), the tutors will be retooled in various subject areas offered under junior secondary school section.

For teachers teaching Biology and Chemistry they will be trained on how to handle Integrated Science and Health Education which are subjects offered in junior secondary school.

The content under Integrated Science section will consist of basic information on physics. chemistry and biology.

It has common elements with the current subjects such as general science. This means therefore. the current teachers of physics, chemistry and biology once retooled will comfortably handle this new content.

Read also:

Training Dates of PE and Science Teachers on Junior Secondary Released

TSC Plans To Recruit 75,000 Teachers By 2025

List Of Schools That Will Host Junior Secondary Schools Per County Under CBC

List Of Primary school Teachers Deployed To secondary schools

List of TPD Training Centers and county coordinators per county

List of TSC Appointed School Heads Per County

There is no need for a special teacher of integrated science. Students who will show interest in Integrated Science will most probably end up taking the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) pathway in senior secondary school.

The content under Health Education will include environmental science, public health personal hygiene and nutrition.

Currently, teachers of Biology and Home Science already teach components of Health Science.

Consequently, the teachers of biology and home science only need to be retooled in order to effectively teach the subject.

For teachers teaching Physics and Mathematics they will be trained on how to handle Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education which is a subject in junior secondary section.

Pre-technical and pre-career education will be offered in woodwork, metalwork, technical drawing, electricity, electronics, typewriting, shorthand, accounting, home management, textiles and clothing, and auto mechanics.

The technical teachers currently in some of the high schools will continue teaching this new content.

Teachers of home science and some mathematics/physics teachers will be prepared to handle the pre-technical and pre-career education preparing learners to join the CTS in senior secondary.

For teachers teaching Geography, History and CRE they will be trained on handling Social Studies in junior secondary.

Areas to be covered includes components of history, geography, governance and citizenship.

Currently, teachers of history, geography and social studies have the prerequisite knowledge to effectively teach this content.


However the April CBC training will be the first phase of the programme involving secondary

school teachers.

This phase will target those teachers handling Science and Physical Education subjects.

The 60,000 teachers to be trained will be those handling Biology/Chemistry,Physics/Mathematics, and Physical Education according to a circular released by TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia.

Biology and Chemistry teachers will be equipped with expertise on how to handle integrated and

health science while those teaching Physics and Mathematics will be retooled to teach pre-

technical and pre-vocational education.

Physical Education teachers are expected to teach Sports and Physical Education in secondary schools aascording to the circular.

In April,the retooling will be in form of five day face to face training while subsequent continuous learning on the new subject areas will shift online.
