DELOCALIZATION – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 22 Nov 2022 15:12:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Usawa: Teachers Should Be Posted to Neighbouring Wards Tue, 22 Nov 2022 15:12:46 +0000 Usawa: Teachers Should Be Posted to Neighbouring Wards

Usawa Agenda has welcomed the move to reverse the government’s teacher delocalisation and transfer policy as recently approved by Parliament.

In its recommendation to the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms, Usawa Agenda is however opposed to the idea of transferring teachers to their wards.

The group said posting a teacher to their ward disheartens parents as most of them work for the teachers as farmhands to earn a living.

“The closest a teacher should be posted is in a neighbouring ward save for specific areas that may have transport-related challenges due to their vastness or security situation,” it says in its report.

On November 3, MPs unanimously approved a motion by Lurambi MP Titus Khamala to successfully reverse the policy which has been a subject of debate among the various education stakeholders.

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TSC Sets Dates For Responding to Teachers’ Transfer Requests

KNUT, KUPPET Demand Increased Funding For CBC

Hundreds of teachers have already applied to be transferred close to their homes.

The non-profit organization also called for an amendment of the TSC Act to make it mandatory to ensure a fair distribution of teachers across the country and different categories of schools.

The current teacher deployment framework, it states, has greatly disadvantaged hardship areas of the country, most of which continue to suffer perennial teacher shortages.

“As it is now TSC is not mandated to ensure equity in teacher distribution. Once it deploys a headteacher to a new school, it has fulfilled its mandate, deployment of additional teachers then depends on “availability,” the 13-page report says.

On capitation, the lobby wants the state to review the model noting as it is established learning institutions are being favoured to the detriment of small schools.

The group’s executive director Emmanuel Manyasa said the capitation model will provide for a fixed component to enable small schools to invest in their capacity development.

Manyasa said the capitation to be provided to low-cost private schools is a priority because they play a major complementary role to the government in the provision of basic education.

“It is simple to implement, but inequitable and inadequate in addressing the funding needs of the school system,” he said.

“The funding should be targeted to those in need and provide differential amounts per learner based on their needs.”

TSC Sets Dates For Responding to Teachers’ Transfer Requests Sun, 20 Nov 2022 04:01:04 +0000 TSC Sets Dates For Responding to Teachers’ Transfer Requests

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has set the dates for responding to teachers transfer requests.

TSC  has also set the timelines for approval of transfer requests for teachers within their Sub Counties.

According to TSC, Sub County Directors should sit and start to act on transfers requested by teachers in their areas of jurisdiction from 22nd November.

Sub County Director, Human Resource Officer, together with Curriculum Support Officers in each zone in the Sub County will be part of a committee in charge of approving teachers online transfer requests.

The transfers will be approved on priority basis. Teachers who are school administrators will also be considered.

However, the team will only deal with transfer requests that have been acknowledged.

Details show that some school heads and their deputies are nearing retirement and there is need to balance out staff.

Some schools are also lacking school heads and deputies. Some have deputies who are only acting as school heads but lack the requirements for confirmation.

Many school heads and deputies have applied to be transferred to new. Schools early next year.

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Transfer letters will be issued in January ahead of school reopening to successful teachers by the Sub County Directors.

Following a motion that quashed TSC recruitment and deployment policy. A teacher can only be

Some teachers were delocalized in 2016 others in 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021 and 2022.TSC will

consider the time the teacher was first posted.


Pending: This is displayed once the teacher’s application is successfully delivered awaiting remarks from respective supervisors.

Acknowledged: This is displayed if the teacher is eligible for transfer and awaiting the availability of vacancy and or the teacher’s suitable replacement.

Not Approved: This is same as when the teacher’s request is regretted. This is applicable if the teacher has not met conditions set as per the transfer policy for example having not served in the current station for a period of not less than five years since first appointment, lack of suitable replacement or vacancy.

Approved: This is displayed after the transfer committee approves the teachers transfer request.

The teachers transfer letter is then issued through the principal in the case of post primary institutions and through the County Director in the case of primary school.

Withdrawn: it simply means it was not successful or was successful and a new one can now be placed.

Fate of +1000 Teachers Who Have Applied for Transfers Thu, 17 Nov 2022 04:05:45 +0000 Fate of +1000 Teachers Who Have Applied for Transfers

More than 540 KNUT members and 600 KUPPET members have already asked to be moved back to their home areas, following a directive by the unions that teachers who are dissatisfied with their stations, especially after delocalization should apply for transfer.

On Tuesday, KNUT confirmed that 547 teachers have applied to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to be transferred back to their preferred areas.

KNUT had earlier confirmed that it had reached an agreement with TSC to reverse delocalisation, and that it had directed the 110 branch secretaries to make available a list of teachers willing to be moved.

However, the fate of Primary and secondary School heads and deputies who were victims of the delocalization policy and have applied for the transfers still hangs on a balance. It has been confirmed that they will have to wait longer for the Teachers Service Commission to approve their transfers.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers has confirmed that TSC will have to find vacancies before approving their transfers. This implies that they will only be transferred subject to availability of vacancies.

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List Of Headteachers & Principals Set to Retire Next Month Per County

List of KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing Per County

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List of KNUT Executive Secretaries Per Branch and Their Contacts

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According to Knut secretary general Collins Oyuu, consultations made with TSC will bring an end to the ‘unfair’ delocalisation.

The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) said their branches were still compiling the list.

Despite the low numbers, Knut Secretary-General Collins Oyuu said more will be coming forward.

‘‘Several of our members, not many, have already submitted their applications for consideration to have themselves assisted. We still have a data of others who availed the required information and are yet to be re-routed due to logistical issues at personal level,’’ he said.

‘‘We are also cognisant of the fact that several of our other members have submitted applications online. We trust that with close follow-up with TSC, which we shall do, we shall have all of them assisted.’’

Kuppet has given members two months to apply for delocalisation.

The policy mostly affected head teachers and their deputies.

Mr Oyuu said the union expects to have an input in future policies.

‘‘Knut must be given its right place at the table of planning, formation and implementation of policies that affect our members. If we had sat with TSC about delocalisation, it would not have gone to this extent.’’

List of KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing Per County Sun, 13 Nov 2022 08:31:21 +0000 List of KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing Per County

The Kenya National Union of Teachers, KNUT, has released a list of persons to be contacted over matters concerning transfers after delocalization. The union has further directed teachers who were affected by the nationwide delocalization to submit their details to respective contact persons country wide. Compiled below are lists of KNUT Contact persons om matters delocalization in each county and branch, and their contacts. In case you are affected, kindly call or email the contact person in your branch.

  1. BARINGO COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  2. BOMET COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  3. BUNGOMA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  4. BUSIA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  5. ELGEYO MARAKWET COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  6. EMBU COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  7. GARISSA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  8. HOMABAY COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  9. ISIOLO COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  10. KAJIADO COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  11. KAKAMEGA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  12. KERICHO COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  13. KIAMBU COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  14. KILIFI COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  15. KIRINYAGA LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  16. KISII COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  17. KISUMU COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  18. KITUI COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  19. KWALE COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  20. LAIKIPIA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  21. LAMU COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  22. MACHAKOS COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  23. MAKUENI COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  24. MANDERA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  25. MARSABIT COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  26. MERU COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  27. MIGORI COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  28. MOMBASA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  29. MURANG’A COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  30. NAIROBI COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  31. NAKURU COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  32. NANDI COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  33. NAROK COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  34. NYAMIRA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  35. NYANDARUA COUNTY LIST of KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  36. NYERI COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  37. SAMBURU COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  38. SIAYA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  39. TAITA TAVETA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  40. TANA RIVER COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  41. THARAKA NITHI county LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  42. TRANS NZOIA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  43. TURKANA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  44. UASIN GISHU COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  45. VIHIGA COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  46. WAJIR COUNTY LIST OF KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
  47. WEST POKOT COUNTY LIST KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing
TSC Compelled to Review Delocalization Policy Fri, 04 Nov 2022 04:02:19 +0000 TSC Compelled to Review Delocalization Policy

Teachers will work within their homesteads and close to their families without moving further away.

This is after MPs compelled the Teachers Service Commission to review the delocalisation policy.

The motion fronted by Lurambi MP Titus Khamala was passed in Parliament on November 3.

Khamala had written the motion seeking to immediately reverse the ongoing process of delocalizing teachers from their workstations.

“Review the teacher recruitment policy to devolve it to zonal level as the point of recruitment,” he said.

This means if TSC is to transfer a teacher then they should be moved to a different school within the zone they work in.

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“The delocalisation of teachers commenced in 2018 by TSC which immensely disrupted teachers’ lives, lowered teacher morale and caused untold trauma to many teachers countrywide,” Khamala said

The legislator asked TSC to review the policy to be in line with the International Labour Organization and Unesco laws.

Khamala said Unesco teacher deployment practice, treats education as a cultural process conducted within a people’s cultural context at the local level.

According to TSC, the policy was meant to provide tutors with a new working environment and address teacher shortages in certain areas.

President William Ruto promised to being to an end the ‘unfair’ delocalisation of teachers.

While launching the education charter, Ruto said the policy was being used to punish non-compliant teachers.

“We have a teacher who received his transfer letter while in hospital, another one here was moved from Nairobi to Kitale,” he said.

The delocalisation exercise has seen the transfers of thousands of long-serving principals and school heads.

Stakeholders have differed on the matter, some supporting the exercise while others opposing it.

Some of the school administrators moved, so far, were those serving in their home counties.

Delocalized Teachers to Be Transferred Back to Home Counties, Starting with the Aged Mon, 17 Oct 2022 03:10:47 +0000 Delocalized Teachers to Be Transferred Back to Home Counties, Starting with the Aged

It is now clear that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will start effecting transfer requests for teachers aged fifty years and above in a move targeting to end teacher delocalization.

The TSC board will sit and approve the online teacher transfer requests January 2023. Once approved, the transfers will be released immediately.

The Commission is expected to work on the transfer requests once teachers are through with administration and marking of the 2022 KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE.

Sources have however revealed that TSC will give priority to aged teachers, who are nearing their retirement.

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This has even been hinted by the Deputy President, Rigathi Gachangua, who confirmed that the transfers will be in line with the manifesto and Education Charter of Kenya Kwanza.

Speaking during the launch of the induction of the 49-member working party, Gachagua said that the Ruto administration advocates for a strong family unit which will  keep families together rather than break them.

The 49-member team was appointed to submit recommendations to spearhead a review of the education sector.

“We had our plan, our manifesto, our education charter there are several things that we promised teachers. The issue of delocalization that has destroyed families. The Ruto administration is for a strong family unit to keep families together especially more so those teachers who are headed for retirement. We want to assist them to prepare for retirement,” said Gachagua.

The DP revealed that they will meet TSC this week to have a discussion that will see teachers who were delocalized being transferred back to their home counties.

“We will be engaging with TSC next week so that the issue of delocalization is dealt with once and for all and teachers who are taken to places and their families put in awkward situation that matter is addressed so that we build strong family ties for a stronger nation,” said the Gachagua last week.

In July 2021, TSC in a circular outlining the CBA 2021-2025 benefits allowed teachers to transfer to their spouses.

“However,to achieve the family values enshrined in the Constitution, the Commission shall consider transfer requests for married couples to appropriate stations/locations subject to availability of vacancies,the need for suitable replacement, existing staffing norms and proof of marriage among other factors,” read the CBA document.

However TSC had put the condition that the married couples must be both teachers and will only be transferred subject to availability of vacancies.

The issue of teacher delocalization destroying families and endangering teachers lives was also raised two weeks ago when TSC Commissioners embark on a countrywide collection of views from stakeholders in the teaching service in a bid to steer service re-engineering.

Abolish TPD, Delocalization and Maternity CBA; Teachers Tell TSC During Nationwide View Collection Fri, 30 Sep 2022 04:02:32 +0000 Abolish TPD, Delocalization and Maternity CBA; Teachers Tell TSC During Nationwide View Collection

Commissioners from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) have embarked on a countrywide collection of views from stakeholders in the teaching service in a bid to steer service re-engineering.

Among the views that teachers have given so far from the few regions visited revolve around TPD, TPAD, Promotions, delocalization and salary increment.

A section of teachers who gave their views have asked the commission to abolish TPD and recognize masters and phds, rather than subjecting teachers to constant classroom work. They asked TSC to at least pay the required ksh. 6000 and reduce the duration of the program if it has to be there.

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Another section of teachers from rift valley region have strongly opposed the delocalization policy and asked TSC to consider transferring the delocalized teachers back to their home counties or closer to their families. Further, th asked TSC to do away with the maternity CBA and replace it with a monetary one.

The Commissioners will basically collect views on everything about teachers, secretariat staff work environment, workability of policies and what need to be reviewed regarding the service.

In a circular dated June 16th,2022 signed by the Director of Administrative Services Ibrahim Mumin, the Commission had asked all Regional and County Directors to collect information from staff in all sub-counties, key stakeholders and teachers within their jurisdiction on how the Commission can improve its service delivery on its functions and critical business.

The Circular, which was also copied to the Commission Secretary and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)Dr. Nancy Macharia, gave the TSC Regional and County Directors up to June 29th,2022 to complete the exercise.

The identified functions and critical business processes that the Commission identified as critical to its operations and which views are supposed to be collected include; registration, recruitment, transfer and promotion of teachers, adjustment of payroll on promotion, payment of arrears, management of teacher discipline(determination and review),processing of benefits on exit from service, review of teaching standards, enforcement and compliance, customer experience and handling of complaints.

The Commission automated some of its processes including registration, recruitment, promotion and transfer of teachers though according to the Commission in the Circular, some emerging issues in the implementation and the dynamic nature of quality services has necessitated the need for continuous improvement.

Categories of Teachers That TSC Intends To Exempt From Mass Delocalization Fri, 08 Apr 2022 07:59:30 +0000 Categories of Teachers That TSC Intends To Exempt From Mass Delocalization

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is planning to transfer teachers in a bid to achieve staff balancing across the country. The exercise is slated for this month before schools reopen.

The commission has directed regional directors to liaise with county directors to carry out teacher rationalization in their areas of jurisdiction.
“For that reason, you are required to coordinate with the County Directors in your respective Regions and undertake staff/teacher rationalization with a view to ensure an equitable re-distribution across the schools in your Regions,” read a statement from the teachers’ employer.

In undertaking teacher transfer and/or the assignment to address teacher imbalance/s the following factors will be considered (unless upon teacher‘s request):

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The age of the teacher: Teachers aged 56 years and above will be exempted from the transfer out of the area of their current work stations.
Health status: Teachers with proven cases of terminal illness will be exempt from transfers out of the current Sub–County of work. However, the Committee will evaluate each case on its own merit taking into consideration the supporting Medical documents, the availability and accessibility to the appropriate medical facilities amongst other factors in the proposed station.
Teachers with Disabilities; Teachers with disability with the necessary certification will be exempted from transfers outside their current station sub County.
When transferring teachers, priority shall be given to schools within the Sub–County within the targeted shortage before transferring out of the Sub County.
Family considerations: transfer couples who are employees of the Commission and have formally declared their marital status in the same neighbourhood where possible.
Length of stay since first appointment: the teacher must have served in a station for a period of not less than three (3) years and five (5) years for North Eastern and other areas respectively since first appointment; unless otherwise authorized by the Commission Secretary.
Priority will be given to teachers who have applied for transfer and are eligible for transfer. In cases where teachers meet the criteria for transfer, the Commission will consider: .

“First in, first out factor‘.
Gender balance where applicable.
Teacher‘s security where applicable.
HENCEFORTH, teachers transfer will be a continuous exercise to address staffing gaps and to ensure equitable distribution and optimal teacher utilization.
Transfer of teachers will be carried out during the school holidays to ensure stability and the smooth running of the school program/s except for emergencies.

Kenya Kwanza Government Will End TPD, Delocalization, CBC Within 3 Months: Sossion Mon, 28 Mar 2022 07:22:20 +0000 Kenya Kwanza Government Will End TPD, Delocalization, CBC Within 3 Months: Sossion

The former secretary general, Kenya National Union of teachers (Knut), Hon. Wilson Sossion, has said that his Kenya Kwanza government which, will be led by Deputy President William Ruto, will end teacher delocalization within the first three months in the government.

Sossion, who is also a nominated Member of Parliament under the ODM party, says there will be massive changes at the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) should William Ruto win.

“Number one we shall end delocalization completely, walimu wote warudi makwao,”said Sossion on Saturday in Bomet.

Sossion has also said that the government of William Ruto will end the infamous Teacher Professional Development (TPD) and reduce it to capacity building with training fee being paid by government.

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“TPD, we shall reduce it to capacity building ile inalipwa na serikali. You will never pay for it,” said Sossion, who has now decamped to UDA party to vie for Bomet senate seat.

The lawmaker also says the Kenya Kwanza government will ensure promotion of teachers with academic qualifications is respected.

TPD, delocalization and promotion are the most contentious issues among the teachers employed by TSC.

Despite the Commission together with National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) members are defending delocalization, most teachers are opposed to the programme. According to TSC and NCIC delocalization has promoted national cohesion.

Teachers are also opposed to the TPD programme launched last year because it is eating into their pocket and time.

Teachers are required to pay sh.6,000 each year for the training which is projected to last 30 years.

This means that in an entire teaching career, each teacher will be required to take five modules within 30 years, translating to fees of about Sh180,000.

Teachers also want the Commission to promote them after acquiring higher academic papers.

They want TSC to promote teachers with Diploma and Degree certificates as well as those who have stagnated in one job group for long.

Sossion is also opposed to the Competency Based Curriculum(CBC).He has been sighted many times calling it a fraudulent curriculum and that he will stop it anytime he is given a chance.

TSC Gives  Statement Concerning Planned Mass Transfer and delocalization of Heads Wed, 10 Mar 2021 02:58:09 +0000 TSC Gives  Statement Concerning Planned Mass Transfer and delocalization of Heads

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has issued a statement on the allegations that it is planning mass transfers and delocalization of teachers beginning April this year. Dr. Nancy Macharia has rubbished the claims, which had all indicators that mass transfer is looming, including her letter which proposed transfer of heads who have overstayed in one station.

Macharia says the circular dated February 26th, 2021, was only for the purposes of carrying out routine data collection of staffing status in schools.

In her interview with the media, Macharia made it clear that TSC will not transfer heads and other teachers due to the current Covid 19 pandemic situation and coming national examinations.

“The Commission, therefore, wishes to assure teachers that the Commission does not plan to effect any mass transfers as alleged in the newspaper story. Teachers must be left to continue conducting their normal teaching duties and conduct national examinations without any interference.” said Macharia.

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According to Macharia, the Commission will only fill those vacant positions created by natural attrition.

At least school heads and the targeted teachers will have a sigh of relief.

The mass delocalization exercise began in January, 2018 and continued in April, August and December of the same year. From April, 2019 the Commission slowed down the transfers as only a few administrators were moved.

KNUT had earlier in opposed the planned transfers and assured the commission of a grand strike should they go ahead and implement the BBI policy on delocalization.

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