schools reopening – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Wed, 06 Jan 2021 02:50:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Magoha bans journalists from schools Wed, 06 Jan 2021 02:50:09 +0000 Magoha bans journalists from schools

Parents will be in the dark concerning school operations and whether schools are strictly implementing the Covid-19 protocols since the government has banned media visits to the learning institutions.

Also in the dark, will be Donors and well-wishers who will want to support needy schools in ways not limited to; supply of masks, construction of hand-washing points and expansion of classrooms since they may not have the true picture of the needy cases.

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It will be very difficult to know of instances where institutions relax Covid-19 containment measures.

The decision that led to banning media from schools was made during a special stakeholders’ meeting, chaired by Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i on Sunday 4th January 2021. In attendance were Cabinet Secretary for education, George Magoha ; cabinet secretary for ICT, Joe Mucheru ; cabinet secretary for health,  Mutahi Kagwe; and cabinet secretary for transport, James Macharia.

Council of Governors (COG) representatives, chief administrative secretaries, principal secretaries, senior government officials and representatives of public and private schools also attended the meeting.

A day after schools opened, the government kicked off reinforcement of the ban with teachers warned to keep journalists at bay.

A text message from top government officers and widely circulated to all regional and county directors instructed them against allowing journalists in schools.

“Watching news and seeing that the media have unfettered access to schools is worrying. Regional and county directors of education, warn school heads that the media should not access schools unless with authority,” read the text.

Sources have it that the ill-preparedness of most schools had exposed the government, leading to the ban.

“Most of the schools are not well prepared for reopening and their head teachers and staff are doing what is humanly possible to accommodate learners,” said a head teacher.

“Parents will be very anxious because they may not be sure of their children’s safety. Media does a good job of exposing the good and bad, which most of the times inform changes,” claimed another teacher.

Many schools across the country are ill-prepared for resumption of learning, with numerous challenges including lack of learning space and other basic facilities. Social distancing is still a challenge in most institutions and so are other Ministry of Health protocols against spread of Covid-19.

Magoha on his side has maintained that all was well and there were no visible challenges in schools. He even warned the media against exaggerating situations in schools.

“You should not create challenges where there are none,” he accused a journalist.

Senior Ministry of Education officers and some county directors, however, said that the ban was due to fear of spread of covid-19 in learning institutions. Journalists were listed as potential super spreaders as they tour many places and may infect the children.

However, top Ministry of Education officials, including Magoha himself, continue touring schools around and even inviting the media to cover him.

Most public school heads have received instructions not to allow media into their institutions and the texts are still streaming.

Teachers Will Be Held Responsible If Learners Mess With Sanitisers: Magoha Sun, 03 Jan 2021 04:46:44 +0000 Teachers Will Be Held Responsible If Learners Mess With Sanitisers: Magoha

Education CS George Magoha has said that the government will not allow large quantities of hand sanitisers in schools.According to the CS, only a maximum of five litres will be allowed in the whole school compound and only teacher will handle them.

During his tour of Kiangochi primary school, the CS argued that sanitisers have over 70 per cent alcohol content and might be misused by students.

“Our children are very creative and we all know what they may do with it. We will not allow over five litres of sanitisers to go into schools,” Magoha said.

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We Are in Short of 1M Masks To Give To Needy Children: Magoha

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“Quantity of sanitisers should only be handled by teachers for the purpose of general school population when in public places”, he added.

Magoha further stated that should any of the learners misbehave with sanitisers, the teachers in that school will be held responsible since they are the ones in charge of handling sanitisers.

Magoha also noted that the government has procured over 7 million masks that will be issued strictly to children from very humble backgrounds.

The masks have been made by the National Youth Service (NYS) and Rivatex through efforts from the Ministry of education and Ministry of Health, and partners such as UNICEF and the Kenya Commercial Bank.

According to Magoha, face masks will be part of uniforms and no child will be allowed back in school without them.

“The government is ready to ensure that any child that genuinely requires masks acquires some because they will be mandatory and will be part of their school uniform. Children will not be sent for school fees, but they will not enter the school compound minus masks,” he added.

“Some people have been saying that procuring of masks by parents is a big challenge but it was not a problem when the first three classes re-opened three months ago and will not be now.”

He advised parents who are unable to buy surgical masks to acquire a pair of three-layered cloth masks for each child.

Magoha further noted that private schools will only be allowed to re-open if the number of children in a particular class conforms to the number of children in public school.

TSC Employees on Leave recalled Ahead of January reopening Wed, 30 Dec 2020 03:00:32 +0000 TSC Employees on Leave recalled Ahead of January reopening

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has recalled a section of its officers who are on leave to report back to work. This happens at a time when the government is in a final push to make schools safety and secure ahead of opening.

through a circular sent to all regional, county and sub-county directors, TSC directs that the roles of these officers will be reinforce compliance of the Covid-19 protocols when schools reopen on 21st January 2021.


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We Are in Short of 1M Masks To Give To Needy Children: Magoha

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Magoha’s Revelations About KCSE and KCPE Bring Joy To Parents And Teachers

So Sad: This Section Of Learners May Not Resume Learning In January

“Together with other government agencies you are required to spearhead compliance of safety measures already put in place by Ministry of Health to contain and mitigate the spread of corona virus disease within the school community,” Reads the circular signed by Nancy Macharia.

The circular, signed on 28th December 2020, confirmed TSC has organized a Covid-19 Technical and Response Team at the head office, which will coordinate and receive all reports from the officers.

At the school level, teachers are required to constitute institutional to coordinate response strategies. The Covid-19 response teams at institutional level will comprise five members; one learner/trainee, one non-teaching staff, one BOM member and two teachers.

The latest directive by TSC therefore means that the government will now rely on teachers for the successful re-opening of schools and adherence to the safety protocols.

The field officers, who have been ordered by TSC to resume work immediately, will be performing the following roles, with regards to Covid-19:

  • Supervising the institutions’ adherence to covid-19 safety protocols.
  • Conducting physical monitoring and evaluation of all schools once they reopen, to ensure safety and welfare of learners and staff.
  •  Liaising with school administrators to receive feedback on any challenges experienced in implementing the health protocols. This will include identifying risks and deploying  swift actions to mitigate the  risks so as to safeguard effective curriculum implementation.
  • Creating a clear channel of communication and providing support and guidance to all institutional administrators.

“Regional directors will be required to liaise with the Covid-19 Technical and Response Team at the head office and provide status reports on all challenges experienced on a daily basis,” directed Macharia in the circular.

The TSC officers will be required to coordinate with the Ministry of Health and other trained teachers to offer psycho-social support to learners and teachers adversely affected by the disease.

Teachers will be required to develop criteria of identifying learners/trainees and staff who may require specialised psycho-social support and link them to certified counselors or social workers.

TSC further directs that administrative measures to ensure no interruption of the school calendar activities be put in place.

We Are in Short of 1M Masks To Give To Needy Children: Magoha Tue, 29 Dec 2020 06:14:09 +0000 We Are in Short of 1M Masks To Give To Needy Children: Magoha

 Education Cabinet Secretary, Prof George Magoha, has confirmed that his ministry is facing a shortage of one million face masks to be provided to children who hail from poor backgrounds, ahead of schools’ January re-opening.

Magoha said that only children whose parents cannot afford the safety gear will be entitled to free masks.

“Out of the three million children identified by the government, we have already supplied close to one million to Grade Four, Eight and Form Four candidates who reported to schools, while Rivatex has already given us another one million,” he revealed.


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The CS promised that the government would do everything possible to bridge the deficit.

However, he called on parents who can afford masks to go ahead and buy them  for their children.

The government, he said, will disburse Sh19 billion for the second term ahead of the re-opening of schools on Monday, January 4.

Prof Magoha said his ministry was working with the National Treasury to ensure the money is released in time to facilitate smooth running of the learning institutions.

The CS called on school heads to manage the resources prudently, cautioning that stern action will be taken against people who misuse the funds.

“Together with my National Treasury colleague Ukur Yatani, we are in the process of disbursing over Sh14 billion to secondary schools and more than Sh4 billion to primary schools,” he said.

“We shall follow up to ensure the funds are used for the intended purpose,” he warned.

So Sad: This Section Of Learners May Not Resume Learning In January Sat, 26 Dec 2020 04:13:55 +0000 This Section Of Learners May Not Resume Learning In January

Thousands of poor, needy and orphan students who entirely depend on CDF bursary for fees, risk remaining at home as schools reopen next month, MPs have warned.

The legislators say they have not received the National Government – Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) fund, six months into the financial year, a situation that now spells doom for the needy students.

“In my constituency, I have not received a coin. Not even the money that should be going to pay CDF staff and committee members,” Homa Bay Town MP, Peter  Kaluma said.


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The legislator asserted that hundreds of students whose education is supported by the CDF bursary are staring at a bleak future if the funds are not released on time.

The schools are set to resume on January 4 after nearly one-year closure because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We have, like in my constituency, orphans whose entire education depends on CDF bursary. The greatest challenge I have now is that they are asking me how they are going to school,” Kaluma said, lifting the lid on the severity of the non-disbursement.

Makadara MP, Geroge Aladwa raised similar concerns, saying that needy students and their parents are a worried lot and have been camping in his office.

“There is no money. We issued bursaries forms. They have been filled and returned. Now they are waiting for the checks because schools are reopening in two weeks but there is no money in the accounts,” Aladwa said.

Gem’s Elisha Odhiambo also said this constituency has not received the cash but was optimistic that it would be released before schools reopen.

“I have about 10,000 students… if the money cannot come on time, then I will have to use some Sh5 million that I had saved to pay for them,” he said.

According to National Assembly’s NG-CDF committee chairman Wafula Wamunyinyi, the situation is dire and has been worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the economy.

“The economy is very tough because of Covid-19. Revenue collection is at its lowest according to Treasury CS,” Wamunyinyi said.

The Kanduyi MP disclosed that the National Treasury has released Sh18 billion out of the Sh41 billion budget for this financial year.

However, Sh14 billion out of the cash disbursed was channeled to cover the areas for the last fiscal year.

“On December 16, they released Sh2 billion and on December 21, they released another Sh4 billion. Initially, they had released Sh14 billion but it went to cover the areas for the last financial year, meaning, only Sh4 billion has been received for this financial year,” Wamunyinyi revealed.

The Kanduyi legislator asserted that Treasury CS Ukuru Yatani has committed to releasing another Sh4 billion early next month.

About 30 to 35 per cent of the CDF cash go towards bursaries with orphans and children from extremely poor families being the beneficiaries.

“We want not even money for development outside education but we urgently need the money that can pay our students’ bursaries. That is what will secure them continuity, otherwise, it is going to be tough,” Kaluma said.

Only Needy Learners Will be given free masks: Magoha Declares Tue, 22 Dec 2020 15:12:27 +0000 Only Needy Learners Will be given free masks: Magoha Declares

Education cabinet secretary, George Magoha has revealed that only learners from needy backgrounds will benefit from the free masks, which will be given to learners upon resumption of learning in January 2021. This comes a few days after CAS for basic education,  Zack Kinuthia, assured parents that the government will provide two washable masks to all learners when schools reopen on November 4th 2021.

Magoha, who was speaking during the groundbreaking ceremony of Dr Ida Odinga Library, Research, Innovation and Resource Center at Ogande Girls High School in Homa Bay county, said that the Government will develop modalities of identifying the needy students whose parents cannot afford masks.

“The masks will be given to pupils whose parents are truly unable to afford them. We know how we will identify them,” said Magoha.

The CS assured parents that the Government will cater for protective gear of their children to prevent them from getting infected with Covid-19.

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He added that all learners must resume learning regardless of whether they are pregnant or not, citing that pregnancy is not a disease.

“Pregnancy is not a disease. Let all pupils return to school in January and complete their studies,” Magoha added.

On social distancing concerns when schools reopen, the CS assured parents that the Government will deliver desks whose tender was awarded to various carpenters at a cost of Sh1.9 billion, by January 4th.

Prof Magoha also announced that KCSE and KCPE candidates who registered for the examinations in private schools will be admitted to public schools. The candidates will learn in the public schools until a few days to the start of the examinations before returning to the private schools to sit for the papers.

He warned head teachers against denying students from private schools admission.“All pupils who cannot return to their private schools will be admitted in public schools. KCPE and KCSE candidates will learn in public schools but they will return to the private schools during examinations time to enable them sit the exams,” the CS said.

Magoha also warned principals against sending pupils home for school fees. He noted that many parents are having financial difficulties due to effects of Covid-19, thus learners should not be harassed over fees.

“To principals, do your homework before you send a student back home for school fees. We don’t want students to be sent home,” Magoha warned. next

Relief To Teachers As The Church Comes To their Rescue Thu, 17 Dec 2020 03:19:40 +0000 Relief To Teachers As The Church Comes To their Rescue

The Church has offered to  join hands with the State to offer psycho-social counseling and support for learners in all public  institutions, upon  schools’ re-opening  in January.

This move will be one of the measures to help minimize the adverse effects of Covid-19 on the education sector.

Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Archbishop Dr. Jackson ole Sapit said the prolonged stay at home, coupled with the general anxiety brought by the covid-19 pandemic, would  weigh heavily on learners’ minds once  schools resume.

“Learners have stayed away from school for long and when they open, there is need to offer them psycho-social support to ensure their learning progresses on well,” he said.

Initially, the ministry had tasked teachers to offer psychosocial support to learners upon reopening of school. the shocking part is that most teachers, even the ones heading guidance and counseling departments, are not skilled and professional counselors. They are better in advising learners than counseling them. furthermore, teachers will suffer very heavy work loads next year, and if left to do the dual work of  counseling and teaching, the burn out rates among teachers will be on the rise.

The move by the church therefore will save teachers a great deal and protect them from burn outs.

ACK is also planning to distribute over four million copies of educational materials to schools, under Partnership of wholesome education pillar.

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The plan between the Church and Ministry of Education, which is in its final stages, is part of ACK’s overall strategic vision dubbed as Wholesome Ministry for a Wholesome Nation that runs from 2018 to 2028.

Ole Sapit disclosed that the church would deploy clergymen and other religious officials to schools across the country to offer psychological, emotional and spiritual support for learners and teachers to help them cope with the new realities posed by Covid-19.

Sapit made these revelations while addressing congregants at ACK’s St Peter Cathedral in Voi town in Taita Taveta during the official opening of the church on Sunday, an occasion that was attended by Deputy President William Ruto.

Ole Sapit said the church was committed to providing a strong family base and urged parents to give their children moral support they needed to grow and become responsible citizens.

Substance abuse and sex parties

The bishop  warned that the current scandals involving teenagers,  including extensive drug use, sex parties and wanton drinking was a reflection of a generation crying out for guidance and help.

“These vices our children are engaging in should make us, as parents, reflect on our roles in the lives of our young ones,” he said.

He also urged Kenyans to observe Covid-19 protocols in places of worship as he expressed his concern over the large number of congregants who were present at the historic event.

“Remember that even as we celebrate, Covid-19 is here with us. I hope and pray God will protect us,” he said.

Addressing the congregation, Deputy President William Ruto said that the government was committing most of its budget into ensuring learning institutions were made as safe as possible for learners.

Stating that the country was not out of the woods as Covid-19 was still raging, he urged Kenyans not to let down their guards and continue adhering to health protocols.

He also noted that plans were underway to see ensure medical workers were adequately remunerated owing to the risk they faced when dealing with Covid-19.

“The government is committed to ensuring that schools are made safe once they open in January to stem the spread of Covid-19.We should not relax at all because the pandemic is here with us,” he said. Next

Avail The Masks You Have Hoarded To Children: Sossion Tells KEMSA Tue, 15 Dec 2020 09:02:28 +0000 Avail The Masks You Have Hoarded To Children: Sossion Tells KEMSA

The Kenya National Union Of Teachers secretary general Wilson Sossion, has said that the government should ensure that All the masks that have been hoarded at KEMSA in Nairobi are redistributed and availed to children in schools. The secretary general, who was speaking during an interview with KTN newsroom, said it is so unfair that the government is planning to procure masks to schools upon reopening yet several masks have been hoarded by KEMSA at its headquarters in Nairobi.

This comes at time when KEMSA is facing several corruption scandals and misappropriation of public funds. Sossion said that if KEMSA avails the hoarded masks, then at least the government will channel the mask funds to other areas or children will have adequate masks, to enhance smooth learning throughout the term.

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The legislator also expressed concerns over the safety of teachers, who are already in school with the candidate classes and grade four learners. He said that the rate at which teachers are dying since schools were reopened partially is alarming. Despite that high risk of infection and eventual death, teachers are still loyally offering their services to the Kenyan children.

“From the data we have received, we’ve had 42 teachers dying. That should compel us to reflect more deeply about the safety of teachers,” said Mr. Sossion.

Mr. Sossion urged the government to recognize teachers among the frontline soldiers during this covid-19 era, and award them through risk allowances as it does to healthcare workers.

“It has reached a time we must appreciate that teachers are the key frontline soldiers at the school level,” He Said.

For parents and learners, anxious days lie ahead, while for the government, reopening of schools remains a major headache if what occurred during the October partial reopening is anything to go by. Next

The government will not enforce Social distancing when schools reopen fully: Education CAS Tue, 15 Dec 2020 08:52:27 +0000 The government will not enforce Social distancing when schools reopen fully: Education CAS

The chief administrative secretary in the ministry of education, Zack Kinuthia, has revealed that the government will not be looking to enforce social distancing in schools but will instead rely on other measures to curb spread of covid-19. Speaking to KTN news channel during an interview, the CAS expressed his doubts that social distancing is a great test element in containing corona virus. He insisted that providing children with Masks and sanitizers takes centre stage.

I don’t think social distancing is a great test element in containing corona virus. Masking children and sanitizing them takes centre stage,” expressed Kinuthia.

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Kinuthia revealed that the government is not keen on enforcing social distancing ahead of schools’ reopening. “The government is not keen on enforcing social distancing. It will however ensure strict adherence to masking of our children,” he added.

According to Kinuthia, two thirds of learners will be locked out of learning, should the government embrace social distancing as a measure to curb the spread of Covid – 19 in schools.

“The government is not going to use social distancing as a bottleneck. Were we to apply social distancing as is expected of 25 children in one class, two thirds of our 16 million learners in Kenya will be locked out of school when we reopen, “the education boss explained.

The ministry chief assured his audience that the government is ready to reopen schools fully since it has been preparing for the last four months.

“As a government, we are ready to reopen schools. We have been preparing for the last 4 months,” he added.

On the contrary, KESSHA Chairman Kahi Indimuli, who was also part of the interview, said the biggest challenge in schools would be social distancing since By the time schools were closing, most of them had recorded congested classrooms.

“We will never attain 100% readiness. But based on the Ministry of Education guidelines, we are on some percentage. From the Covid19 response education committee point of view, most of the measures that were put in place are yet to be done to the satisfaction of what the committee was looking forward to,” said Mr. Indimuli. NEXT

Health Ministry Pushes For Full-Time Resumption Of Learning Wed, 02 Dec 2020 17:49:57 +0000 Health Ministry Pushes For Full-Time Resumption Of Learning

The Ministry of Health on 1st December defended its push to have full time learning resume. The ministry argued that the school environment is the safest place for learners, especially during these Covid times.

Health Acting Director General, Patrick Amoth gave some reasons why the ministry is pushing the government to order learners back to respective learning institutions. He cited the safety of learners with regards to health and emotional/ physical security, and the economic impact of children being out of school.

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“The phased reopening of schools has worked well. We have had cases of outbreaks in particular schools but the Ministry of Education has worked well with that of Health, to quarantine those learners and ensuring that learning continues uninterrupted,” said Dr Amoth during a brief at Afya House.

“We have stated that the school corridor is the safest for learners. When students are out of school, they suffer stress, anxiety, depression, sexual based violence, cases of teenage pregnancies, child labour, early marriages and this is a huge loss,” he added.

Amoth said the government is confident that the lessons learnt during this phased re-opening period and the Covid-19 protocols, will adequately give guidance to ensure children are safely back to school.

“Another reason why children need to get back to school is because the age groups of 10-19 years, within which they fall, have the lowest mortality related to Covid-19,” explained Amoth. He said that the risk of dying in that age group is 1 per 10,000 populations.

Amoth confirmed that plans are underway to ensure an adequate surveillance system is in place, upon resumption of learning.

Amoth’s concerns come at a time when NACC has reported that school going children are topping the list of new HIV infections, possibly attributed by the long stay at home.
