KUPPET LATEST NEWS – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Mon, 27 Sep 2021 06:04:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Milemba Calls For Immediate suspension Of TPD Implementation Till A Monetary CBA Is signed https://elimupedia.com/milemba-calls-for-immediate-suspension-of-tpd-implementation-till-a-monetary-cba-is-signed.html Mon, 27 Sep 2021 06:04:31 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4487 Milemba Calls For Immediate suspension Of TPD Implementation Till A Monetary CBA Is signed

The Kenya union of post primary education Teachers (KUPPET) national chairperson Hon. Omboko Milemba has called for an immediate suspension of TPD implementation until certain conditions are met.

According to Milemba matters pertaining to TPD are so sensitive that they cannot be rolled out without fully engaging education stakeholders and subjection to a robust public participation. The KUPPET boss therefore demands that TCS seeks public participation on TPD before implementation.

Milemba has also maintained that teachers will not engage in TPD modules using their own money, unless a CBA with a monetary value is signed with the employer.

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“The teachers are not going to engage in a self-sponsored training suggested by the employer. We will not register for the TPD courses until we sign a CBA with a monetary value. Furthermore, there is need for public participation into the matter before it is implemented,” said Milemba

The Emuhaya mp who is the kuppet  national chair was speaking to members of the press at his Esirulo residence in Emuhaya constituency.

TSC Confirms Plans to develop new job descriptions That Will Favour Classroom Teachers https://elimupedia.com/win-for-classroom-teachers-as-tsc-confirms-plans-to-develop-new-job-descriptions.html Tue, 06 Apr 2021 04:03:06 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2675 TSC Confirms Plans to develop new job descriptions That Will Favour Classroom Teachers

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has agreed to develop new job descriptions that will see classroom teachers benefit in the 2021-2025 new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

The Commission and the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) kicked off their new CBA negotiations last month where they held a five-day retreat in Naivasha.

During the meeting, the teacher’s employer agreed to ensure the new descriptions under the new CBA capture the true worth of classroom teachers.TSC has confirmed that as discussed during last month’s meeting, the true worth of a teacher must be captured and this can best be done through new job descriptions.

“The new job descriptions recognise the teachers’ leadership and technical work within and outside the classroom, which had been ignored by the evaluation tool previously used by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC),” read a press statement by Kuppet secretary general Akelo Misori.

That was the second meeting KUPPET held with the teacher’s employer over the new CBC which is scheduled to be implemented from July 1, after the October 19TH meeting.

KUPPET called on the SRC to give its advisory to the TSC to enable the employer to table a counter offer to the union.

Job evaluation

In February, SRC wrote to the TSC requesting for more time to allow the union finalize job evaluation salary structures for public servants.

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KUPPET Adjusts its 2021-2025 CBA Basic Salary Proposal  

TSC Plans To Review its 2021-2025 CBA Counter Proposal

KUPPET Demands a 2021-2025 CBA Counter Offer From SRC

Conclusions Of KUPPET-TSC Sawela Hotel Retreat

SRC Releases Draft Allowances Policy: Civil Servants Favoured

SRC Job Group Evaluation Favours Classroom Teachers

Salary and allowances for newly employed TSC teachers

TSC Promotion Interviews 2021 Results

“We are seriously concerned by this delay by SRC, since the expiry of the current CBA on 30 June is imminent,” said Misori.

Misori said during the retreat that they have agreed with the TSC that the new CBA will factor that classroom teachers have up to 30 new roles of including, class management and substantial financial responsibility during outdoor activities like tours and sports among others.

Teachers have been complaining that the current 2017-2021 CBA favored teachers in administrative position leaving thousands of classroom teachers with low salaries and this will translate to increased renumeration.

Teacher Promotions

During the meeting TSC and Kuppet agree on promotion of teachers in job groups C3, C4 and Teacher Training college tutors to new job groups.

“The Job Re-Evaluation has resulted in the creation of a new opening in C4 for Senior Master IV and Senior Lecturer IV for those in TTCs who do not have administrative positions,” said Misori.

Misori said under the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), the TTC tutors will be training teachers at the Diploma level, hence the repositioning of their roles.

Administrators in TTCs including Deans and Registrars will have a clear career path with substantive appointments.

Maternity leave for interns

The commission has agreed that, except for specific provisions of their contracts, all intern teachers will work under the same conditions as provided under the Code of Regulations for Teachers.

The intern teachers qualify for maternity leave of 90 calendar days with effect from the expected date of delivery, as it happens other teachers.

TSC also agreed to suspend the requirement of a Master’s degree for Principals or other promotions within the teaching service.

“This is in line with regulations by the Public Service Commission which has scrapped the requirement of a Master’s degree for promotions at job group P and above. Post-graduate qualifications will be considered as an added advantage,” said Misori.

Allowance for Masters and PHD Holders

During the meeting, Kuppet demanded the introduction of a Post-Graduate Allowance for teachers who possess Master’s and PhD degrees irrespective of their position in service.The union and the commission clarified the career path for Diploma Teachers.

Teacher shortage

To address the shortage of teachers ahead of the roll out of junior secondary, TSC said it will promote 1,000 graduate teachers who initially had P1 qualifications to secondary schools every financial year.

By June 30, it shall have redeployed 2,000 of such teachers, and the redeployment will continue until the numbers are fully addressed.

The teachers must have obtained a KCSE mean grade of C+ and C+ in two teaching subjects.

AON Minet

TSC and Kuppet agreed to hold an interparty meeting with the teacher’s medical scheme provide Minet to address the challenges teachers are facing while using the scheme.

Both TSC and Kuppet identified the numerous problems teachers face in accessing health services under the Medical Scheme.

KUPPET Demands a 2021-2025 CBA Counter Offer From SRC https://elimupedia.com/kuppet-demands-a-2021-2025-cba-counter-offer-from-src.html https://elimupedia.com/kuppet-demands-a-2021-2025-cba-counter-offer-from-src.html#comments Sat, 20 Mar 2021 03:20:28 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2668 KUPPET Demands a 2021-2025 CBA Counter Offer From SRC

KUPPET has raised concern over delayed talks on new salaries, three months to the end of Sh54 billion Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

A report from a meeting between Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers, KUPPET, and TSC in Naivasha heard that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) is yet to give advisory for the talks.

KUPPET officials were concerned since time is running out for the talks as the precious CBA ends end of June 2021.

“We are seriously concerned by this delay by SRC since expiry of the current CBA on June 30 is fast approaching,” said Akello Misori, Kuppet secretary general.

Read also:

TSC Plans To Review its 2021-2025 CBA Counter Proposal

KUPPET Adjusts its 2021-2025 CBA Basic Salary Proposal

Win for Classroom Teachers as TSC Confirms Plans to develop new job descriptions

Conclusions Of KUPPET-TSC Sawela Hotel Retreat

SRC Releases Draft Allowances Policy: Civil Servants Favoured

SRC Job Group Evaluation Favours Classroom Teachers

Salary and allowances for newly employed TSC teachers

TSC Promotion Interviews 2021 Results

The statement came after a four-day meeting with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) management and technical team in Naivasha.

Mr Misori said the union and TSC have so far played their role in the talks and blamed the delayed process on SRC.

“What remains is for the SRC to give its advisory to TSC to enable the employer table a counter offer to the union,” said Misori.

Kuppet has already pitched a salary increment of between 30 and 70 per cent for the new CBA. This meant that the lowest paid teachers would get the higher percentage with highest paid teachers getting the lower percentage.

The Kuppet proposal would see the lowest-paid teachers’ salaries rise from Sh21,756 to Sh36,985 while those in higher cadres under Job Group D4 who currently earn Sh118,242 would take home Sh153,714.

TSC sent its proposed salary offer of between 16 to 32 per cent to the SRC on September 29, last year., and all that KUPPET wants now is SRC to table its counter offer before KUPPET-SRC talks begin.

Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) which had proposed a salary increment of between 120 and 200 per cent was not party to the Naivasha meeting.

The statement by Kuppet on delay on tabling a counter offer by SRC dashed hopes of thousands of teachers who hoped that the meeting would yield some hope for the talks.

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KUPPET Adjusts its 2021-2025 CBA Basic Salary Proposal   https://elimupedia.com/kuppet-adjusts-its-2021-2025-cba-basic-salary-proposal.html Sat, 20 Mar 2021 03:13:36 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2665 KUPPET Adjusts its 2021-2025 CBA Basic Salary Proposal  

Reliable Sources have hinted that KUPPET has adjusted its CBA 2021-2025 salary proposal to between 45 to 60 per cent, after lobbying, from the initial 30 %-70%. These new details emerged after the KUPPET-TSC Naivasha retreat.

KUPPET had already pitched a salary increment of between 30 and 70 per cent for the new CBA. This meant that the lowest paid teachers would get the higher percentage with highest paid teachers getting the lower percentage.

The KUPPET’s initial proposal would see the lowest-paid teachers’ salaries rise from Sh21,756 to Sh36,985 while those in higher cadres under Job Group D4 who currently earn Sh118,242 would take home Sh153,714. The new adjustments, if implemented, will enhace an even better package to the lowest earning teachers.

Read also:

TSC Plans To Review its 2021-2025 CBA Counter Proposal

KUPPET Demands a 2021-2025 CBA Counter Offer From SRC

Win for Classroom Teachers as TSC Confirms Plans to develop new job descriptions

Conclusions Of KUPPET-TSC Sawela Hotel Retreat

SRC Releases Draft Allowances Policy: Civil Servants Favoured

SRC Job Group Evaluation Favours Classroom Teachers

Salary and allowances for newly employed TSC teachers

TSC Promotion Interviews 2021 Results

KUPPET was reacting to the SRC job evaluatuin report, which recognised the huge work loads teachers have and the additional responsibilities that will come in the wake of the CBC curriculum.

TSC sent its proposed salary offer of between 16 to 32 per cent to the SRC on September 29, last year.

In the letter to SRC, TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia, recommended that teachers below Grade CA to D5 get a 16 per cent salary increment while teachers in Grade B5 to C3 would get a 32 per cent raise.

“This is therefore to submit to your office the TSC recommendations for your advisory on the remuneration of teachers for the next CBA as required by the Constitution and the law to enable us commence and conclude the 2021-2025 CBA with recognized teacher unions on time,” Dr Macharia said.


KUPPET Opposes Proposed Amendment To Strip Heads Supervisory powers https://elimupedia.com/kuppet-opposes-proposed-amendment-to-strip-heads-supervisory-powers.html Fri, 05 Feb 2021 02:19:35 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2414 KUPPET Opposes Proposed Amendment To Strip Heads Supervisory powers

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers, Kuppet, has strongly opposed the ministry of educations plan to hire professional managers to manage public schools in kenya.

KUPPET secretary general Akelo Misori, has insisted that school heads should continue to run their institutions under the current employment and reporting frameworks.

Misori proposes to the government to instead hire professionals like accountants, psychologists and sports coaches, to assist heads in duties that strictly require professionalism in a school set up.

“To help schools run better, the government should establish a policy for them to hire specialised professionals such as accountants, psychologists and sports coaches,” said Secretary-General Akello Misori.

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School Heads to lose Supervisory Roles As Ministry Proposes to hire school managers

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He said parallel employment of school managers would take the country back to the days when TSC was constitutionally mandated to manage the teaching force. According to Misori, those days were marred with chaos and disorder in public schools.

“During that period, chaos reigned in schools, affecting the provision of education services,” said Misori.

The Ministry of Education proposed major changes to the law that exposed its intentions to see it take away the role of managing public schools from head teachers.

According to the ministry’s proposal, the Basic Education Act should be amended to redefine a ‘manager’. This may effectively see it hire a new set of persons to manage schools.

Should the proposed managers take over supervision of schools, there may arise a fresh storm between the ministry and the Teachers Service Commission.

According to the proposed definition, a manager will mean ‘a person who has been appointed by the Cabinet secretary to oversee management of education resources and implementation of policies and guidelines in basic education institutions.’

Under the Act, a manager is presently defined as ‘a person who has been appointed by the Cabinet secretary in consultation with the proprietor through regulations to coordinate and oversee implementation of education policies and guidelines in non-public basic education institutions and performs delegated teacher management functions.’

Stop Hypocrisy And Keep Off Our Issues With TSC, KNUT Snabs KUPPET https://elimupedia.com/stop-hypocrisy-and-keep-off-our-issues-with-tsc-knut-snabs-kuppet.html Wed, 27 Jan 2021 11:51:26 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2376 Stop Hypocrisy And Keep Off Our Issues With TSC, KNUT Snabs KUPPET

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) and the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Teachers (Kuppet), are in a very big disagreement over teachers’ membership, which could intensify their rivalry.

Knut has opened a fight with Kuppet, claiming that it is meddling in its long-standing dispute with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Knut Secretary-General Wilson Sossion has written to Kuppet Secretary-General Akelo Misori,demanding that he keeps off the fight between TSC and Knut.

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Sossion has stated that Kuppet is least qualified to discuss Knut in its forums.

He accused Kuppet of failing to join global labour unions in piling pressure on TSC to stop anti-union activities against Knut.

“We, therefore, do not welcome your mischievous activities around the dispute between Knut and TSC, a dispute that we shall pursue to its logical conclusion using all avenues including courts of law,” said Sossion.

Last week, Kuppet Chairman Omboko Milemba termed the dispute between Knut and TSC as unhealthy and offered to support Sossion in negotiating with TSC.

“I am urging my brother Sossion to sit down with TSC. I am willing to lend a hand,” said Milemba while speaking in Siaya County where he was overseeing Kuppet branch elections.

Milemba also called on Knut to withdraw pending court cases against the TSC as a sign of goodwill.

However, Sossion stated in the letter that for Kuppet to purport to instruct Knut to withdraw legal cases and purport to volunteer to intervene ”is nothing but hypocrisy”.

According to Sossion, in September 2019, Kuppet accepted the removal of Knut’s 43,000 members in post-primary institutions from the union. The now non-union teachers would be subjected to agency fees.

He said millions of shillings are being wired monthly to Kuppet as agency fees.

“Our reliable investigations show that the money is shared as pocket money between top officials of Kuppet and TSC,” alleged Sossion.

Sossion challenged Kuppet to return to the Knut national treasurer more than Sh30 million paid to the union every month by TSC as agency fee.

“You have totally been compromised by the agency fee which is a favour that has been granted to you via TSC influence,” said Mr Sossion.

Sossion also accused Kuppet of siding with TSC and asking to be enjoined in matters that are in court between Knut and the teachers’ employer.

“This action is not only anti-union but immoral and does not promote solidarity at all in the labour movement,” said Mr Sossion

He also accused Kuppet of siding with TSC on promotion of teachers in line with career progression guidelines which, he said, abolished recognition of new academic qualifications.

So far, Kuppet has denied recruiting Knut members, saying that the union’s mandate is to represent post-primary teachers.

Kuppet has been calling for demarcation of teachers’ representation to have Knut represent primary school teachers only, which Knut is opposed to.

Milemba To Mediate Between KNUT and TSC To Solve Stalemate https://elimupedia.com/milemba-to-mediate-between-knut-and-tsc-to-solve-stalemate.html Mon, 25 Jan 2021 03:05:14 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2362 Milemba To Mediate Between KNUT and TSC To Solve Stalemate

The Kenya union of post primary education teachers, KUPPET National chairman Omboko Milemba, has offered to mediate in the stalemate involving the Kenya national union of teachers and the teachers’ service commission.

Milemba asked KNUT secretary general Wilson Sossion to sit down with TSC and agree to withdraw all the court cases that have led to differences between them.

The unionist said that he was very ready to mediate between KNUT and TSC, to ensure they come to an agreement so that teachers who were removed from KNUT can return to make the union stronger.

The legislator made it clear that KUPPET does not have any member from KNUT and that the members of the latter are not welcomed in KUPPET

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“We will withdraw our members from these areas,” KUPPET threatens Government

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“We do not want KNUT to die and we don’t want a weaker union either. We do not have any members of KNUT in our union as it is being said by people and we are not welcoming any.” Milemba said.

KNUT had a membership of 280,000 before TSC decided to activate an online resignation platform for Knut members. Currently, out of the 350,000 teachers employed by TSC, 110,000 are KUPPET members, 13,000 are KNUT Members while the rest are unionless.

Misfortunes hit the former giant union after ODM party nominated Knut secretary general Wilson Sossion to Parliament in 2017 to represent the interests of workers. This did not go down well with the Jubilee government and teachers’ employer, TSC.

At one point, Sossion was stripped of his registration as a teacher by TSC before going to the High Court seeking reinstatement.

This is What Caused Chaos That Led To cancellation Of  Homa Bay Kuppet elections https://elimupedia.com/this-is-what-caused-chaos-that-led-to-cancellation-of-homa-bay-kuppet-elections.html Sun, 24 Jan 2021 18:19:42 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2355 This is What Caused Chaos That Led To cancellation Of  Homa Bay Kuppet elections

KUPPET Homa Bay branch elections have been canceled after teachers became chaotic.

The elections, which were scheduled to start early Sunday morning at GEB Girls secondary school in Kosele town delayed up to about 11:30 am due to complaints by a section of teachers who were supporting particular candidates.

The teachers complained of alleged plans to steal elections in favor of a particular team of candidates, mostly of whom, were the incumbents.

According to the teachers, the irregularities were going to work against their preferred candidates.

Compensate Teachers When Assaulted By Learners: KUPPET Demands

KNUT 2021 Branch Election Results Per Sub-County

We Do Not Accept Primary School Teachers: KUPPET Tells KNUT Quitters, Saves KNUT

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The tension heightened at about 1 pm, when a group of teachers arrived at the polling station, chanting anti-election songs and shouting that they could not allow the election to proceed.

They alleged that rigging had already occurred in the election thus it could lead to the disadvantage of their preferred candidates.

Further allegations had it that some candidates were stuffing unauthorized ballot papers into the ballot boxes. Efforts by the election officials to calm them down proved futile.

They went straight into the polling station and got hold of the ballot boxes and discarded ballot papers that had been cast. Teachers who noticed them were infuriated and became unruly.

The result was a fistfight, with each side supporting their candidate. Police had to intervene to disperse the teachers.

Kuppet national organizing secretary Paul Maingi who was overseeing the exercise said they decided to cancel the election after the teachers became unruly.

The election was postponed to an unknown date.

“There were cases of irregularities and the teachers were so unruly that we could not control them,” Maingi said.

He said they are going to deliberate on the matter with the Kuppet national office on when to hold another election.

“We expect to call contestants to the head office so that we schedule a date for another election,” Maingi said.

The Kuppet election has attracted two line-ups of teachers eyeing various elective positions.

They are Team Focus headed by the incumbent executive secretary Stephen Yogo who is defending his seat and team petition for change led by Samuel Owee who is eyeing the executive secretary position.

List of  All TSC Officials that KNUT Wants Jailed Over the latest Promotion adverts https://elimupedia.com/list-of-all-tsc-officials-that-knut-wants-jailed-over-the-latest-promotion-adverts.html Sun, 24 Jan 2021 03:10:16 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2327 List of  All TSC Officials that KNUT Wants Jailed Over the latest Promotion adverts

The Kenya national union of teachers, KNUT, has moved to court seeking to have high ranking Teachers TSC officials jailed for disobeying court orders. In a fresh move likely to refresh the legal battles between KNUT and TSC, KNUT specifies the jail term of not less than six months for the officials, as per its application in the Employment and Labour Relations Court.

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Relief To KNUT As An MP Launches A Plan To Save It From The Deadly Jaws Of TSC

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TSC Hints Plans To Save Teachers Money And Time

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Revealed: TSC’s Plans With The Withheld KNUT’s Union Dues And Agency Fees

KINUT accuses the officials for snubbing orders barring them from implementing a circular on transfers, appraisals, promotions, training and union membership. It also states that TSC defied orders that required it to shelve career progression guidelines (CPGs) issued in 2018, and that it has ignored reminders that the orders have not been set aside.

“Despite being aware of a pending application for contempt, the first contemnor has continued to place advertisements and issued circulars for implementation, including applications from suitably qualified candidates through career progression guidelines to fill the vacancies created,” says Knut’s lawyer Hillary Sigei.

If court grants KNUT the orders, all promotions of teachers undertaken under the contested CPGs could be affected. It also means that about 14,000 recently advertised promotions would be stopped as TSC said they were purely based on CPGs.

All Knut members who were disadvantaged by the implementation of the CPGs, which included benefits to the Sh54 billion collective bargaining agreement, will be considered.

According to KNUT Secretary-General William Sossion, Justice Ongaya quashed the promotions circular, which had limited career progression to those with teacher training certificates. He insists that TSC has been engaging in illegality by breaching various sections of CBAs, the Code of Regulations for Teachers, and clauses of international labour laws.

TSC was ordered to follow the scheme of service on promotions and align it with the CBA signed with the unions.

The officials that KNUT wants jailed are:

  1. TSC CEO Nancy Macharia
  2. Former TSC chairperson Lydia Nzomo
  3. Acting TSC chairperson Mbarak Twahir
Compensate Teachers When Assaulted By Learners: KUPPET Demands https://elimupedia.com/compensate-teachers-when-assaulted-by-learners-kuppet-demands.html Mon, 18 Jan 2021 03:09:20 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2306 Compensate Teachers When Assaulted By Learners: KUPPET Demands

Kenya National Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), demands that her its members be compensated whenever they are assaulted by unruly students.

KUPPET has noted that the cases of teachers who suffer injuries while on duty there are on the rise. KUUPPET now wants Teachers Service Commission (TSC), to take care of the welfare of teachers in the workplace, including against aggression by learners.

KUPPET’S sentiments come in the wake of continuous brutal attacks on teachers by students in different parts of the country. KUPPET has insisted that the only way safeguard teachers is to take these attacks seriously.

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Speaking in Kapsabet town, minutes after the Nandi County branch elections, KUPPET national chairman Omboko Milemba urged the government to curb the increasing hostility in schools that has seen learners attack teachers.

“As a union leadership, we condemn the unbecoming culture that tends to scuttle the education in the country. Going by recent reports that have hit headlines on students attacking their teachers and leaving them with serious injuries, the government should compensate and offer protections against insecurity eventualities while working within the school compound,” stated Milemba. He urged TSC to offer security to teachers in some regions that are insecure.

At the same time the Kuppet chairman criticised the Education Ministry’s recommendation that students learn under trees to ensure social distancing, terming it ‘ill advised.’ He said this has exposed the government’s failure to provide conducive environment for learning.
